Saturday, June 7, 2008

Disco Iron Man Don't Advertise - Update

A few people seemed disappointed that Disco Iron Man didn't show up in the Moments of the Week this week. Being the lazy person that I am, I was half hoping someone with better photoshop skills than myself would have had at it.

Not to leave anyone disappointed, I've cobbled together a couple shots of Iron Man out on the town, most likely during his drinking years. If you want to take a shot at making a Disco Iron Man shop, just use the image above, cut the white out and shop him into a random disco image and send me a link to it (use Imageshack or Photobucket to host it) and I'll update the post with any new images that come in.

Hit the jump for my halfassed attempts at photoshop glory!

Update - Added an image by Randallw

Here, Disco Tony let's the loser make a fool of himself on the floor. He knows he's got two women grinding up against him and doesn't need to impress anyone. You can see him using his intimidating and sexy Blue Steel look to reel in even more of the ladies.

Some woman won't leave Disco Tony alone, so he had to break out the Ferrari look. All it seems to have done is attract the two ladies grinding up behind him. Extremis Disco Armour MKII seems to be doing its job perfectly.

In a rare photo op with the boys, Disco Iron Man busts out the rare, and not to be confused with Blue Steel, Magnum look.

Disco Stark
Randallw's Disco Stu tribute. Keep 'em coming guys!


I actually had to look pretty hard for the original solicit cover. Seems Invincible Iron Man #2 had a modification to it that I barely noticed when I opened it up the first time. He's got more disco lights in this image, but is busy stealing one of John Travolta's moves this time.

Hope everyone enjoyed Disco Iron Man's drunken antics. If you get a chance, take a stab at making your own!

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Unknown said...

I like the Iron Man and the boys pic the most.

Speaking of photoshop, I wish Young would photoshop a reviews link to the comics page. Am I blind or are there no reviews up to speak of since the website revamp?

SC Spartan said...

I loved each and every one of those pictures. That was an amazing laugh to start my day. I will work on my own, and try and get it to you.

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