Saturday, June 14, 2008

And The Weekly Crisis Atomic Robo Vol 1 TPB Giveaway Contest Winners Are...

So, yeah, I ran a little contest over the past week or two. Was giving away three signed copies of Atomic Robo TPB Volume 1: Atomic Robo & the Fightin' Scientists of Tesladyne and people turned out in droves for it. The final tally for the entries was just shy of 1500, which I consider to be a huge success for my first contest. I want to thank everyone that took the time to enter and wish you luck on the next contest, which should be around August 1st for the one year anniversary.

Before I announce the winners, I want to personally thank Brian Clevinger for his support and putting up with my constant stream of emails over the course of the contest and, especially, for offering to sell me trades directly and shipping them out to the winners for me, saving me time and money on going through Amazon and extra shipping.

And now, in leiu of a commercial break, you'll have to hit the jump for the full list of winners!

Drum roll, please.

The Weekly Crisis Atomic Robo Vol 1 TPB Giveaway Contest Winners are:

Sean Whitmore, Crystal Vickers & Jennifer Rubinovitz!

I want to give my congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to everyone that entered and helped make my first contest a huge success. The winners have already been contacted and I can confirm I have received each of their shipping information.

Winners were selected randomly using an old random number generator I made back in university that chose three numbers at random, corresponding to the order of entry.

About the Multiple Choice Questions

Of note, while I had four multiple choice questions, it was not required to answer them all correctly to win. It was more to make sure people actually read up a little on Atomic Robo, maybe viewed a few of the amazing moments featured in my Moments of the Week, and hopefully inspire people to pick up the first trade and volume two when it comes out later this summer.

The winners had all four questions correct, but it seemed, after going through a subsection of the entries, that people had trouble with the question on giant marauding insects. Seems a lot of people chose the longest and funniest answer in the form of, "Giant insects are impossible. They'd crush themselves.".

While one of Robo's friends did, in fact, say this, I was referring to the quote I had written out and the accompanying moment featured in the Moments of the Week for Atomic Robo #2 that I had linked to.

No one was disqualified for getting it wrong, but I just found it funny how a lot of people picked the longer answer over the buick.


One last time, I just want to thank everyone who helped make this contest a huge success and wish you all luck in future contests and congratulations to the winners!

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