I'm still banging my head against a wall trying to think of something fitting for a new name for these follow up reviews on Thursdays, so you'll have to stick with the Quick Shot title for the time being. I kind of want it to be comic booky sounding, but I'm probably trying too hard and should just go with something simple.
So what did everyone think of the new Anti-Venom revealed over at Newsarama for the upcoming Brand New Day storyline? We call that jumping the shark in the television world. I imagine it'll be Mr Negative gaining the symbiote or a symbiote of his own, but it just sounds and looks ridiculous to me.
Alright, enough of the nonsense, on with the reviews!

Written by Dan Slott & Chris Gage
Art by Steve Uy
Another solid outing from the Initiative crew. I wasn't a fan of Uy back when he did some fill-ins earlier in the run and I'm not a fan now. Other than that, I have no complaints about this issue.
If you're out of the loop, we just finished the KIA storyline where the MVP clone nearly killed everyone, the old New Warriors reformed and all the secrets of Camp Hammond were brought to Tony Stark's attention. This issue sees the aftermath of all that.
Hank Pym turned up alive early on here. I'm not sure if he's a new Skrull and this is where he replaced Pym for Secret Invasion or if multiple Skrulls have filled in for him when he "died" on that plane earlier and during the KIA arc or if it's the same Skrull and it actually survived. Suffice to say, he's alive here.
The previews made it look like everyone was prepping to go to a funeral, but it turned out to be a simple briefing. Rhodey wasn't willing to talk about his cyborg like appearance, so that's still up in the air. We also get to see a hearing with Iron Man present to find out what happened, but Gyrich is Gyrich throughout and nothing really comes of it.
As seen in the previews, Taskmaster and Ant-Man have some inappropriate, although a bit funny, comments for Dragon Lord's family when informing him of his death. I'm not sure I'd send either of those guys along to anything as sensitive as that and I doubt any family would want to see some guy in a skeleton-like mask at their doorstep to tell them their father died, but that's just me. Turns out Trauma survived his ordeal as well and Cloud 9, Komodo and Hardball's reactions were a lot of fun.
Finally, the issue ends with the graduation and if Slott and Gage simply write these characters off to pasture, I'll probably drop this book. I don't think they'll do that though, but as good as this is, I'm not interested in reading about a bunch of new throw away characters, provided that's what happens.
It's kind of sad to see how Cloud 9 has progressed from the free spirited girl that just wanted to fly on her clouds back at the beginning of the series compared to the jaded and cynical soldier she is now, but also a testament to the character progression Slott has set up over the course of the past year. I hope to see some more development with her and maybe some positive super heroics to bring back some of that lost childhood for her.
Verdict - Must Read

Written by Jai Nitz
Art by Mike Norton and Trevor Scott
This was the first issue in the Rogers-less era of Blue Beetle and, while I don't speak Spanish, it was very much the same Blue Beetle book I've always loved.
By this, I mean it's a light hearted affair that's packed full of fun moments with Jaime and his friends and family, which is my favourite part of the series.
Things like Jaime's grandmother knowing his identity after his mother told him and the comical aftermath of Jaime's "You told grandma!" scene where they both smack him are all things I've grown to expect from this book. Another great moment involving his grandmother is when she has him fly her off to see the sunset by her request.
However, the Spanish aspect of this issue did pull me out of it at times. Having the Parasite speaking Spanish for no reason or Jaime doing it when he's off by himself as the Blue Beetle, which he's never done before, made it feel like, at times, it was having them speak Spanish for the sake of speaking Spanish. As others pointed out, there was a translation in the back of the book, but flipping back and forth got a little old after the first couple pages (I did do it for the whole thing though), but it still made it a chore to "read" this issue at times.
Verdict - Check It

Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Aaron Lopresti and Matt Ryan
This was another slow, but enjoyable issue of LoSH. I don't know the intricacies of these characters just yet, but I am getting a real feel for them at this point and I see that as a testament to how well Shooter is doing here.
However, it seems like this story is almost derivative of what Johns just did in Action. I assume both planned months in advance, so both probably came up with it on their own, but with one after the other, it's hard not to draw parallels.
For instance, the Legion are running into all kinds of problems with the governments to the point they are seeing heavy restrictions. This issue sees the introduction of rejected try outs being recruited by the government to supercede the Legion and the Legion having members arrested and facing the possibility of all of them being outlawed.
Again, not identical, but it reminds me of Earth-Man taking over with the rejects, the old Legion getting branded as outlaws and hunted down and so on. For what it's worth, I find the Shooter version a much more satisfying read between the two and I really enjoyed this issue.
Verdict - Check It

Written by Matt Fraction
Art by Patrick Zircher
Alright, this issue was a little different than I expected based on the solicit, but in a good way.
Basically, it's set a long time before Thor ever appeared in the Marvel Universe or Odin tried to humble him by forcing him to live with humanity. In fact, the Thor presented here is arrogant, cocky and far harsher than the Thor we've come to know.
Some examples of this are the ways in which he dispatches the Frost Giants, brutally murdering them with precision hammer strikes and decapitations or is refusal to share his stockpile of apples from the world tree. It all culminates in the final parts of the issue when he refuses to celebrate with the other gods and it appears to be setting things up to explain Odin's reasons for forcing him to live with humanity.
For those wondering what, exactly, this issue is about, it deals primarily with the Enchantress, her role in retreiving the apples from the world tree and how the Frost Giants, for one reason or another, have tried to win her as a bride several times. We learn about the war with the Frost Giants, see a battle that destroys a wall, and even one disguised as an eagle that uses Loki in an attempt to kidnap her. Eventually, the Loki spirits Enchantress away and delivers her to the Giants, which causes a loss of the precious fruit of the gods and the strength and wisdom it conveys. Loki attempts to free her later, but it takes Thor to save them both.
Enchantress comes off as a much more sympathetic character than the one we've seen throughout the years and the way the other gods treated her and used her in bets was especially cruel, despite her devoted nature to her job as the only one that could take from the world tree.
My one complaint is with the narrative. It's very similar to what JMS did in recent Thor issues and the flashbacks with Odin, but those were only a spatter of pages and it worked well there. This is an entire issue of it and it is used far more liberally than in said Thor issues to the point I felt like just skipping the wall of text on some pages. It was well written, but I just found it was over used. This is only a small complaint against an otherwise perfect issue.
Before I finish this review, I have to comment on the art, which I rarely do, as Zircher did an incredible job here. I'd rank this up with Coipel in terms of detail and this book looks simply amazing. I hope he's on board for the two or three other one shots scheduled from Fraction.
Verdict - Must Read
Don't you just love how orginal the new villians for Brand New Day are? She Goblin, Another Connors accident, and now another symbiote type. Say what you will, but at least Hypno Hustler was his own man.
As for Thor, it sounds like the orginal Myths. The gods are Jerks.
I think you should do something like Weekly Crisis Comic Book Reviews for XX/XX/XX Vol. 1, for Wed., and Vol. 2, for Thurs.
I would wait and see with Anti-Venom. Considering that Slott is writing it I have some faith, but not much. I'll probably try it since I love the creative team.
I thought his was a good ending for the first year of A:TI. It was originally a mini series so it makes sense that the original cast leaves. As long as the keep the senior staff around there will be some continuity, plus they could do single issues and annuals devoted to the original cast. My favorite scene was with Gyrich and Ford, it was just hilarious. Also, I believe Pym said he shrunk himself to survive like he did in issue 2.
I don't know who else noticed, but the article at Newsarama stated that, along with Norman and Eddie and Venom, MJ would also return.
Mary Jane! Coupled with my love for John Romita Jr., I might have faith in the title again.
@negadarkwing - ahaha, ya, it's pretty strange there's so many "new" villains for BND. I think Mr Negative is the only interesting one of the bunch, but there's stilla couple more to be shown.
@eric - I actually used to label the reviews as Volumes, but changed it as it's hard to tell which volume belongs to which date and it was just getting unwieldly. With the date included, the title and volume and the long name already makes it practically a sentence, ahah. Something to think about though.
About Pym, it says "he shrunk", but it's the first he's ever done something like that (well, second counting this issue) and he was just revealed as a Skrull. Combined with his thumbs up to cloning MVP and going along with all Gyrich's stuff, I assumed he might be a Skrull. If so, the Skrull could have literally died twice and been just swapped in with a new Skrull agent and none the wiser. It says he was missing for a few hours due to the strain or some nonsense. It'll all come down to when this takes place and when Pym was replaced. Just clarifying that I knew what Pym said, but I just don't believe he's telling the truth.
@kevin t. - It was on the cover image for the preview in the article, so I didn't bring it up, but now I wonder if they'll discuss the fight or whatever caused the schism between Peter and MJ or if she'll be revealed as Jackpot.
In Re: Blue Beetle...Since Parasite can absorb the memories and skills of whoever he touches, it makes sense he can touch someone who speaks Spanish and be able to do likewise....
just saw iron man at 11 last night. pretty damn good.
About the new Anti-Venom, I don't mind as long as Mac Gargan is still Venom and remains with the Thunderbolts. I hope this "anti-Venom" is Eddie Brock, just to please all his fans, but they need to give him a better name. Anti-Venom? Really? I would label him "Sin-eater" or something like that, if he is Brock indeed.
Tiago José "Deicide" Galvão Moreira
sorry about your habs there kirk. but you have to root for the flyers next round against sid the skidmark right???
Iron Man is great. Where the hell r the MOTW? Stop being so lazu Kirk =).
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