As I said in yesterday's
Final Crisis Comic Book Reviews (which I updated last night with a couple more reviews if you missed it),
Astonishing X-Men read, to me, like a subpar story linked together and made readable by numerous, comical or downright awesome, moments and you'll see a lot of those in this week's
Comic Book Moments of the Week.
Before getting into the moments, I just want to remind everyone that I'm kicking off something special tomorrow that I'm sure everyone will want to check out, especially considering it involves you acquiring
free stuff. *hinthint* It's not a one day only thing, but I doubt you'll want to miss it, so bookmark the site, sign up for the
RSS feed, write a reminder down or whatever you need to remember to be back here tomorrow!
Now, hit the jump for all the momenty, mint flavoured,
Moments of the Week!
"Alfred R.I.P."
It's looking pretty grim for Alfred in this cliffhanger. I imagine he'll survive this somehow, either with him simply taken captive or Nightwing coming in to save the day or mabye even having Alfred revert to his Outsider pesona and actually being the one responsible for all this nonsense.
MARVEL 1985 #1
"Hulk v.1.0."
This was the original photo-realism style they were going to use. I talk more of it in the next moment, but I'm kind of disappointed they didn't try to make this style work. The final version looked great, though, so can't complain too much.
"Hulk v.2.0"
And here's the current Hulk, as drawn by Edwards. While the art is clearly better in the final product, I'm still a bit sad that they opted not to go with the photo-realism. I think it would have really made the project stand out in a unique and original way and probably added to its appeal in the long run. Maybe we'll see it used in a future project when it becomes less cost-prohibitive.
"Waaaaaait a second."
I love
Spider-Man's expression after stopping the bullet with webbing and how it changes when he realizes something is up.
"At least, I think that's why he's hitting him."This is just a funny comment from Storm that I thought was worth sharing.
"Told you it was personal."
Bow-chikka-wow-wow. I think Agent Brand might like Beast. We'll need confirmation though. Check the next moment for more.
"Pretty much break you like a pony. It's a win-win."
Beast actually takes Agent Brand up on her offer, in case anyone was wondering. Who wouldn't take that job after a proposal like that from a green haired, ass kicking, super spy with a super model's body?
"I will rule it."
Give the former Powerlord credit, he doesn't even flinch as he bows down to Colossus, despite having his arm ripped clean off.
"Why did they aim the bullet at downtown New York?"
When Kitty phases through things, doesn't she sort out anything electronic? I imagine there's going to be a lot of money required to fix all the crap she phased through, even if there was no structural damage.
Also, why didn't this thing hit water or empty landmass? Downtown New York? Seriously? They put Bullseye to shame.
"Greatest. Green Lantern. EVAR."
Here's some pretty eye candy from this week's Green Lantern. You aren't missing anything if you know his origin already, but at least it looks good.
"I know my name."
This was the only good part of New Avengers #41 - the banter between Spider-Man and Shanna over whether that was her real name or not. You just got what I paid $3 for for free. Aren't I kind to you? =p
"Granny is love."
For those interested, here's a scan of the new Granny Goodness from Teen Titans. I've been told she's also appeared in Birds of Prey last week and was killed or some such, but I didn't read that particular issue, so can't comment on it. It's odd because I thought she was supposed to have a clown's mask and look similar to her old self in the Final Crisis Sketchbook scan I saw of her. Considering they had the correct Dark Side image in this issue, I'd have to assume this is the real Granny Goodness model. Maybe she can change shape.
"Or his volume."
Considering this series is called Thor, I've actually enjoyed the issues where he's barely been in them when JMS has focused on other characters, like this humourous scene with Volstagg and Heimdall.
"We can hear the rumbling of a Frost Giant fart on the other side of a mountain."
There's some information I didn't need to hear from Volstagg.
"William + Kelda = OTP"
I think this was my favourite moment this week. I was hoping JMS would follow up on Will and Kelda since they first met a few issues ago.
"Evil basketball points killed my brother. True story."
William should hook these guys up with some basic cable. It should help get them acclimated with humans again.
"Loki, you bitch."
This is how I like seeing Loki written. She took a bit too pro-active approach with the Frost Giant attack earlier in the issue, but, as long as she can remain the devil whispering in your ear, I'll be more than happy. I just hope JMS doesn't rush the plot and have Loki kicked out on her ass by Thor too quickly. I'd love to see the confusion and distrust she could sow with the other gods over the next year or so worth of stories.
"Who can you trust?"
Little Easter egg in this month's Ultimate Spider-Man in the form of Echo "echo"-ing the Secret Invasion tagline. Bendis has done this before with Speedball and Scarlet Witch, but it's still a nice little touch.
"What a joke."
This was a great line to end on. I know Spider-Man isn't treating Shocker like a joke anymore and the line capped off another great issue from Ultimate Spider-Man.
"I want a hippie name." =(
Poor, Angel. Oh wait, let me refer to him by his hippie name. I meant poor, Angel. He didn't even get a new hippie name.
"Mmmm, taste like chicken."
The first of two splashpages from X-Force this month. I love the "Big Bad Wolf meets chicken coupe" look of Rahne in this image. Great stuff.
"Feeling blue, Warren?"
I don't know about you, but I think that is one badass looking Archangel. I wonder if it's permanent or if he will revert back to his angel form when / if they get his wings back? It seems like the other writers are using him in Uncanny and maybe Ellis' Astonishing, so I expect he'll be back to normal by the end of this arc.
You forgot the jump.
Thanks for catching that. I misspelt the tag that cuts off the post for the jump.
The form Granny took in TT is her avatar form. Its the exact same as in Seven Soldiers. I assume her god form will be later when the Evil Gods reveal themselves.
you should check out angel:revelations. the format and artwork are incredible even if the dialogue is mediocre. loved the stigmata beginning and the brutal path that led to. i recommend.
where did u get the photorealistic pic of marvel 1985?
@humie - Hmm, I heard about it, but the premise didn't really impress me that much. I'll check it out if there's a copy at my shop next time I'm in. Didn't see any scans of it at the usual spots I grab the moment either.
@sam - It was released with 3 or 4 other shots (mostly kids reading comics, guy walking through the woods, hulk is only marvel character they had images of) back when the project was first announced. I save random images that I like all the time and I'm not sure where that is from.
I searched Newsarama and CBR and tried finding it on Google, but couldn't find any reference to the old photos (just reviews and newer interviews came up).
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