Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Titans #1 Review

Written by Judd Winick
Art by Ian Churchill

I picked this up after a couple people asked me about it and, while I didn't hate it, the book didn't do much for me either. I was never a fan of the original Titans. Sure, I like Wally and Dick, but as a team, they don't do it for me and they always seemed to be fighting either Deathstroke or Trigon. Guess what this issue is about?

Ya, Trigon is back and trying to kill Titans. He was the one behind the Power Boy killing and putting the beat down on a bunch of other random Titans, like Cyborg or Hawk and Dove, back in the Titans East special.

This issue, he goes out of his way to attack the rest of the former Titans, including the current Teen Titans and the original team members, Starfire, Nightwing, etc. Don't ask why he tries to kill them when he didn't bother to kill anyone but Power Boy in the first attack on the East squad.

That's the issue. He attacks each member one by one and then, after they all survive, they meet up and the issue ends. Sure, we had a ridiculous monologue on how liberating being naked is from Starfire and some cheesecake from the Flash for the ladies out there, but not much else happened. I was confused with a few things though.

1) Dick is fighting what appear to be human or humanoid beings and he just tosses a sword through one of their heads. It was a bit too casual for me considering it's by Nightwing, but I don't know if it's a big deal or not.

2) Dick finishes talking to Batman and heads to meet up with his former teammates. He was just blown up and fought some demons. He gets to the rest of the team and he still has a bunch of glass shards in his back. Uh, no first aid kit in the Batmobile or what?

3) Donna and Kyle are in space. They get attacked by demon thing. I guess Countdown is over? On top of that, Donna's the only one that went back to join the Titans. After all this time together, Kyle didn't bother to come help or at least find out why they nearly died?

Despite some minor flaws or nitpicking, it's an average read. I don't have much affinity for any of the characters in a team setting and don't intend on sticking around for the remainder of this Trigon story, but that's more a personal preference and not a direct indicator of the quality of the book.

Verdict - Check It

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