Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Green Lantern Corps #23 Review

Written by Peter J. Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason and Prentis Rollins

I've been reading Green Lantern for a while now, dating back to off and on stints around when Hal went crazy. Oh wait, I mean was possessed by a giant fear bug. What I'm trying to say is, I don't recall ever seeing the rings pull someone, whether they want to or not, back to Oa. Am I just forgetting this ability or is this new? Seems odd it would endanger innocents or prevent the robot GL from reforming his body, which seems like it would be a useful thing to have. However, it was funny seeing Guy getting dragged off by the ring while he was sleeping.

It's definitely good to be back to Tomasi's story. Mongul is busy cultivating those weird "dreamworld" inducing plants of his and has also been busy hunting down and recruiting, or killing, Sinestro Corps members, depending on whether they accept or decline his "offer".

The Guardians have noticed the disappearance of these rings and send the GL's they dragged back to Oa (why not just message them through the ring?) to investigate. This happens to be in the off limits to Green Lanterns Vega system and, as expected, leads to some complications. Ion, fresh off some sun bathing, gets taken out by one of the dream plants of Mongul along with Arisia and taken captive. Kind of sad seeing Ion taken out so quick. Seems to be suffering Sentry-itis where he's too powerful for a story so he gets taken out conveniently at the start.

Still, solid returning issue, but a little light weight, with it mostly being set up for upcoming issues. Definitely worth a read, though.

Verdict - Check It

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