Story by Paul Dini
Story consulting by Keith Giffen
Script by Paul Dini
Art by Scott Kolins
The Great Disaster has occurred, and all hell breaks loose as all the storylines in COUNTDOWN TO FINAL CRISIS come to a climax, threatening Darkseid and Jimmy Olsen and Mary Marvel and the future of their Earth!
Kirk Says: All I can say is, thank god. Still wondering why Kyle had to be a part of Countdown so bad. He didn't do anything, nothing happened to him and he wasn't integral to any plot or storyline. Yet, they had to spoil the Sinestro Corps War and bring him in here to, I don't know, boost sales or something. Donna Troy remains a joke of a character. Atom is basically responisble for wiping out Earth-51. Twice. Makes his whining over his wife's insanity a little sad in comparison. Jimmy knows who Superman is, but nothing's been done with that. Harley and Holly have been turned into complete jokes. I think Harley should survive and most will forget her role in this, but Holly, with Catwoman cancelled, will forever remain a joke. We won't talk about Mary Marvel.
Basically, all Countdown accomplished was taking a handful of decent characters and running them through a meat grinder with no chance of redemption for some. Glad it took 51 issues for this.

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Alex Maleev
The Eisner-award-winning team of Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev (NEW AVENGERS ILLUMINATI, HALO: UPRISING) reunite to answer the question that has been on every comic fan's mind for years...WHERE THE HELL HAS NICK FURY BEEN?? Rewinding the clock to Fury's time in SECRET WAR, follow Fury as he puts together the pieces of his life and starts finding clues to a Secret Invasion that makes him TARGET NUMBER ONE. A major Skrull reveal happens in these pages!
Kirk Says: These Skrull covers are really grinding on me. One was cool. The second was alright. By the 30th cover like this, I'm sick and tired of them already.
As for this issue, this should answer a lot of lingering questions since Secret War and where Nick's been. Probably shacking up with the earthquake causing girl, but that's just how Nick rolls. As for the major Skrull reveal, I guess someone from SHIELD since this is a Nick Fury related story. Maybe the president or some other high ranking official that sparked his decision to go underground. Doubt it's Maria Hill, as it's too obvious and she didn't even want the job and couldn't figure out why she was picked. Whoever appointed her might be the Skrull though.

Written by Brian Reed
Art by Adriana Melo
Out–gunned and on the run! With S.H.I.E.L.D. convinced she’s a Skrull impostor, Ms. Marvel must fight for her identity and her life against her very own Lightning Strike Force! But when the Strike Force has a Ms. Marvel of their own, even Carol can’t be sure she’s Carol anymore! SECRET INVASION: The Infiltration continues here from Brian Reed (Captain Marvel) and Adriana Melo (Witchblade).
Kirk Says: It's a slow week and there's still the whole Machine Man aspect of this book to look forward to. Otherwise, I'd probably not have even bothered picking this up as I don't particularly care for this Skrull story that started last issue.

Written by J. Michael Stracyzynski
Art by Marko Djurdjevic
The God of Thunder keeps sizzling off the stands! Part two of a two-part arc by writer J. Michael Straczynski (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) with sumptuous art by DAREDEVIL cover artist Marko Djurdjevic sees the mighty Thor ruling over a newly glorious Asgard and all its people! But what danger has risen on the horizon of its American heartland surroundings? And how will Thor equip himself to face it??
Kirk Says: After a slow and soapbox-like start by JMS, Thor has quickly become one of my favourite books. I hope they stick with this rotating team of high quality artists to help minimize the delays, as that's the only problem this book faces right now.

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Stuart Immonen
The return of Omega Red! The deadly assassin is out for blood—J. Jonah Jameson’s blood to be exact! Why does he want to slice the Daily Bugle’s publisher to ribbons? And what can Spider-Man do about it? Find out in another action-packed issue of the series IGN.com calls “a wonderfully enjoyable read.”
Kirk Says: Well, if IGN says it's a wonderfully enjoyable read, who am I to argue? Not a fan of the Ultimate Omega Red, but USM is consistently the best book on the market and the best Spider-Man title available. I want to see more of the Amazing Friends, but it looks like Bendis is taking a break from that aspect of the book for a while. Shame, as Liz had finally become interesting. Still, you'll never hear me complain about an issue of USM coming out.

Written by Chris Yost & Craig Kyle
Art by Clayton Crain
As X-Force searches for their missing teammate, Wolfsbane strikes—and she’s not taking any prisoners! But the Purifiers have more than an ace up their sleeve— they’ve got the deck stacked. And when Wolverine, X-23, and Warpath learn the truth behind Risman’s nefarious plan…no one is safe. And no one is guaranteed to get out alive. Part 3 (of 6)
Kirk Says: X-Factor has been slow to recover from Messiah Complex and that leaves X-Force as the best X-title currently availabe. My only concern is whether or not this book will break out of the "Wolverine and his character clones kill people" routine. There's been some story here, but, for the most part, it's just hack and slash with a Terminator 2 level body count. If every issue maintains this pace, I'm going to get bored fast. For only two issues in, though, I'm optimistic they won't fall into relying on the shock killing factor to sell the book.

Written by Paul Cornell
Art by Mark Brooks
The Vision is going through changes. He's a passionate man. And an impulsive one, if his decision to go and visit Stature at her Initiative training camp is anything to go by. He's got some important things to tell her. But will getting intangibly stuck halfway through her body while A.I.M. are attacking put a damper on his ardour?
Kirk Says: I don't think I've overly enjoyed a single issue of these Young Avengers Presents books. They haven't been bad, but they haven't captured the Young Avengers feel that the original series and the Winter Kill's one-shot with Bucky from a year or two ago. Don't recognize this writer, but I'll stick with this, as I like the characters. Not too enthusiastic about it though.
I doubt MA will contain a major, major reveal. They said all the Skrulls would be identified in SI #1 but that didn't happen. Thor has definitely improved starting with issue six.
About X-Factor. I doubt the book evolve much beyond Team Claws killing people because there isn't much else for them to do beyond than that.
I cannot believe I followed Countdown all the way through. What a sucker I am. Thanks for the pile of burn paper DC.
I'm looking forward to all the other books you listed except X-force....haven't picked it up as I'm not a fan of the artist.
Young Avengers presents has been ok....but c'mon marvel! Give us a series with the magic of the first one!
Well, Justice League of America is in its 20th issue this week, and I think it's a stand-alone with McDuffie and Van Sciver (as in Ethan!). I know I'm going to be getting this one, even though I've never gotten a single issue before.
Same thing with Ultimate Spidey as well (please don't burn me).
Also: tomorrow is Earth Day, and Scooby-Doo is celebrating it with issue 131! Rooby-rooby-roooo!
@eric - Ya, I seriously doubt anything "major" will come from MA, but it'll probably revolve around why Nick went underground in some way. It's not like we'll find out Cap was a Skrull or anything.
@cat - I've never liked the whole computer generated / coloured style that X-Force's artist employs, but I think it really works on this book. I'd recommend giving the book a chance if the art is the only thing holding you back. The first two issues have been entertaining and the best from the X-universe. Whether there's any long term viability remains to be seen, though.
I share the same sentiments with Young Avengers. Yes, the writer is all Hollywood and can't take 5 minutes to write a book for us little people, but they could have given Brubaker, Fraction, Slott, Gage, Reed, Bendis or any number of talented writers a crack at them in the past 5 years or whatever since the original series. Rolling them out for the odd one shot or tossing them in the background of events isn't exactly flattering.
For what it's worth I think the group on Countdown "1 would make a great team. Like an even more wacked out version of JLI.
Owww stop hitting me... Countdown bad... I'll be in the corner.
Kirk: Maybe I'll pick up the first trade, just on your say so :-)
Kevein: I forgot about JLA this week, let's hope it starts to pick up! This book is real close to being dropped by me.
Kirk: Paul Cornell wrote the Wisdom mini from 2006. He's written for British television and is well known over here for having written many Doctor Who novels. He'll also be writing the Captain Britain and MI:13 series from May.
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