"This is the part where Ultron teleports in and hits me."
This is actually the bottom and top of two separate pages, so I think it had a much more dramatic effect in the actual book. Thankfully Mantis wasn't killed here, but she is comatose in the hospital at the end. I'm sure this will be picked up on in the Guardians of the Galaxy series launching soon. I loved this new version of Mantis and hope she isn't out of action for too long.
"We are not pleased!"
This was the highlight of the issue. Warlock's entrance and battle cry were perfect. It was left up in the air, but I wonder what's going to become of Warlock and Tyro post-Conquest. The New Mutants team was recently seen in the Young X-Men. Can a reuninion with Warlock be far behind?
"My legs, Roger, my legs..."
Hardball and Komodo are my pick for couple of the year. Shame he's a backstabbing traitor that stole top secret military secrets and sold them. This scene in particular, though, was quite powerful and made even moreso if you happen to know that Komodo's human form already had her legs amputated and that is the reason she took the Lizard formula and became Komodo in the first place. So, while her Komodo legs will regrow due to the lizard properties, it still hurts like hell and the psychological aspect of it is what makes this scene work in spite of her healing factor.
"Oh, shut up and die already."
Gyrich, you magnificent bastard. I nearly spit my coffee out when I read this panel. Caught me completely off guard when he told him to shut up and die. While Gyrich is a prick, that's kind of the point and I hope he doesn't end up removed from this series after the KIA events become public knowledge.
Anyone know what was up with this? Last I remember, he was in ONE and then he was here and I don't recall any Terminator-style changes to War Machine.
"There's not a single word in there I approve of."
Cloud 9 is awesome. Slott did a great job of using her character to "recap" what happened in previous issues and
War Machine's reaction caps off a perfect scene.
"Kiss of Death"This was a very creative use of
Cloud 9's powers that nearly took down
KIA and weakened him enough for the finishing blow by the original
MVP clone.
"Look out for the internet!"This completely random dream from
Bucky ranks up with the "what is myspace" jokes for
Cap that were going around after
Sally Floyd's little rant in
Frontline. I suppose people that were frozen for 60 years would probably have messed up dreams like this as they reconcile the past with the present, but it's still hilarious to me.
"You're not Steve!"The common theory from commentors and various message boards is that this the imposter Cap from 1950's during an unsuccessful relaunch of the character before his eventual return in
Avengers. He became known as the
Grand Director and it's a plausible guess based on everything
Brubaker has ruled out in interviews.
"He's freaking Darkseid!"
Words "freaking" fail me.
"It's okay, let him die."
Yellow line separates two separate instances of Super-dickery in this week's Countdown. First, when Orion shows up, everyone else wants to help stop Darkseid, who just wiped out half of Metropolis in his battle with Jimmy and is a universal threat that could probably kill Superman one on one, yet Superman tells everyone to just let them fight it out because it's father and son. Let's ignore how Supes butt his nose into all the New Gods stuff in Death of the New Gods already and had no problem helping Orion there. Finally, after he kills Darkseid, Superman tells everyone to let Orion go and to not bother trying to save him and to let him go die in the gutter or some backalley. Who approved this garbage?
This is roadmap I mentioned in my review of this title. I think me and Hercules would get along just fine. Ba-ba-ba-beer, beer, beer, beer.
"For the Skrulls have already conquered Earth."
Didn't expect this. I knew this title was going to be tying into Secret Invasion, but the whole decapitated Skrull head still caught me by surprise. Hopefully they explain where Athena got it from or I guess that be who she got it from.
"Old school armour for the win!"
I'm going to buck public opinion and state I love the old school Iron Man armours. Maybe it's just how ineffectual the Extremis version is, what with the face guard always being torn off like tissue paper or the fact the Gibbon or White Rabbit could probably beat Iron Man when he's wearing that armour, based on how Iron Man is portrayed in other books. Anyways, I wasn't expecting this armour to be waiting for him in his escape hatch and he kicked all kinds of ass with it later on.
"That's pain. That's Motrin pain."
Note to self - don't have alien rings surgically implanted into spine. Or, at least, wear a shirt so they can't easily be torn out by men in cybernetic battle armour.
Yes, that's Tony zapping his own heel off. He's wearing an Extremis power ankle inhibitor that stops him from using his Extremis powers. The Mandarin has launched Extremis air born virus missiles that need to be stopped. The logical solution is to cut your foot off, remove the ankle and use your powers to stop the missile. Doesn't mean it's not going to hurt...
"My keen deductive mind says that Arcade is behind this."
Less focus on D-list villains, more focus on character moments like this is what X-Factor needs. Still a great book, but treading water post-Messiah Complex.
"Nice hair."
Monet was zapped with a couple thousand volts by one of Arcade's traps and is a little out of it and extremely pissed here. Another one of my favourite moments from this week's issue.
"We were just kids."
It's not often we get to see the side effects to the X-Men lifestyle, but this Anole story was a great example of it. Anole is a teenager and you can see he's really struggling to come to terms with what he's been through, how Cyclops basically kicked everyone out and how it's impossible for him to return to his normal life. There's another scene I forgot to post, but it was of Anole in school and it shows the X-Men barely teach any "normal" schoolwork and he was months behind all his friends.
"I am...home."
A picture perfect example of 'home is where the heart is', as this is clearly not what Nehzno considers to be his home anymore. I went on about this story at great length in my review this week, so I'll just touch on one other thing with this moment. It's kind of sad seeing that New X-Men group shot because I know were never going to get to see the team together like that again.

"Wolverine? Is that you?"
Ugh, this was an absolutely brutal attempt at drawing what I believe is supposed to be
Wolverine. While most of the artwork was great in
Divided We Stand, I guess a few duds were bound to slip by editorial.
"Oh, and Northstar?"I called this a punch in the face, but on second look, it's definitely an elbow by
Anole. I liked the final panel where Anole tells him to tell everyone to keep away, "even Santo". It showed that, even though
Santo antagonizes him all the time, he doesn't hate him and the "even Santo" part tells me he considers him a close enough friend that he had to add that little bit to the end. Good stuff.
The real Rhodey is still wrapped up in ONE, blissfully unaware of any of the other things going on. What you saw could only have been a Deathlok...question is, which one?
Nice moments. Did you forget to post Anole punching Northstar in the face?
@salieri; No, War Machine is Rhodey because calls him by that in issue 4, the first WWH tie-in issue.
You also should have posted Cloud 9's "kiss of death"
I agree that the group shot of the NXM is a sad reninder of a great team, with great personality lost due to an inneffectual editorial mandated crossover. One which has set most of the X-books back, rather than giving them the rejuvination that none of them needed. Very sad.
The New X-Men manga-like illustration is awesome! My dream would have been a Kyle/Yost/Takeda New/Young X-Men ongoing.
The guy on the last pic is not Wolverine, but the Owl.
@chris - ya, I actually forgot to post several moments, which should be up now. Not sure how I missed them when I was doing it, but they were a couple Cap and the Anole / Northstar punch images.
@anonymous - Agreed on the new X-book directions. They aren't terrible, but it definitely feels like everything except maybe X-Force is just grinding gears and a definite step down from pre-MC storylines.
@anon2 - Takeda's art was fantastic in this issue. I would have loved to have seen it on the NXM book. It definitely fits the tone of the book.
Are you sure that's not Wolverine? I don't recall any dealings with the Owl that would cause him to be featured with that narrative about friends dying, being betrayed by teammates, etc. Either way, that's a terrible picture of Owl or Logan.
You misunderstand, Eric. Deathlok's advanced tech allows him to masquerade as Rhodey while the real one is elsewhere, so of course they'd have called him that. The fact that he never takes the suit off and no-one asks him to can only help.
That is, he might be Deathlok...but he could also easily be a complete robot. Or the new Clor.
Hellion and X-23 met the Owl when they were searching Mercury in the Mercury Falling arc. I guess it's featured here because it's in this issue that Julian realised in what world Laura was living and what she was able to do.
I guess it's a sign of advancing old age that I didn't respond to the silver & red armour as a welcome "old school" revival but as a visual reminder of an era I consider latter day & of a "decadent" period for the character (ie. the periods later than the favourite runs of my youth). To me, once the chest-beam stops being round, it's not "old school" anymore, which I realize may just make me "older school".
Loved the appearance by the "real" armour in the issues just previous to this, though.
i think you should add the last seen from batman and the outsiders. it made me smile, plus it is so true.
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