Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Teen Titans: Year One #3 Review

Written by Amy Wolfram
Art by Karl Kerschl and Serge Lapointe

A few of us were talking about this title in the comments from the Post-Crisis Previews. This book is beautiful and one of the most expressive titles on the market. Kerschl is doing an amazing job and the colouring of the book deserves recognition as well.

However, the story is lacking. Wait, that's not right. It's a decent story, but it's a retelling of an old annual. On top of that, it's spread out over several issues with a lot of pacing issues stemming from that. This could have been told in one to two issues, tops.

I say that, but I think I still enjoy the book despite it. I'm not willing to drop it over it, at least. For every time I feel like I'm being ripped off or cashed in on, there's scenes like Aqua Lad's shaking fists as he "stands up to" Batman or Wonder Girl crying over Wonder Woman not liking her anymore. Many of these scenes cause me to uncontrollably smile as they are cute or perfect little moments. But the entire issue isn't made up of these moments and the rest is a fairly brisk pace that has me finishing each issue in maybe two minutes, give or take a minute.

That said, this issue actually wraps up the 'evil JLA' storyline and reveals it to be a demon / creature from another dimension that was possessing each member. By tagteaming each member one by one, the Teen Titans managed to take each one down. The creature feeds on the evil the JLA does and was weakened each time it happened resulting in it being freed. The last League member (actually, I don't know where Superman or Green Lantern were, I guess you need a side kick to be a JLA'er or be possessed) is Batman and being a one man Titan wrecking crew, he has a battle of will with the demon as Robin convinces him he's being bad. That ends the plot and we all go home happy.

I was confused as to how easily people like Wonder Woman were taken down. Robin used a little stun bomb or something and she was taken out permanently and tied up and brought to the old JLA base. Same for the Flash, who was surprised by an arrow and taken down shortly after. The Flash. Surprised by an arrow moving maybe a 100km/h or something if we want to be generous to the 12 year old. It surprised someone that can dodge bullets and time travel. It's a fun Silver Age story though and I guess applying more conventional storytelling methods doesn't hold water as well, so I can overlook something so trivial.

Verdict - Check It. Like I said, I don't hate the book, but I'm struggling to justify its purchase each month just for those random moments tied together by a rehashed plot and decompressed format.

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