Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Nightwing #142 Review

Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Rags Morales and Michael Bair

I think it's official. If you aren't reading Nightwing, you're going to be missing out. Three issues in and I've enjoyed every single one from Tomasi. By enjoy, I mean were awesome must read issues that return Nightwing to his former glory, heights he hasn't seen since the book first launched way back when.

While there's a zombie / undead genetic engineering plot going on, it's almost like a second thought to the awesome interactions with Robin, Alfred and looks into Dick's personal life.

After a brief conflict opening the book, Dick ends up subduing the reanimated villain on the cover and takes the corpse back to Dr Midnite to have it examined. Yes, Dick has friends and can easily ask for help when he needs it. It such a simple thing, but no one seems to grasp it's a shared universe and Dick is friends with everybody. Turns out the corpse had some rare residue from a small African island, which Dick tells us is Ra's / Talia related real estate.

This leads to my favourite section of the book. Nightwing wants to pay a little visit to this island. He has no plane or means of transportation. He heads to the Batcave, chats up Robin, has a few laughs as he loads up the Batplane and, after inviting Robin, who obviously was dying to go with him, heads off in the multi-million dollar plane leaving only a note signed "Your pal, Jimmy Olsen" saying he only took a few things. Alfred puzzled opens the supply closet to find it completely empty. This is just a basic description and there's some great dialogue between Robin and Nightwing talking about a lot of random Grant Morrison related stories in general conversation, like the League of Batmen and how Dick used to know them and stuff.

Verdict - Must Read. It was just plain fun to read is the best way to describe it. Dick's capable, resourceful and not afraid to ask for help from friends and colleagues. Basically everything Batman isn't and it works perfectly for him. Hard to believe this is the same book from a year ago.

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