Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Julian Lopez and Bit
The Outsiders run into trouble while a recon mission for Batman at a European Space Administration site in North Africa! Meanwhile, tension within the group comes to a head as the Outsiders' newest member challenges Batman for leadership!
Kirk Says: I wonder if the Dibney's are going to be recurring characters in this book or maybe even actual members of the Outsiders. Having ghosts that can possess your enemies, as seen in previews of this issue, seems a bit convenient, in terms of storytelling and I hope this is more of a cameo than a long term deal if they'll be used in this way. Otherwise, this title has been a decent ride so far. Nothing overly great, but I don't regret buying it either.

Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Butch Guice & Steve Epting
The new Captain America fights the Red Skull's minions with Black Widow at his side and chaos erupting all around them! Meanwhile, Sharon Carter, still under the control of Dr. Faustus, makes a horrifying discovery about the next stage of the Skull's plans! By Eisner and Harvey Award-Winning Best Writer Ed Brubaker with art by master storytellers Steve Epting and Butch Guice.
Kirk Says: We've had two "Bucky getting used to being Cap" issues in a row, now. It's time to get this story moving again and show us why we needed a new Cap, preferrably shown with some nazi skull stomping action.

Written by Brian Reed
Art by Lee Weeks
SECRET INVASION: INFILTRATION is underway and Captain Marvel is in the middle of it! What is the truth about Captain Marvel's trip through time? The Kree are here to find out! Brian Reed (NEW AVENGERS: ILLUMINATI) and Lee Weeks
(DAREDEVIL) continue the epic return of the Universe's finest soldier!
Kirk Says: Last issue turned an otherwise unremarkable issue into what appears to be a major lead in to Secret Invasion with the introduction of several Skrulls and the accusation by said Skrulls that Marvel is also a Skrull. What are we going to end up with this issue? Hopefully this isn't some cop-out and title ends up having nothing to do with Secret Invasion. That would really suck.

Written by Will Pfeifer
Art by David Lopez and Alvaro Lopez
Can Catwoman stay one step ahead of every villain in the DCU? Looks like she's managed to tick off Luthor and the Joker, and her only chance of getting back to Gotham City lies in the hands of the one being on the planet she can trust. But can he trust her?
Kirk Says: Pfeifer has done an excellent job with Catwoman over the course of his run and I'm amazed at how well he's handling this editorially mandated Salvation Run off world tie-in arc. I doubt any of this will convince anyone to pick up one of DC's books though, so I won't waste my breath and will move on to the next title.
Story by Paul Dini
Story consulting by Keith Giffen
Ccript by Gray and Palmiotti
Art by Jesus Saiz and Jimmy Palmiotti
The Countdown ticks down as storylines converge and collide — a Great Disaster is clearly proving to be unavoidable!
Kirk Says: Couldn't find a cover for this issue online, so we'll have to do without this week. Based on the last couple issues and upcoming previews, I think I'd like to believe Countdown ended when Monarch and Superman Prime destroyed the universe fighting each other. That was a much more fitting and enjoyable ending and the best part of Countdown to date.

Written by Matt Fraction & Ed Brubaker
Art by David Aja
Two words, punks—BATTLE ROYALE! All the losers in the tournament in the Heart of Heaven get a chance to redeem themselves and obtain the ultimate victory…Danny Rand included! But if Danny couldn't win mano a mano, what hope does he have in a no-holds-barred kung-fu free-for-all of violence and carnage? And meanwhile, on Earth, the sinister Xao launches an attack almost a century in the making, and he won't stop until he's dancing on the ashes of K'un-Lun itself. Oh! And the final secrets of Danny Rand's birth are finally revealed. And this ain't even the finale, sweethearts. By Ed and Matt and David and Kano and Kaare and so on and so forth.
Kirk Says: I'd like to believe the solicit and look forward to some actual kung-fu action in this supposed fighting tournament, but I'm guessing we'll only get a few panels of it and most of the pages will be focused on the Thunderer's revolt and Hydra mechanations. I love saying that word. Mechanations. Just rolls off the tongue.

Written by Daniel Knauf & Charles Knauf
Art by Carlo Pagulayan
“Red Rain” Part 1
The Mandarin will go to any length to release the Extremis virus into the populace, effectively committing genocide. But while he works his mind tricks to gain top-secret info, Tony Stark and his fellow S.H.I.E.L.D. leaders are confined under house arrest, helpless to stop him. While the authorities treat Tony as Public Enemy #1, he remains the only person who can prevent humankind’s destruction. Find out how he fights back!
Kirk Says: Last issue was just about the best super-hero fight I've seen. Tony, in his old school armour for various reasons, went toe to toe with the Mandarin in a no holds barred grudge match that saw both men taking each other to task. It got the ball rolling on this storyline and it looks like we're in for a great ride. This book has gotten better and better since Civil War and I think you're missing out if the only thing holding you back is you hate Tony Stark these days.

Written by Mark Millar
Art by John Romita Jr
Sickening violence...just the way you like it. The most screwed-up superhero comic of all time continues in what's sure to be the most exciting launch of 2008. What would happen if you tried to be a super hero? What would happen when an ordinary man in a latex suit comes face-to-face with the criminal underworld? Read about super heroes like you've never seen them before and feel happy that you are living here right now when this book is being published. Your grandchildren will only envy you. Comics just don't get better than this.
Kirk Says: The first issue really surprised me. The premise sounded like the generic 'real life hero' that books like Rising Stars or Squadron Supreme and many others have done, but this one was literally a real life super hero story and definitely appealed to the comic nerd that's always dreamt of dressing up in a costume and going out to fight crime. The shocking ending leaves me wondering what kind of turn the book will take, but I also can't wait to find out.

Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Chris Batista and Cam Smith
A stakeout turns into a takedown when Robin and Violet both have their sights set on the same dirty casino…and each other! They'll have to work together to get out alive, but someone's not playing fair, and old hurts can mean new trouble when the chips are down. Plus, Cavallo and Wise play their hands even closer, and their grip on Robin is getting even tighter!
Kirk Says: Dixon is doing for Robin what Tomasi is doing for Nightwing. While not as good or as noticable an increase in quality as Nightwing, Robin is still leaps and bounds above of what it used to be. It's actually fun to read again.

Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Art by Marko Djurdjevic
We say thee HELL YEAH! After the events of the mega-blockbuster, multiple-issue-sellout, critically acclaimed first arc that restored the mighty God of Thunder and Asgard to full glory, Thor is back in action with a vengeance! And joining J. Michael Straczynski…fan-favorite DAREDEVIL cover artist Marko Djurdjevic comes on board to provide amazing painted interiors for an explosive two-issue arc! Thor’s never been more intense!
Kirk Says: After a rocky and slow start (nothing happened in four or five issues outside of some gods coming back and most was spent on strawman arguements and soapboxing by JMS), Thor has really kicked into high gear over the last couple issues. Previews show the fact that Thor actually still has the Odinforce and has to enter Odin-Sleep to rejuvinate. That, at least, explains his current power levels. Also, Djurdjevic is taking over art chores for this arc and I'm really looking forward to seeing his interior pencil work.
You seen the June Solicitations? Secret Invasion #3: "Norman Osborn vs. Captain Marvel". Apparently there was meaning to the former's dialogue in "Caged Angels", Part 1.
most of the pages will be focused on the Thunderer's revolt and Hydra mechanations. I love saying that word. Mechanations. Just rolls off the tongue.
Do you mean "machinations"?
I doubt any of this will convince anyone to pick up one of DC's books though
Well, that's up for debate, because you convinced me in part to try out Catwoman, and I'll be getting this week's issue as well.
Does that stand for anything?
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