Despite the complaints of empty wallets, there's a tonne of great stuff coming out this week. We've got Annihilation: Conquest, Avengers Intiative, Thunderbolts, Nova, Wonder Woman and more. That said, what's everyone else picking up? Anything I missed that might interest me or you'd like to see a review of? Let me know after you read all the previews after the jump.

Written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Art by Tom Raney
Can anyone stop Ultron? How did the evil android unite with the Phalanx? What are his secret plans? And have any of our desperate and divided heroes survived to fight back? It’s not too late to join the acclaimed team of writers Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (NOVA) and penciler Tom Raney (ULTIMATE X-MEN) for another chapter of what Wizard raves is “mystery, action and adventure on a galactic scale!”
Kirk Says: It's put up or shutup time for Annihilation. I'm loving the series so far, but there's not many issues left and we still haven't really seen any possible way to defeat the Phalanx or Ultron and I get the feeling any conclusion right now is going to feel rushed unless Nova brings the entire Technarchy back with him to pick up after the off shoot Phalanx. This issue needs answers and some movement towards a conclusion or I feel the endings going to fizzle.

Written by Dan Slott
Art by Stefano Caselli
"KILLED IN ACTION" Part 3 of 4
"Confirmed Kills"
For some time you've known the secret of the SCARLET SPIDERS. Now here's what happens when CLOUD 9 finds out! Just how will the Initiative's resident headcase react to Michael, Van, and Patrick? And if that wasn't bad enough, just wait till you see what happens to another of our longstanding cadets! More death! More mayhem! No mercy!
Kirk Says: This is the best Avengers title on the market and there isn't a single member of the ensemble cast that I dislike. With upcoming solicits showing an entire new team on the cover, I hope Slott doesn't do anything stupid, like say, killing off a bunch of the best new characters in a long time for no good reason.

Written by Geoff Johns and Jeff Katz
Art by Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund
"Blue and Gold" Part 2! It's back to the present for Booster Gold! But history has changed, and not for the better. The new man in charge is Maxwell Lord, and his army of O.M.A.C.s won't stop until Booster is dead. Plus, the return of Supernova!
Kirk Says: Blue and Gold! Only thing that could be bad about this is the inevitable re-killing of Ted that we all know is coming eventually.

Story by Paul Dini
Story consulting by Keith Giffen
Script by Sean McKeever
Art by Ron Lim and Mark McKenna
The Countdown ticks down as storylines converge and collide — a Great Disaster is clearly proving to be unavoidable!
Kirk Says: Countdown. You're reading it or you're not. At least McKeever is writing again. The dialogue and characterization should be ever so slightly better than usual.

Written by Steve Gerber and Matt Sturges
Art by Justiniano and Walden Wong and Stephen Segovia
Bruce Gordon didn't ask to become the new Eclipso, but the force of evil incarnate is his responsibility to control now — with the help of the otherworldly Crispus Allen! Plus, Dr. Fate's demons are within as well as without, as he too needs the aid of others to help tame them.
Kirk Says: Enjoying the Dr Fate story. Not sure how it's going to turn out now that the writer died. I read something like the last issue was going to feature multiple endings as several other creators would have imagined him ending it or something. Shame the first magic-based book I've liked since Crossgen was around had to end up like this one.

Written by Mark Millar
Art by Bryan Hitch
Buy this issue for a first-look at mankind's new home. Also, the Torch gets nekkid with a super-villain.
Kirk Says: First issue from Hitch and Millar was a great start. I'm curious to see the sales numbers for it to find out if 616 Fantastic Four could actually be a #1 book or not. Hopefully the follow up is just as good as the first issue.

Written by Frank Tieri
Art by J. Calafiore and Jack Purcell
Guest-starring Vigilante! Things in Gotham City's underground scene continue to heat up as tensions between Tobias Whale and Penguin's gangs reach a boiling point. Plus, Nightwing's personal gang-war strategy backfires in the most lethal of ways.
Kirk Says: This book isn't bad, but it's set pre-Salvation Run and not even in one of the main Bat books, making it feel completely inconsequential. Bane had some awesome moments last week and there's still the whole Spoiler thing, so I'll stick with this until the end.

Written by Judd Winick
Art and Cover by Cliff Chiang
Rescued from the renegade Amazons, Green Arrow and Black Canary turn to solving new mysteries: Who was behind the kidnapping at their wedding, and how does that connect with what happened to GA's son, Connor Hawke?!
Kirk Says: I really dislike the fact that both Batman and Superman were on duty with their sole purpose to protect and watch over Connor and they both failed. The same reasons makes me feel like whoever the bad guy is should be completely out of Green Arrow and Black Canary's league. Still, if they can get back to the non-dark and brooding Ollie, this title could become the fun, light hearted romp it should be.

Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Nelson
The jaw-dropping ending to "The Curse of the Alpha-Lantern"! Last issue, the Alpha-Lantern Boodikka uncovered secrets from her past that she believed long buried. Now she wishes they were, as her fight for survival continues! Will the Green Lantern of sector 1414 come to her aide? The look into the life of Alpha-Lantern Boodikka concludes in part two of "The Curse of the Alpha-Lantern"!
Kirk Says: Pretty sweet looking cover. Shame the innards will most likely be the same subpar filler artwork from last issue. Add that with the less than interesting Boodikka story and I'm pretty much just waiting for next month when we get back to our regular scheduled program.

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Mark Bagley
Iron Man and the Sentry are stuck in the past with none other than Doctor Doom. Any interaction with anything or anyone could jeopardize the future of the Marvel Universe! Can Tony Stark trust Victor Von Doom to help get them back to the present before the Sentry has a complete meltdown? Guest starring the Fantastic Four's ever-lovin' blue-eyed Thing!
Kirk Says: I wonder how this issue is going to play out. Previews show Sentry believing he's insane and that he imagined the whole fight in Latveria and what have you. I'm getting a little tired of every single thing Sentry does resulting with him questioning his sanity or freaking out over it. Hopefully that's only a few pages and the rest is spent on what Doom and Tony are going to do to fix this mess.

Written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Art by Paul Pelletier
Rocketing from the pages of ANNIHILATION: CONQUEST, a new story begins, featuring the debut of new cover artist Alex Maleev (HALO: UPRISING) and new interior artist Paul Pelletier (FANTASTIC FOUR)! Nova finally reaches the end of his quest…but will his techno infection take him out before a surprise former fan–favorite guest–star can attempt to save the day? Before the Human Rocket jets back into the pages of CONQUEST, now is the time to jump onboard and find out why ComicPants.com says “this series just keeps getting better.”
Kirk Says: Despite the last few issues being excellent, they still felt like filler. Almost as if A&L were waiting for Conquest to catch up so they could finally put Nova together with the Technarchy. This is Nova, so I'm looking forward to it regardless, but the thought this issue might actually have something of consequence makes that doubly so.

Written by Warren Ellis
Art by Mike Deodato
Tensions mount at Thunderbolts Mountain as the conflict between the prisoners and the T-Bolts worsens. Is there a plan at work? And with so many super-villains in one place, things won’t stay peaceful for long!
Kirk Says: Is this a new title from Marvel? Weird it's starting at such a high number. Should be interesting to find out what happens in this new book because it resembles an old Marvel title I used to read that hasn't come out in ages.

Written by Jason Aaron
Art by Ron Garney
In the aftermath of "Messiah CompleX," Wolverine's quest for vengeance continues, taking him from the desolate hills of Afghanistan to the war-torn streets of Baghdad. Along the way, with his quarry throwing more and more innocents into the line of fire, Wolverine must ask himself: just how much collateral damage can he live with?
Kirk Says: Last month I decided to give Wolverine a chance with the new writer and the focus on Wolverine hunting down Mystique. It wasn't the best book, but I was still impressed with what I read and I'll be sticking with it for this storyarc at least.

Written by Gail Simone
Art by Bernard Chang
Comics superstar Bernard Chang joins Gail Simone for a 2-part story that will take Wonder Woman to the furthest reaches of the galaxy, but not before the vicious alien race the Khund begin an assault on Earth! But before the invasion can begin, the relationship of Wonder Woman and Nemesis takes a defining turn.
Kirk Says: Hmm, Dodson's are off the book for art duties this issue. I recognize Chang's name, but can't put his name to any book or art. Simone's first arc on this book sold me on the title, but I'm still a little apprehensive about Wonder Woman and an alien space story.

Written by Peter David
Art by Valentine De Landro
How can X-Factor be the defenders of Mutant Town when their little piece of the world is hemorrhaging its population? Combine that with Rahne already being gone and Rictor having one foot out the door, and Madrox's team finds itself at its lowest point. Unfortunately, since they're the last mutant team standing and the only game in town, that puts them squarely in the crosshairs of one of the X-Men's oldest and deadliest foes.
Kirk Says: What's up with the X crucifix? Just a throwback to that Wolverine X-ified cover or something that's actually going to happen from the mysterious "oldest and deadliest foes"?
Don't expect too much from the Countdown dialogue - previews show the issue beginning with Holly & Harley being the Plot-exposition-dialogue-deliverers, followed by Mary 'Mass-Murderer' Marvel presuming that her new costume means she can bitch about Red Robin for being annoying. Hypocrite much?
One one hand, Sentry is kerrr-azee, never used that one before!
One the other hand, 60s Sentry!
Who am I kidding, I'll be buying four copies.
You may recognize Chang from his work during his Valiant run. He was the debut artist on the Secret Life of Doctor Mirage as well as Visitor. I've often wondered what happened to him as I thought he was a pretty solid artist.
wonder woman is turning into a big let down.
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