Thursday, January 24, 2008

Weekly Crisis Comic Book Quick Shot Reviews for 01/23/08

Here's the Weekly Crisis Quick Shot Reviews, giving you the reviews of all the other books I picked up this week. Blue Beetle was probably the second best book after the Messiah Complex conclusion, which I reviewed yesterday, and one of the best in that series to date.

A couple books I picked up that I didn't get around to reviewing include Wonder Woman and the WWH Aftershock: Damage Control. Wonder Woman was excellent and a Must Read. I'm a bit disappointed I didn't get to do a proper review of it. The Damage Control issue was actually really good. I was shocked as I expected some thrown together cash in. Didn't realize Dwayne McDuffie was writing it. Worth checking out at the very least, but I think it's borderline Must Read.

Anyways, I'll see you guys tomorrow for the Moments of the Week. Until then, enjoy the reviews!

Written by John Rogers
Art by Rafael Albuquerque

Must have missed this when I did my previews because it's always on my pull list. It's probaby one of the top 2 or 3 books coming out of DC and this issue is possibly the strongest one to date.

Jaime basically takes the fight to the Reach this issue and just when it looks like he's going to suceed, everything goes to hell in a hand basket. Friends and family possibly killed? Check. Home destroyed? Check. Taken prisoner by the Reach? Check. Mystical scarab that gives you your powers forcibly torn from your spine? Check. The Parker luck's gotten nothing on this.

Oh ya, there's tonnes of Ted Kord love this issue, ranging from a "What would Ted Kord do?" poster in Jaime's bedroom to the numerous mentions to his work and knowledge that Jaime uses to enter the Bleed. There's also a Booster joke about how in the future big breasts in sweaters are referred to as 'sweater nebulas'. Gold Jerry, gold.

Verdict - Must Read

Written by Steve Gerber and Matt Sturges
Art by Justiniano & Walden Wong and Stephen Segovia

Just as this series looked like it was building to something, both stories take detours into excessive exposition land.

In the Eclipso story, the new / old host takes a joyride around the universe looking for ways to kill himself or Eclipso before it can take him over completely. He does this while the narrative boxes try to impress us with relatively pointless astro-physics calculations.

On the Dr Fate side of the coin, we get an interesting comic within a comic story as the new Fate tries to learn more about the woman that rescued him and was subsequently turned to oil and sucked down the drain. He does this through the comic she writes and I enjoyed the pyschobabble as Fate tried to analysis the woman's life as he was reading the book.

However, both stories killed any momentum they had and the Eclipso one has taken a strange twist with the new host / death of Jean Lorring last issue. I'm sure the Fate one will lead to bigger things as that mystery unfolds, but Eclipso's seems like a waste of space right now.

Verdict - Check It

Written by Daniel & Charles Knauf
Art by Roberto De La Torre

If you aren't reading Iron Man right now, you are going to miss one heck of a ride. The Mandarin is making his big move and Iron Man is finally uncovering the final threads of this conspiracy that has resulted in his being sidelined as the head of SHIELD.

The entire issue built to an explosive ending as the Mandarin reveals his ultimate plans for the Extremis and Tony learns he's been the one pulling the strings all along. Previews for next issue look amazing with the fight between Tony, in classic armour, and the Mandarin finally happening. Honestly cannot wait for next issue.

Verdict - Must Read

Written by Garth Ennis
Art by Goran Parlov

R.I.P. Barracuda. There shall never be a more insane or awesome Punisher villain.

This issue wrapped up the Barracuda / Frank's baby story and Ennis wasted no time in having the body parts fly in this issue. Short and dirty highlights include Punisher using some plyers to twist and tear Barracuda's nose off before later taking it to him with an axe, removing just about every arm and leg before delivering the final blow with the automatic rifle, as he unloads an entire clip that leaves nothing but a stomp for 'Cuda's head.

To say this issue was bloody, violent and full of win would be an understatement.

Verdict - Must Read

Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows & Rob Hunter

First up, Eddy Barrows and Rob Hunter need to be fired for the eye rape that shoots AIDS bullets at anyone who looks at this disfigured "art". Ravager is like 90 years old in most images. Robin looks like the guy on the covers of MAD Magazine after he makes a date with Cassie. It's not the worst art I've ever seen, but god damn is it ugly. I think Blue Beetle is the only one that looked normal.

Unfortunately, the story wasn't much better. I liked the Ravager flirting with Blue Beetle / messing with Kid Devil scenes. Seems like something she'd do for some reason. Everything else was just painful. Martian Girl is supposed to be the idealistic and almost simple sounding member that says exactly what she feels in most cases. Now she's the dark and brooding member of the team. Blue Beetle was literally the only character that was great in every scene he was in.

Verdict - Avoid It

Written by Mike Carey
Art by Tyler Kirkham

This was a bit of a return to form for Carey on Fantastic Four. Maybe it was the stress of putting together the Messiah Complex event that was causing the dip in quality for the last half a dozen issues.

Whatever the reason, the Thanos story is finally back on track and issue #50 marks a return to what made me stick with Carey's run post-Millar / Land. Reed's Cosmic Cube has activated defense measures as someone tries to steal it while the FF are in Russia. It creates a null space that freezes everyone in place in a giant, several NYC blockswide cube. Reed, being the creator of the cube, tells the cube to let him in. From there it's one person / cosmic group after another trying to take the cube from him.

Not sure where this story is going, but I think I'm going to like it based on this first issue.

Verdict - Check It

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Anonymous said... 1

Question: Is General Keris in UFF Ultimate Starfox? What with them all being Ultimate Titans (except perhaps the Accuser)

Anonymous said... 2

"First up, Eddy Barrows and Rob Hunter need to be fired for the eye rape that shoots AIDS bullets at anyone who looks at this disfigured "art". "

How about giving this kind of thing a rest, huh? It really makes you sound like an immature child, which I know you are not.

I realize it's all the rage these days to use the word "rape" in a funny way, i.e. "rape my childhood" and so forth, but I've been reading your blog for a few months now and, frankly, you're better than that.

Rape and AIDS are just not funny and equating dislike of comic book artwork to them is distasteful in the extreme.

Thank you.

Anonymous said... 3

It isn't Eddy Barrows its Jamal Igle.

Kirk Warren said... 4

@sluggo - Sorry you feel that way. I didn't think anyone would take any offense to it, but, in hind sight, it is a little bit over the top and I apologize.

@anonymous - I was going by the solicit information on DC's site. After going back and double checking, you are correct, it wasn't Eddy Barrows that drew this issue, but Jamal Igle. I should probably double check the issue's credits from now on if I have anything bad to say about a creator just to make sure it was actually them and not a solicit mistake.

Anonymous said... 5

I was about to say what Anonymous said. Eddy Barrows only did the cover and most of the time his art looks great.

I agree that Jamal Igle made rose look old and I really don't like his art either.And as for the story the second have is just false. Megan was far from the dark brooding character. She even tried to give Eddie some friendly advice. And the closest thing to dark was her attitude towards her future self.

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