Thursday, January 3, 2008

Random Comic Book Moments of the Week

Since the regular comic releases are delayed this week, I'm kind of left with nothing to talk about. Therefore, I'm grabbing a bunch of random comic book images I've come across on various image and message boards and putting them all in a post in an attempt to look like I had something planned for this off day all along. These are mostly completely random nonsense, typically taken out of context, so I hope you'll all enjoy it while we wait for the tomorrow's comic books.

"Or what? You'll dress up like a giant bat and haunt the night for the rest of your life?"

You win this round Alfred. If I had enough prep time, I'd have some kind of comeback for you.


This is why Batman has to act the way he does. The moment he lets his guard down and tries to have some fun, his Christmas ornament smashes into the floor.

"Did you ever actually find Nemo?"

It's Namor. Did you expect it to be anything less than awesome?

"Robin, put down the binoculars."

Teen Titans never managed to live up to the epic level of win that was Young Justice. Shame, really.

"Mother of god...DiDio!"

As if some kind of prophetic vision, Robin seems to have had a dream of the coming great disaster! No, I do not speak of anything Final Crisis related, but of the maniacal power that is Dan DiDio! Yet another instance of Young Justice greatness.

"This day, I am offered a creamsicle."

JMS offered Thor mere cake in the most recent issue of Thor. How could any god be satisfied with cake when he has tasted a creamsicle!

"I'm out of mint cookies."

Poor Drax (yes, that's what Drax looked like before Annihilation). We all wonder why they bother making other flavours of cookies. The mint ones are so good. Who would, honestly, want another kind?

"You can't be my friend. You're a robot!"

Aha! Further proof that the Hulk is a villain and deserves to be hunted down and destroyed! What kind of monster would destroy someone for being a robot, especially one that was your friend until you found out he was a robot? Racist, green monster! Not content with just ripping him in half, Hulk makes sure he destroys his entire body. Even after that, he goes so far as to make sure every last vestage of the robot's memory core is completely destroyed. Et tu, Hulk?

"I am in the men's room."

This is why Ralph had to die. At least the lower half is in the bathroom. Technically, he could have just stayed at the table and stretched other parts...

"Go, go Power Rangers!"

Truely, this is the harbringer of the Blackest Night!

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Anonymous said... 1

I thought large green alien supermen liked chocolate cookies. Or is that just Oreos?

Anonymous said... 2

wha? i'm in London and i managed to get my comics today. what gives?

Kirk Warren said... 3

@woburn - They did come out today (the 4th) in Canada / the US. This post was from yesterday.

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