Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Post-Crisis Comic Book Previews for 01/23/08

Apologies for putting this up late, but I came into possession the boxsets of Battlestar Galactica (the new one) and have been mindlessly in marathon mode watching them the past several days. It actually took the prospect of new comics to snap me out of my vegetative state in front of the TV. Marvel has some heavy hitters this week coming from the X-titles with the conclusion to Astonishing X-Men and the Messiah Complex hitting at the same time. Young Avengers also returns this week with the spotlight on Patriot. On the DC side of things, Countdown is actually worth looking forward to and there's another issue of Dr Fate as well. I'm not positive, but I think Y: The Last Man is finishing up this week as well, but it's always harder to get solicits for those kinds of titles as they are rarely updated if release is delayed or changed, making it a guessing game. If it's at the shop, I'll be getting it though.

Anyways, hit the jump for all the previews and my thoughts and expectations for the titles I'll be purchasing this week.

Written by Dan Slott
Art by Steve McNiven


Dan Slott (SHE-HULK, AVENGERS:THE INITIATIVE) and Steve McNiven (CIVIL WAR) wrap up the first amazing month of Brand New Day with a deadly conflict and surprise revelation that promises to make Spider-Man's life much more difficult in the coming months. Listen up Spider-philes, three times a month won't be nearly enough for you!

Kirk Says: I think this will be my last issue of Amazing x3 based on what I've seen of the first two issues of BND. It's not that it's bad, but it's not great either. Unless something monumental happens this issue, expect ASM to get the axe once McNiven and Slott are done.

Written by Joss Whedon
Art by John Cassaday

Everything, from #1 to now, comes down to this. Things will change. One will not return. This is the end. Or is it? Part 6 (of 6)

Kirk Says: What's this? Has Hell frozen over or is this actually the last issue of Astonishing X-Men? For those that may have forgotten, last issue ended with Cyclops' plan revealed, his optic blast destroying most of the building he was held captive in and the most badass line of dialogue from Scott ever in, "To me my X-Men". Saying I'm a little pumped for this conclusion would be an understatement.

Story by Paul Dini
Story consultant Keith Giffen
Scripts by Tony Bedard
Art by Pete Woods and Tom Derenick

It's all-out war as the Challengers find Ray Palmer - and so does everyone else! The fate of a universe hangs in the balance, as heroes and villains from across the multiverse face betrayal and death with Earth as their battlefield!

Plus, more DC Villains origin backup stories, including Harley Quinn!

Kirk Says: Countdown is on a roll lately. For anyone who's been reading all along, it's actually starting to pay off. I don't think it will ever make up for that atrocious first half, but I'm having no complaints about this series over the last month or two. Should be interesting to see what Prime does to Forerunner and how the Monarch / Monitor war ends.

Written by Steve Gerber and Matt Sturges
Art by Justiniano & Walden Wong and Stephen Segovia

The return of Eclipso is bad news for the DC Universe...but it's worse news for Bruce Gordon, the man who originally held the Black Diamond and terrorized the world as Eclipso! Plus, Dr. Fate continues to struggle with his new responsibilities!

Kirk Says: The Dr Fate sections of this book are excellent. I never thought I'd be liking a magic based book. It simply doesn't happen with me. The Fate part of this is a Countdown tie-in in name only and everyone should enjoy that story. The Eclipso story started out good, but I'm not sure how it's going to play out now. Could be dead weight after last issue or this new change could actually give the story a needed boost.

Written by Frank Tieri
Art by J. Calafiore & Jack Purcell

Did Zsasz really kill Batman? This question and more are answered as the mad scramble for control of the Gotham Underground kicks into high gear! Plus, the Scarecrow turns on the Ventriloquist, Nightwing continues to gain the Penguin's trust, and Robin gets surprise -attacked by someone wearing an extremely familiar costume!

Kirk Says: Let me get this out now. I'm buying this for Spoiler and Spoiler only. As soon as DC shows me they are simply dicking fans around and trashing the Spoiler character moreso than usual, I'll be dropping this title. Let's hope DiDio's crusade against Stephanie doesn't go so far as to mess with the fans as much as I expect this 'new' Spoiler to do.

Written by Daniel & Charles Knauf
Art by Roberto De La Torre

Time is running out for humanity. Tony Stark, discredited, humiliated and stripped of his command, struggles to uncover a diabolical plot that could spell the end of mankind. Betrayed by his peers, isolated by his obsessions, Stark finds that his only allies are the demons of his past and, hamstrung by obsolete technology, Iron Man is confronted by his archenemy, The Mandarin.

Kirk Says: Iron Man is a great title. It was hovering around the 'take it or leave it' range of quality for a long time, but the last few months have really heated up. However, I don't think one issue would be enough for a new reader to make a decision on how much they like this title and that's probably a big factor in its lower sales than the other top Marvel characters. This Mandarin storyline will be huge this year if the title doesn't get dragged into all the Skrull stuff.

Written by Garth Ennis
Art by Goran Parlov

The wild conclusion to the bloodiest PUNISHER arc yet, as Frank Castle squares off against Barracuda for the final time! It ends here. No rule—or bone—will be left unbroken. And only one walks away.

Kirk Says: Frank vs. Barracuda - the final battle. I started reading this title back around issue 51 when it looked like Barracuda shot Frank's child. I picked it up based on scans of those last few pages and went back and grabbed the preceding issues and have been following it ever since. Ennis is doing some incredible things with this MAX book and I'm ashamed I didn't start reading it sooner. Can't wait for the conclusion to this storyline.

Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows & Rob Hunter

Following up the epic "Titans of Tomorrow" storyline, we catch the Titans in a moment of quiet before the next storm. As one Titan leaves forever, Wonder Girl and Robin explore their newfound feelings for each other as Ravager enjoys herself by pitting Blue Beetle against Kid Devil. And watch out for the introduction of the new Clock King, a modern-day Fagin out to create a villainous team of his own. Fan-favorite writer Sean McKeever continues to deliver his own special blend of excitement and angst sure to keep this book on the top of your must-read pile!

Kirk Says: I don't consider myself someone that gets caught up on the art of a book. It doesn't have to be amazing looking as long as the style fits or it reads well. However, based on the previews for this issue, I think I'm going to need a doctor for the eye rape of the art. Ravager was looking like an 80 year old friend of Aunt May's and they managed to make Martian Girl look bad. The sweet and bubbly MG. I didn't think that was possible. As for the story, McKeever hit a wrong turn with the last couple issues of his Future Titans story, but I'm going to give him another issue or two to make up for it before I make a decision on keeping or dropping this.

Written by Mike Carey
Art by Tyler Kirkham

Thanos returns as a new story arc begins in our fateful 50th issue! The F.F. return from Siberia to find the Baxter Building—and the rest of New York City—under siege! The prize is the greatest force in existence—the Cosmic Cube! And in the race to command this deadliest of weapons, treachery and overkill are the order of the day...even from former friends! Writer Mike Carey has been building up to this saga for months—and new series penciler Tyler Kirkham (NEW AVENGERS/TRANSFORMERS) has arrived to kick off the action!

Kirk Says: That cover rocks. Yes, it's just static poses pasted on top of each other, but I jus tlove the colours and composition. Djorvak (or however its spelt) did a great job on this one. Covers aside, Carey is finally getting back to the Thanos and Cosmic Cube storylines, which were easily the best things he did on this title. I don't know why he dragged it so long other than to have it as a 'landmark' with this 50th issue.

X-MEN #207
Written by Mike Carey
Art by Chris Bachalo

The stunning conclusion to Messiah CompleX. Everyone has an agenda, but do any trump the child’s destiny? Mutant savior or mutant destroyer, the combatants may come to regret their roles in this fight. And what becomes of the X-Men in the wake of the biggest fight of their lives?

Kirk Says: I already know what happens here and all I can say is poor Bishop. This is actually an amazing conclusion to a major storyline, which is something rare with Marvel these days and something the X-titles haven't seen since probably Age of Apocalypse.

Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Paco Medina

They’re back at last! Patriot, Hulkling, Wiccan, Vision, Stature and Hawkeye! Where have they been and what is their place in this new post-CIVIL WAR Marvel Universe? It will take six issues by six top creative teams to tell the tale! In this first installment, featuring PATRIOT, the grandson of the black Captain America struggles with his unresolved feelings about the death of Steve Rogers, and seeks out the Winter Soldier hoping to find some guidance. But who he’s looking for and who he finds may be two different things! By Eisner and Harvey Award-Winning Best Writer Ed Brubaker and rising star Paco Medina.

Kirk Says: Young Avengers? Focus on Captain America-like Patriot? Definitive Cap writer and god, Ed Brubaker? I'll have to go say some Hail Mary's because my prayers have been answered. I'm so glad they've finally moved on from Heinberg. He created the YA, but they should never have been treated as hands off. He didn't own them and I'm glad Marvel wised up.

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Leeisl said... 1

"Has Hell frozen over or is this actually the last issue of Astonishing X-Men?"
Actually no,
Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men, first solicited for Februrary, now delayed to April.

IslandLiberal said... 2

Spoke too soon on Astonishing X-Men; we've still got a Giant-Sized issue due in April to go before Whedon and Cassaday's remake of The Neverending Story ends.

I'll be getting:

Teen Titans
Wonder Woman
Young Avengers Presents

Sazyski said... 3

finally astonishing is over. now we get to look forward(no, wait, the opposite of that) to ellis on astonishing and yet another attempt to make it the "main x-book", which will probably fail.

maybe now whedon can hurry up and finish up runaways and get the hell off of it so it can come out more than twice a year(although, having seen the ramos designs...).

Anonymous said... 4

I'm in the same boat when it comes to Teen Titans. McKeever's first arc didn't do much for me, and I'm not a fan of the art. There was one page in the last issue (or the issue before, I can't remember now) where the future Cyborg looked like a Liefeld drawing. I might pick up the new issue just to give McKeever another shot, but right now I'm leaning towards a drop.

Kirk Warren said... 5

I kind of figured most would call me on the Giant Sized Astonishing still scheduled to come out. I was referring mroe to the main title's story being finished.

For some reason I doubt the Giant Sized will make it out by April. I assume it will be literally giant sized, like 60-80 pages, meaning almost 3 normal issues of Astonishing. I don't see it being finished quicker than the two have been able to do single issues, which take like 4 months each.

Anonymous said... 6

have you seen the article about the new Guardians of the Galaxy? DnA are writing it, i'm pretty excited.

Anonymous said... 7

have you seen the article for the new Guardians of the Galaxy? DnA are writing it, i'm pretty excited.

Leeisl said... 8

IDK, Giant Size Astonishing sure sounds like a continuation of the main storyline for me.

Kirk Warren said... 9

Ya, you are right. I could have sworn the original plan was this would end in AXM and then, if Joss and John felt like it, they would do a Giant Sized issue as an epilogue or bridging type of story. Looks like I must not have been taking my meds that day because I'm completely wrong about what GS-AXM was going to be.

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