Written by Dan Slott
Art by Steve McNiven
In this premiere month, Spidey's new status quo gets a swift punch in the gut as Dan Slott (SHE-HULK; AVENGERS: THE INITIATIVE) and super-star artist Steve McNiven (CIVIL WAR) hit the ground running with new villains, new friends, and some familiar faces that promise to make Peter's life messier than ever before. This is where it's all happening.
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: Same Old Power. Same Old Responsibility. Brand New Day.
Kirk Says: First issue was decent. I had some superficial complaints that were probably just carry overs from OMD, but in the end I enjoyed last issue enough to check out this one. Slott and McNiven will need to impress me by the end of their opening act if Marvel wants me to stick with ASMx3 every month.

Written by Geoff Johns & Jeff Katz
Art by Dan Jurgens
"52 Pick-Up" concludes as Booster Gold journeys back in time to save the best friend he ever had - the Blue Beetle! But can Booster stop Maxwell Lord before someone else dies in Ted Kord's place? And will Ted Kord let that happen?
Kirk Says: I didn't enjoy the last issue of BG. It was the first time I pondered whether or not there was enough of a plot to keep this book going. The end of that issue seems to be signalling a change in direction and it'll be interesting to see where Johns and Katz go with this. Hopefully the humour and trademark wit the earlier issues showed returns this time around.

Written by Will Pfeifer
Art by David Lopez & Alvaro Lopez
The Joker. The Rogues. The Cheetah. And they're just the beginning of Catwoman's problems.
The world's most violent and dangerous villains have been sent to the Hell Planet from SALVATION RUN, and Catwoman's just arrived! Selina Kyle's got skills, cunning and craftiness, but she's also going to need to make a deal with the devil in order to stay alive!
Kirk Says: Catwoman was one of my favourite books for the longest time. The writers had free reign to play with the character as they saw fit and there was little interferance. Lately, it seems like the editors just want to kill the title. They forced it into Amazons Attack and now they ended all the subplots and storylines that have been going on and building up in favour of throwing her into the Countdown related Salvation Run. I'll give this Salvation Run arc a shot, but I see me dropping this book for the forseeable future.

Story by Paul Dini
Story consultant Keith Giffen
Scripts by Tony Bedard
Art by Pete Woods and Tom Derenick
It's all-out war as the Challengers find Ray Palmer - and so does everyone else! The fate of a universe hangs in the balance, as heroes and villains from across the multiverse face betrayal and death with Earth as their battlefield!
Plus, more DC Villains origin backup stories, including Harley Quinn!
Kirk Says: I am really liking these last couple issues of Countdown. The Monarch vs. Monitor war is hitting all the right marks in my opinion and if they can just stick with it for the time being, they might be able to finish this year long trainwreck on a high note.

Written by Matt Fraction & Ed Brubaker
Art by David Aja
THE SEVEN CAPITAL CITIES OF HEAVEN continues ever onwards. The kicking intensifies. The mysteries intensify. And the answers Danny Rand has so desperately sought begin coming faster and faster. What if he's been asking the wrong questions all this time? What does Hydra have planned for the mystical city of K'un-Lun? Who is the Prince of Orphans, and what is his connection to the Randall fortune? How can Danny stop an army on Earth when he's being forced to fight in a heavenly kung fu tournament? Read the book ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY gives an A- and calls a MUST!
Kirk Says: Entertainment Weekly gave it an A-? What a weird source to cite in a solicit to comic nerds. Regardless, the WEEKLY CRISIS gives this book an A+ and calls it a MUST READ! There's not much else I can say. You're either reading it already or waiting on trades or blissfully ignorant of this book. Based on the solicit, I hope we actually find out some stuff about Prince of Orphans. I'm more interested in him than any other fighter in the tournament. Yes, even moreso than Fat Cobra.

Written by Dwayne McDuffie and Alan Burnett
Art by Ed Benes, Jon Boy Meyer and Sandra Hope
Double trouble for the League! First, in the lead story written by Alan Burnett, a mysterious and familiar team from beyond time has infiltrated the Hall of Justice looking for a weapon.
Will Black Lightning be their first victim? And wait 'til you see who they are!
Plus, writer Dwayne McDuffie begins a very special back-up story exploring what's wrong with Vixen's powers. And when her condition worsens, it leads to a new arc and major change for the Leaguer!
Kirk Says: McDuffie's JLA is pretty much a silver age throwback that's either a lot of fun or horrible depending on the type of reader you are. I've been really enjoying it, others loathe it for the very reasons I love it. However, I'm not sure about this current arc revolving around the Tangent Universe. First issue was oddly paced and didn't really feature our heroes or the Tangent characters that much. Should know after this issue if its a yay or nay on this storyline.

Written by Christopher Yost & Craig Kyle
Art by Humberto Ramos
Showdown. The X-Men vs. The Marauders vs. X-Force vs. The Acolytes vs. New X-Men vs. Predator X. Will the victor get the spoils and claim the baby? Whatever the outcome, the future of mutantkind begins here!
Kirk Says: If you subscribe to New X-Men, all 10 of you, you might have gotten the book in the mail by now and know all the awesomeness that was contained within. If you don't subscribe, well, you'll have to wait until tomorrow or read some spoilers.

Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Chris Batista
With the return of new series writer Chuck Dixon (ROBIN, NIGHTWING, BATMAN) and art by fan-favorite Chris Batista (52, LEGION OF SUPERHEROES), Robin #170 is the start of a new era no one will want to miss!
After a life-changing battle with Ra's al Ghul in Nanda Parbat, Robin comes home to Gotham to find there's a new girl in town, wearing a color he can't ignore. The new vigilante calls herself Violet, and she steals from the rich to keep for herself...and Robin's going to find out that's not all she's playing for. Plus, the return of an old friend with something to hide!
Kirk Says: Much like Nightwing, Robin hasn't been having too much luck with the ol' creative teams and directions over the past couple years. While seeing Chuck Dixon at the helm again is a nice bonus, I'm mostly jumping in with the promise of Spoiler, or some variation of her, showing up in this book over the next few months.

written by Greg Pak
Art by Leonard Kirk
Take four hundred puny humans and five hundred square miles of New Mexico desert. Add four monstrous alien warriors, one of the Hulk's deadliest enemies, and one of the Hulk's greatest loves. Mix well. Simmer under the deadly dome of Gammaworld. And run for your life.
Kirk Says: I was surprised with how much I enjoyed the first issue of this series. I'm anticipating finding out what the Leader's plan is in luring the Warbound to him and erecting Gammaworld around them. The back up story from last issue was excellent as well and I look forward to more tales from Miek.
so which X-kids are gonna die? I got surge and prodigy as early favorites. Indra, and at least one cuckoo are pretty good bets as well. And I think poor Loa is gonna get fridged.
I doubt Prodigy, as they just spent time re-establishing his character before the crossover. Surge I can see, as they did spend time building up the troubled relationship between Prodigy and her. Would be interesting to see if her recklessness results in her death, or perhaps even his.
ok, I was wrong for this issue. I carry these predictions to the next!
I hope Prodigy is killed. It upsets me that created another character named Prodigy. Particularly when the first Prodigy was Marvel one of the all time heroes of the Marvel Universe - being versatile as a solo character and group character (in Slingers).
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