Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mighty Avengers #8 Review

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Mark Bagley

Mighty Avengers is definitely improving in my eyes after the Ultron story. The biggest detriment to the book at the moment is basically the fault of said Ultron story. The book is currently way behind schedule and out of sync with the rest of the Marvel Universe, specifically its sister title, New Avengers.

Bendis does his best at retelling a story we know the details of, which we witnessed in New Avengers months ago, but it's still not enough to make this issue really shine, especially with the other two Avengers titles coming out this week. While I enjoyed Iron Man's trip to Reed's lab, it really killed any momentum the story had been building.

We have all these Venom and Carange's running around, lots of potential for action and super heroing and the entire story is spent with Tony freaking about Skrulls while making a cure for the Venom virus. He then proceeds to just spray everyone and the event is over. Very anticlimactic.

However, I really liked the new Marvel Adventures ripoff development with Wasp and I think it's about time she got an upgrade. I assume this basically excludes Hank from any and all future Avengers teams though, as he's completely redundant with the shrinking / growing Wasp.

The biggest and bestest news from this issue was a cameo by Ben Reilly in Tony's symbiote host files and you should all buy this book to show Marvel you want more of him. What? You don't like Ben? Screw you guys! Scarlet Spider rules! Bring back Ben! I'll go cry in the corner now.

Verdict - Check It

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