Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fantastic Four #553 Review

Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by Paul Pelletier

Rule number one of time travel stories - don't try to explain time travel stories. I knew this wasn't going to be pretty when the first two pages are dedicated to explaining an as yet to be seen law of time travel that would later be referenced about 80 times before the end of the issue in an attempt to explain what the hell Doom was trying to accomplish by coming back in time.

Speaking of which, the future literally was perfect and Doom just wanted to be the one to get credit for it instead of Reed. Of course, the two FF teams had to fight each other at one point or the book would have ended after about 10 pages. In the end, Doom got sent to an alternate time line where the Hulk killed all the heroes during WWH and then committed suicide after finding out it wasn't their fault. Right, send the egomanical dictator from the future to rule an alternate timeline. Real kind to the other people there. After condemning another world to Doom's rule, the FF decide to dedicate their lives to making the world a better place. Your head will hurt if you have to read the actual time travel logic these people were trying to use to justify all this nonsense.

Verdict - Avoid It

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