Friday, January 4, 2008

Detective Comics #840 Review

Written by Paul Dini
Art by Dustin Nguyen & Derek Fridolfs

I honestly wasn't going to pick this issue of Detective up after reading the solicit. It made it sound like the focus was on some loser globe-based villain when that is taken care of in like 3 pages. The rest is all dealing with Ra's renewed assault on Batman's life. My question is, why couldn't the actual Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul storyline be half as entertaining as this epilogue?

Basically, the issue starts with Batman hunting down some 2-bit criminal that has a fixation on stealing globes and maps. After a short fight, where the fat villain puts up way too good a fight against Batman, it is revealed Ra's leaked the information on the villain's whereabouts so that he could reclaim a globe he had thought lost, which contained locations of all known Lazerus Pits.

Batman insults Ra's, prompting him to reveal he is moving to Gotham, where he plans to focus all his attention on killing Batman, starting now. In case you weren't sick of them after the last crossover, Batman is now attacked by a billion ninjas, all of which go down quicker than the fat globe collector in the opening pages surprisingly.

After making it back to the cave, Batman decides to take the fight to Ra's. He locates Ra's new home through housing records showing a billionaire buying a downtown skyscraper. He promptly knocks the entire building out with gas in the vents and proceeds to put an ass whooping on Ra's. Not content with just the beat down, Bats decides to create a false identity for Ra's and committ him to Arkham for life. And that's not all. He doctors his drug charts so Ra's will be so drugged up, he won't be able to form words or be able to move his limbs. He'll be a drooling idiot until someone eventually breaks him out of there. This is probably the coolest thing Batman has done in-continuity since taking down the entire Hyperclan himself.

Verdict - Must Read. Batman being a crazy nutjob badass is always a Must Read for me.

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