Friday, December 28, 2007

Teen Titans #54 Review

Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows, Joe Prado & Greg Tocchini

I love time travel / alternate reality / etc stories. It's just fun seeing different takes on my favourite characters. However, sometimes the writers get way too caught up on the time travel aspect and the whole story devolves into a complete disaster, leaving the reader confused and unsure of what the heck they just read.

Unfortunately, this issue was just that, an unmitigated disaster in terms of story and plot. Every other issue seemed to have a clear and definite story that was building to something bigger. This 'conclusion' was impossible to follow. People start fading in and out of reality and there's new futures created and pretty much nothing, as far as I can tell, was really answered in terms of why these Titans came back in time or what their actual goal was. In short, the wheels fell of the wagon on this story.

While I feel the story ended up as a train wreck, there was still some shining moments in this issue. I loved all Martian Girl's lines and Blue Beetle's scenes were excellent as well. The hints of future betrayals, such as Kid Devil's warning that Blue Beetle would betray them and the new future for the Titans' showing Robin and Martian Girl dating behind Wonder Girl's back and joining forces with Lex Luthor. I wonder if McKeever has any plans for these plots or if it's just going to be a dangling plot that can be picked up on at anytime.

Verdict - Check It. It's not a pretty ending, but if you've been following this story, it's worth picking up for some of the stuff that's going on here.

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