Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Teen Titans #50 Review

Written by Sean McKeever, Geoff Johns, Marv Wolfman & Todd DeZago
Art by Randy Green, Mike McKone, George Perez & Todd Nauck

This was the best Titans issue in a long time. McKeever did an excellent job on his first issue and I expect great things from him. His Spider-man Loves Mary Jane convinced me he knows how to write teenage characters and he does an excellent job with the young Titan team.

The issue is broken up into several smaller sections, handled by various artists and writers, including Johns and Wolfman, two of the definitive Titans writers from the past. The entire issue is more of a tribute to Impulse / Kid Flash, who died as the Flash several months ago. I was a little put off by the rehash of the funeral at the start, but that quickly disappeared when I saw how much better it was handled and how the book quickly branched off into excellent side stories.

Ravager is one of my favourite Titans and she gets plenty of good scenes in this issue, especially the skinny dipping in the pool with Kid Devil.

The Impulse flashbacks near the end by Wonder Girl were hilarious as well. They reference the Young Justice days and are great reminders for how under appreciated that series was.

I was also happy to see Wally West, the Flash, in this issue. He has barely been touched on in relation to Bart's death and it was great to see how much it affected him in this issue and his reaction to Bart as the new Kid Flash. The flashback scene was a great throwback and appreciated.

Blue Beetle #18 gets rehashed here without totally negating last week's issue. They managed to take most of the fight and transplant it in this issue almost word for word. You miss out of some of the funnier moments and character interactions from Blue Beetle #18, but it conveys the contents of the issue for the people that do not want to be forced to buy ancillary books to understand Teen Titans. Well handled by both books and you should not feel like you missed out or feel cheated if you did or did not buy both books.

Finally, the book deals with the future Titans. Throughout the book, we see various attacks on the JLA members, like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and so on until finally we see the Flash taken down in front of Robin and Wonder Girl by the two currently dead Titans, Superboy and Kid Flash. Was a great end to a great issue and anyone remotely interested in the Titans should pick this up as it is a great jumping on point as well with the new writer and new storyline starting. Pick up Blue Beetle as well. That book rocks and deserves a chance from everyone.

Verdict - Must Read

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