So, unless I hear otherwise, it looks like the Weekly Crisis Reviews will be held on Thursday this week. For the previews of all the books I will be picking up this week, hit the jump and check out the Post-Crisis Previews.

Written by Keith Giffen
Art by Pat Olliffe and John Stanisci
The Four Horsemen have been resurrected, and they intend to turn the battlefield that was Bialya into their own personal hell…but not before destroying the scientists that created them. It's all-out war on Oolong Island —but will Batman, Wonder Woman and an injured Superman be enough to stop their reign of terror?
Kirk Says: Three issues in and everything that's happened so far can be summed up in about two sentences. Maybe this fourth issue will finally bring something to the table.

Written by Frank Miller
Art by Jim Lee and Scott Williams
Part 1 of Frank Miller's and Jim Lee's two-fisted thrill ride ends here, yet it's only just begun! The Dark Knight links a brutal psychopath to the Flying Grayson's murder, and the streets of Gotham run red with terror! Dick Grayson is reborn to wage war on crime! The newly banded Justice League fans out, trying to catch a bat!
Kirk Says: Finally, another goddamn issue of the goddamn Batman. It's about goddamn time this goddamn issue came out. I wonder how many goddamn goddamn's will show up in this goddamn issue. Despite my best Frank Miller inpersonation, I'm actually looking forward to his over the top and hilarious take on Batman.

Written by Dan Slott
Art by Chris Weston
You have been granted clearance to Camp Hammond's most sensitive files.
For the first time anywhere, witness the hidden origins of the GAUNTLET, ARMORY, MVP, and HARDBALL. Also, learn some of the Initiative's most hi-tech secrets. And meet the team from America's 2nd State, Pennsylvania, as they battle FLAG SMASHER and the forces of ULTIMATUM! How will Philly react to the Initiative's all-new take on the LIBERTY LEGION?
Kirk Says: This annual is much appreciated as more Avengers: The Initiative is always a good thing. Only concern is that I hope this isn't a throw away issue and that it actually has some impact on the main series storyline or, at the very least, deals with the characters or plots from the main series in some capacity.

Written by Grant Morrison
Art by Tony Daniel and Jonathan Glapion
"The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul," Part 4 of 7! It's the fight of the year: Batman vs. Ra's al Ghul vs. the Sensei! Will anyone survive? Plus the secrets of Nanda Parbat are revealed.
Kirk Says: This crossover is really shaping up. It's still not something I'd call a must read, but it's definitely improved over the rocky start it had with the prologue, Robin Annual and first part in Robin's solo title. Should be interesting to see what Morrison has to offer us this wee.
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Julian Lopez
The team attacks London for a high-profile abduction that marks them as Super-Villains in the eyes of the entire world — but that's exactly what Batman wants!
Kirk Says: First issue of this ill-fated series was fairly average. I know the book has had a rocky start with the change in creators, so I'm going to be giving it another issue or two to win me over. If it remains the same as the first issue, I'll end up dropping the title altogether.

Written by Justin Peniston
Art by Andy Kuhn
Jaime Reyes gets a shot at punishing the man who crippled his father — only to discover he's in line behind the Spectre, making for one of the young hero's hardest choices yet!
Kirk Says: Blue Beetle is usually a must read title for me. However, this month has a guest creative team stepping in for some reason. Considering DC had this title tie into the Sinestro Corps War, you'd think they would leave the regular team on for the follow up issue to try and keep some of the new fans around. They didn't even keep the regular artist for this month's issue. Not sure what to expect from this, but hopefully any new readers stick around until the regular team comes back.

Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Reilly Brown
Could DEADPOOL's recent actions be responsible for unleashing the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth on Earth?
Can the Crimson Bands of Cytorrak keep DEADPOOL's mouth shut? Will BOB, Agent of Hydra, sprout flame on his head and become the new Dread Dormammu? Shall DR. STRANGE truly suffer through an entire issue dragging our reluctant heroes through mystic realms? The answers are Yes, No, Maybe, Most Likely, but not necessarily in that order. And in a stunning escalation to our simmering sub-plot, CABLE is still dead!
Kirk Says: Much like Captain America, this title has improved a lot since one of it's namesakes, Cable, took the ol' dirt nap. Seeing as the title is destined for cancellation, it's hard to really recommend anyone jumping in on this, but I'll be enjoying the ride until the very end.
Story by Paul Dini
Breakdowns by Keith Giffen
Script by Tony Bedard
Art by Manuel Garcia
The countdown continues with a new name and even bigger thrills! Karate Kid makes it to the bunker in Blüdhaven and confronts both Firestorm and the Atomic Knights! Jimmy Olsen enslaved on Apokolips! Mary Marvel not enslaved on Apokolips! The Monitor, Jason Todd and Donna Troy home in on Ray Palmer's trail! Desaad takes control! Lex Luthor kidnapped — but by whom? Trickster and Piper: One will live…one will die! And Mister Mxyzptlk explains it all! Plus, more DC VILLAINS origin backup stories, including: Desaad and Mr. Mxyzptlk!
Kirk Says: Countdown to Final Crisis has been up and down since the name change, going from one solid issue to one complete dud. Seeing as this is the last issue of the month, I'm going to have to guess that Trickster or Piper die this issue since that is about the only thing in the monthly solicit that has not happened yet.

Written by Frank Tieri
Art by Liam Sharp
It's the battle you knew was coming: Lord Havok and his Extremists vs. the Challengers of the Beyond! COUNTDOWN's Kyle Rayner, Donna Troy and Jason Todd guest star! Plus, a peek at the secret origin of the Extremist known as Gorgon!
Kirk Says: Not sure what to make of this series yet. I like the characters and I like the concept, but DC is doing a terrible job keeping this relevant to the Countdown series proper. These events took place over a month ago and we know the outcome already. On top of that, Lord Havok is showing up in Countdown as Monarch's righthand man and second in command, which gives away much of what we can expect to happen in this series.

Written by Adam Beechen and Justin Gray
Art by Eddy Barrows and Julio Ferreiro and Fabrizio Fiorentino
In this issue's lead story, the Healers have arrived to "sterilize" the planet Earth and stop the contamination that's plaguing the planet. But what does this mean to Starfire and Animal Man?
And in the backup, Forerunner battles magic versions of DCU heroes on the Conjuror's world. Meet Batmage, master of the Dark Arts, Kal-El, wielder of Kryptonian magics, and Lady Flash, keeper of the Speed Force.
Kirk Says: I'm enjoying this series. I actually like Forerunner and I'm curious to see where her story takes her and the Animal Man, Starfire and Strange stuff is moving along nicely. And while there's still some minor gripes and nitpicking to be had, for the most part, both stories in this series are quite good.

Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Michael Lark
Daredevil fights the Enforcers and their new boss Mr. Fear, who’s trying to tear the streets of Hell's Kitchen apart, while Matt and Foggy fight a battle on another front --- the courtroom --- to save the life of someone close to them! Continuing the events that began in DAREDEVIL 99 and rocketed us into the landmark 100th issue, by the multiple Eisner-nominated team of Brubaker and Lark!
Kirk Says: DD is really heating up with the Mr Fear story progressing nicely and the shock ending showing the Hood, of New Avengers fame, being involved just cranked my anticipation for this issue up to an eleven.

Written by Jim Starlin
Art by Starlin and Matt Banning
The carnage of the Fourth World continues as more New Gods die in this COUNTDOWN tie-in! Who will be the next victims? Who — or what — is responsible for so many deaths? How is Darkseid connected to them? And will Superman, Orion and Mr. Miracle be able to uncover Darkseid's schemes before it's too late?
Kirk Says: This series is quickly going downhill and I'm not sure how much longer I'll be sticking with it. The deaths of the New Gods seems like it should be important, but this story is not going anywhere and we weren't really given anything of substance in the first couple issues.

Written by Frank Tieri
Art by J. Calafiore and Jack Purcell
A COUNTDOWN and SALVATION RUN tie-in! The power struggle for control of Gotham's crime network continues as a new player challenges Penguin for leadership. Meanwhile, Batman goes deep undercover. Plus, guest appearances by Nightwing, Riddler, Mr. Zsasz, Ventriloquist and Scarface!
Kirk Says: Only really picking this series up to see if Spoiler is actually alive or not, as she is shown on one of the upcoming covers to this series.

Written by Peter J. Tomasi
Art and Cover by Pat Gleason and Prentis Rollins
"The Sinestro Corps War" epilogue! The fires still burn, the dead are many, and the Green Lantern Corps rises from the ashes to rebuild and continue their mission to protect the universe as the Guardians' recent decision in the midst of the Sinestro Corps War reverberates within the ranks and alters the Corps forever!
Kirk Says: The entire solicit is wrong and DC was too lazy to update the listing. This issue is all about the Sodam Yat versus Superman Prime fight and should be an explosive issue that leads us into Green Lantern #25.

Written by Robert Kirkman
Art by Sean Phillips
The Zombies' own Civil War continues here! The undead former heroes return to Earth in search of new food --- but does anything exist on the world they picked barren decades ago? And if there is, can our ghoulish group put their differences aside long enough to feast --- or are they doomed to rip each other apart instead? You know whose side you were on, but now it's time to find out whose stomach you're in!
Kirk Says: First issue consisted of watching the zombies pose over and over as they flew through space. Hopefully this issue will have something actually happen.

Written by J. M. Straczynski
The most-talked about – and controversial – comic event of the year continues, brought to you by J. Michael Straczynski and Joe Quesada! Brace yourself, Spidey fans, after this, nothing will be the same for Peter Parker!
The stakes have never been higher. At his darkest hours – and he's had plenty – Peter has always had one shoulder to lean on, one person who'd remind him who he is, who he was, and who he can be. Now he's about to lose that person. What would he do...what would you do, if you only had "One More Day?"
Kirk Says: One More Day? Is this still going on? At this point, I just don't care anymore. Marvel should just hurry up and end this so we can get to the much more promising Brand New Day stuff.

Written by Matt Cherniss & Peter Johnson
Art by Philippe Briones
It all comes down to this! Nearly every friend and ally the Sub-Mariner ever had has turned their back on him, and Namor has learned the shocking truth about the Atlantean sleeper cell and its leader! Don’t miss this explosive final issue, as writers Matt Cherniss and Peter Johnson (POWERLESS) and artist Phil Briones (WHITE TIGER) finally reveal all! Who’s the mysterious man supporting Namor when all others have spurned him? Who destroyed Atlantis? And is Namor dead for good?
Kirk Says: This series started promising, but has since then quickly gone downhill. I'm just grabbing this last issue to complete the series, but I'm not expecting anything noteworthy to come from it.

Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Alé Garza and Marlo Alquiza
"The Titans of Tomorrow...Today!" goes full throttle in its penultimate chapter! As Robin descends into darkness, it falls to the rest of the Teen Titans to take on not only Starro and its minions, but also the Titans of Tomorrow…and their newfound friends!
Kirk Says: Not sure why there is never a solicit cover for this book, but McKeever's opening salvo on Teen Titans continues here.

Written by Warren Ellis
Art by Mike Deodato
With his life spiraling downwards, can superhuman psychiatrist Doc Samson pull Penance away from the brink? And who on the Thunderbolts could hate the gamma-irradiated doctor more than the man he’s trying to help?
Kirk Says: After last week's disappointing Breaking Point one-shot, I'm glad there's an "official" Thunderbolts issue to make up for it this week.

Written by Brian Bendis
Art by Stuart Immonen
Green Goblin vs. Spider-Man... the final round?? Norman Osborn has come to the realization that Peter Parker is his legacy --- the living reminder of his unparalleled genius. All he wants Peter to do is to reveal to the world that it was he, Norman, who created Spider-Man. If young Parker will do this, all will be forgiven. If not, everyone that Peter loves will be destroyed! Will Peter give in to this simple but twisted demand? And what of Norman's own progeny, his son Harry? Be there for the latest chapter in the Spider-Man vs. Green Goblin saga.
Kirk Says: USM is one consistently good book. It's sort of fallen by the wayside in terms of hype and fanfare, but it's still a huge seller. I think it's just the lack of momentum in just about every Ultimate book these days. Most people have become complacent with the Ultimate titles and are probably taking them for granted. Regardless of what others think of the book, this is still the best Spider-Man title at Marvel, so it's a must read for me.

Written by Mike Carey
Art by Chris Bachalo
The X-Men versus the Marauders! A rematch of the unforgettable fight from X-Men #200. But will the battle turn in favor of the X-Men this time? Not if Sinister can help it. Layla and Madrox continue their mission to uncover the truth of mutant extinction, friends become foes to the X-Men at the worst time possible, and whereabouts of the baby are revealed at last.
Kirk Says: There's a baby in Messiah Complex? I'd never have guessed since this mythical creature has barely been mentioned and never been seen in the first half a dozen issues of this lumbering crossover. Since we already know Cable is alive, I'm guessing he kidnapped the baby before everyone else and we'll see him show up here with it.
The only problem is: there will be no Thunderbolts this week. Marvel has delayed it until December 19th, can you believe that?
Really? I took that from this week's Diamond listings. Was hoping they were right for a change. Well, I guess it was too good to be true. Thanks for the update.
Bah, that Thunderbolts preview got me all excited, since I thought I missed it when I was checking what was coming in this week. I really wish it could be more timely, since it's easily one of my top 3-4 comics I have in my pull list.
Oh well, GLC (and only 2 more weeks till GL #25) makes up for it.
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