Wednesday, November 14, 2007

House of M: Avengers #1 Review

Written by Christos Gage
Art by Mike Perkins

Oh boy, looks like Gage will need an interview on Newsarama to straighten out this issue as poor Tigra is beaten, shot and left for dead and only a big, strong man can come rescue her. Oh wait, people only complain if it's written by Bendis.

As for the actual review of this book, I'm confused. House of M isn't exactly current events. Having a book set in the past of that fictional reality when the "Avengers" first formed is equally confusing. On top of that, the entire issue seems to focus on Luke Cage's new origin in that alternate reality and devolves into several pages of "pick me, pick me" as he recruits the entire Avengers team in the span of 3 or 4 pages, almost as if Gage had run out of room to tell everyone's origin in full detail.

Now, I actually liked House of M, probably because I read it in trades after the fact and had low expectations for it compared to the general negative connotations it receives on the internet. However, I just don't see the point of this series and I don't think this "origin" issue would hold up if it was in continuity, let alone the fact this is from a random alternate reality with little to no explanation for anyone that didn't read HoM. It's just too cut and dry. Gage goes from each plot point in a dull and predictable manner and there's no awe or mystery surrounding this alternate reality. It just limps along, leaving the reader devoid of any real emotion or attachment to the characters.

Verdict - Avoid It. Unless you absolutely love Luke Cage, there's not much offered here. It's just a generic super hero origin with little to no action to keep the reader interested. Of what little action there is falls flat and is underwhelming and uninteresting at best.

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