Friday, November 23, 2007

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 11/21/07

Going on record to say that this was probably the worst week for my Comic Book Moments of the Week since I started this weekly column. While I've put together quite a few images, there were very few "OH SH--!" type moments and even fewer that made me laugh out loud. Regardless, there's still some fun stuff here and they should give you a good feel for what you may have missed this week. Hit the jump for all the images.

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"Love live humans!"

These are, by far, the freakiest looking kids I've seen this side of Children of the Corn. Gary Frank was a little better this issue, much more in line with his Supreme Power work, but scenes like this still scare the hell out of me.


"This must explain why Windows has survived this long."

I like this "modern magic" for this new age of magic in the DCU. Hopefully FOX News doesn't hear about this or programmers around the world will be hunted down as pagan magic using Satan worshipers.

"Blah, blah, blah."

While this scene is rather unimportant, aside from Plastic Man's comical Batman impression at the end, I just wanted to say the artist did an awesome job on Batman this issue.


"RAID - Kills Bug Dead."

Poor Bug won't be leading any Brood kingdom's after Shang-Chi got through with him in this issue.


"You could at least pretend."

Loved this scene. Rex tries to offer some help, but Invincible completely snubs him. To add insult to injury, he gives him the old armpit ride to the scene of the crime.

"By the way, mine's down Mr "I don't need Rex's help.""

This is how Superman should have to act when he's not cutting loose. I hate how he always has complete control over every act of strength. Also, I loved the continuing banter between Mark and Rex and the ending of Mark's fight was pretty funny.

"Multi-Paul divides by zero."

Invincible's had enough of Paul's doubles and this shows what happens when relatively non-powered people go up against people like Invincible. Shades of his Angstrom fight here as well.


"Who's responsible for this mess up?"

Okay, either Gage has insane ideas on what "filling out a dress" means or the artist didn't even read the script. This multiple PHD agent, who just happens to have one of the most impossible female bodies and is stunningly beautiful, is complaining about not being able to fill out a low cut dress? She's got freaking 36DD's at the very least and she's busting out of her current dress! Not quite sure how this slipped by editorial.


"Predator X"

Just sort of padding out the moments this week with this Predator X kill shot on Random Mutant #1433750. Actually, I guess that number should be 198 or less since it's a mutant, but the point stands, Messiah Complex took a page out of DiDio's book and added more death to the crossover. Otherwise the story wouldn't mean anything, I guess.

"I eat babies."

Santo gets like two panels this issue and steals every single one he's in.

"I know stuff."

Not sure if PAD was consulted for this Layla cameo, but she was spot on, if not a little oddly drawn, in this week's New X-Men.

"Cool, but stupid."

What exactly is one of the weakest looking group of X-Men I've ever seen going to do against the Marauders, Exodus, the Acolytes, Gambit, Sunfire and Mr Sinister? Seriously, Nightcrawler and Angel's powers consist of running away, basically, and neither has any durability. In fact, Wolverine and Colossus are the only two that could take a single hit in this group. Storm, while powerful, is indoors and lacks any space to fly or maneuver. Cyclops needs to be fired as the X-Men's leader if his idea of an assault is sending 5 X-Men after 20-30 or so deadly mutants. In fact, I think Mr Sinister could probably handle this group on his own.

"Death is fun!"

Joy. Let's kill a New X-Man. No one will miss them and it adds poignancy to this mega event! While I doubt this death will stick, seeing as Blindfold, who can predict the future, already said Hellion would be joining her in the hospital, it's still a stupid, shock value "death" simply to try and make this event look good. Go kill Cyclops, again, or Colossus, again, or some other main stay X-Man if you want to make your little event have impact and leave quality, lesser known characters alone, please and thank you.


"Oh no, she's dead!"

No one is safe in this arc of The Walking Dead and Kirkman shows it early on in this issue with Andrea taking one in the head. That'll teach her to take off the riot gear helmet.

"She got better."

After a quick nap, due to the previous moment's bullet in the head image, Andrea shakes it off and begins paying her attackers back in kind. I think the SPLUDD! is my favourite sound effect. Ranks up there with "Durp." from last week's Punisher War Journal.

"And she's dead again."

After killing more people than Terminator 1 and 2, Andrea finally collapses from blood loss, and I guess the bullet in the head didn't help either.

"Oh ya, Rick's dead, too."

In case all the Andrea love was getting old, Rick took a bullet, too. Tyrese should be a doctor. He's keen observation would serve him well in diagnosing people.


"I'll take 2 please!"

Moonstone washing her own laundry? Most sexist thing ever! I think Gage meant to have her washing Radioactive Man's skirt. Now, that's a toy I'd buy.


"This is how Civil War should have ended."

This was a nice scene between Cap and Tony. Would have been nice to see Civil War end similar to this. Well, with the exception of the genocide of Earth's heroes, and the population in general, or the destruction of our Moon. That we could do without. Was also nice to see Nova held in the same regard as the big guns, Cap and Iron Man.


"Bigfoot has been found."

I think someone decided to reference Liefeld in this scene. Cap's foot could crush a small nation, but those are his asskicking boots, so I guess he'd want them as big as possible. Poor Wolverine is going to be crushed though if Cap happens to take one step backwards.

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Anonymous said... 1

With the exception of angel that group of x-men is not as weak as you say. Nightcrawler cause easily wound every person in the room before wolverine or colossus built any steam. Storm is fairly useless in the indoor enviroment ill agree but I imagine the room would soon recieve a skylight with all the powerhouses bumping around.

Sorry just had to defend Nightcrawler.

Walking dead is my favorite comic hands down. Bummed that some favorites are going to die, but that is what keeps it alive and intresting.

Kirk Warren said... 2

It's not that I'm underestimating Nightcrawler, but he's obviously not going to teleport anyone's head off or do any serious wounding to people and simple kicks and punches while teleporting will only take him so far.

With the wide variety of powers, from telepaths to shapeshifters and the dues ex machina nature of Mr Sinister, it's hard to believe with his relatively normal durability that he will last very long in this encounter.

I didn't really mean to diss any of the X-Men either. Just pointing out the obsurdity that they would be able to take on the army of villains they would be up against in this situation.

Anonymous said... 3

Understood. I definitely see your point. Not the weakest lineup, but certainly not the right one for the job.

Anonymous said... 4

I don't think the "rack" comment in Iron Man slipped by editorial. I think it was meant to be social commentary on hot retarded plastic women and their perceptions of their bodies/appearance/whatsimportant.

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