Written by Will Pfeifer
Art by David Lopez and Alvaro Lopez
As for the contents of this issue, it picks up after last issue's cliffhanger, where Catwoman's apartment was gutted and blown up, nearly killing Selina. Selina quickly pulls herself together and seeks to find out who's doing this to her. She immediately finds out that whoever it is, is thorough, as even her secret stashes and extra costumes have been annexed.
By the end of the issue, Selina is confronted by her mystery antagonist and I have no idea who it is, but he knows everything about Selina, including how she recently gave up Helena. Regardless, I can't wait for next issue to find out. For some reason, though, he reminds me of an old 90's Balent era Catwoman villain, but with the new threads, it's hard to tell, to be honest.
Verdict - Must Read

Written by Paul Dini
Art by Ryan Benjamin and Saleem Crawford
Ignoring the art, this was another solid addition to this story. I enjoyed seeing Damian bail on Robin and his explanation for leaving him behind was pretty funny. Seems Ra's wants to make Batman join him to take on the Sensei or choose between Robin and Damian as to who becomes Ra's' next host body. Nightwing was actually competent for the second issue in a row, which is a first for him in a long time. Looking forward to seeing where this story goes in the upcoming issues.
However, there's still a lot of mystery players that we have been given little to no information about, such as I-Ching and Sensei, and we still don't even know how Ra's came back from the dead or what Sensei's beef with Ra's is. I know he appeared in the old Adams' issues in the 70's, but a quick refresher for those out of the loop would be nice.
Verdict - Check It.

Written by Robert Kirkman
Art by Ryan Ottley
First up, it was really great seeing Mark and Rex interacting. Their issue long chat about Eve was a nice touch. Loved their "fight" with the two time travelers and I'm not sure what Kirkman has planned for that little subplot, but should be funny seeing it unfold based on their performance this issue.
Multi-Paul has some serious sister issues. It was pretty crazy seeing Mark unload on a bunch of the duplicates and seeing the heads and legs flying when he cut loose was one of the coolest scenes of the issue.
All-in-all, it took a while to come out, but the quality of this issue more than made up for it. If you still haven't picked up Invincible, do yourself a favour and pick up the Ultimate Invincible hardcovers. There's 3 volumes out so far covering the first 36 issues, or thereabouts, and they are worth every penny.
Verdict - Must Read

Written by Christopher Yost & Craig Kyle
Art by Humberto Ramos
While the issue was probably the best chapter of Messiah Complex so far, with the action finally ratcheting up, I can't honestly enjoy the issue because of the way the characters seem to be forced into this situation simply for the sake of the event. Also, what's up with the X-Men? Five of them are going to take on the 20 or so Marauders in their own base? Sinister, himself, could probably take out that entire X-team.
However, if you don't read New X-Men regularly, you'll probably love this issue and consider it top notch. Oh ya, one last thing, Layla was awesome this issue in case any X-Factor fans were wondering.
Verdict - Check It.

Written by David Hine
Art by Mico Suayan
Even after all the recaps for people that didn't read Civil War or Annihilation are taken care of, the remainder of the issue is told in a flashback sequence by the Watcher.
So, while there were cool things, like Blackbolt owning most of the initial Annihilation Wave, it still felt like everything was happening off panel and like I was missing out on the actual story. Even the ending happens a couple pages before the actual end of the comic and the Watcher fills us in on what happened in those final moments afterwards.
However, the issue was still enjoyable. I'm not sure everyone will dig it, but there is a scene at the end with Cap and Tony that pretty much made the issue for me and I have no regrets with this purchase.
Verdict - Check It.
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