Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Captain Marvel #1 Review

Written by Brian Reed
Art by Lee Weeks

Brian Reed does an excellent job trying to convince people that Marvel weren't completely retarded in their decision to bring Captain Marvel "back from the dead". Yes, he's actually back to the future or from the past or however you wish to look at it, but the fact remains, there was pretty much no rhyme or reason behind this decision. In fact, if I had to guess, I'd wager the only reason he was brought back in that Civil War special was to try and drum up interest in lieu of the huge delays facing that event.

Getting back to this issue, the bulk of the story deals with Mar-Vell in Paris looking at paintings at the Louvre intersperced with flashes of a SHIELD agent put to the task of tracking him down. Reed does his best to answer some of the lingering questions from Mar-Vell's return in Civil War, such as why no one cared when he showed up at the final battle between all the heroes or what he's been up to since then, but it still comes off as too little, too late.

Despite Reed's best efforts, I still don't see any point to this series nor Mar-Vell's return. Try as they might, even with this out-of-time reasoning, it still feels like Marvel is trampling all over Mar-Vell's legacy and his tragic death all those years ago. If Civil War was your first introduction to Mar-Vell, this issue will do nothing to make you care about him or his past. He's just some random guy that has undisclosed powers, but may or may not be like a Superman in the Marvel Universe. Those who know him know he's nothing like Superman, but with the reaction of the public and the random cult worshipping him after his return, it's hard not to get a Superman vibe regarding Mar-Vell from this issue.

Verdict - Check It. There's some nice imagry here and, I have to admit, I do enjoy seeing the real Mar-Vell again, but I'm still confused as to the point of this aside from Marvel preying on nostalgic fans' desire to see Mar-Vell again. The issue, itself, wasn't bad, per se. In fact, I'd say it was pretty good, but I'm hoping future issues will convince me Mar-Vell's return was worth the effort and that this story won't end up being some cheap cash grab.

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