Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Black Adam #4 Review

Written by Peter J. Tomasi
Art by Doug Mahnke and Christian Alamy

DC, please, please, please give Tomasi and Mahnke an ongoing Black Adam series. In a week with books like World War Hulk, All-Star Superman and Nova, just to name a few, Black Adam still manages to easily be the best book this week and probably the best book since the last issue of this stellar book.

It's really hard to keep doing reviews for Black Adam. It's just hard coming up with positive things to say about this book every month and I've yet to find a single flaw in any issue. Writing about perfect books is harder than it sounds when there's nothing to juxtapose against every single good thing in this book. Tomasi breaks the mold with this series and it appears he doesn't subscribe to the current "decompression" trend other books employ. This book doesn't waste a single frame and it is all beautifully detailed by Mahnke.

In fact, every issue is full of non-stop "OH SH--!" moments and the plot continues at a break neck speed and this issue is no exception. Whether it's the eerie opening hallucination featuring several heroes and loved ones chopping up the unconcious Adam's body or Adam's various whole sale slaughters of his would-be assailants and pursuers to the saving of the people that helped treat his wounds, this issue just doesn't give you a moment to catch your breath and, hard as it is to say, somehow manages to improve on the previous issues.

Verdict - Must Read. Seriously, if you aren't reading Black Adam, what the hell's wrong with you? I can't think of a single reason for you not to be reading this book. This isn't a random fanboy musing or "oh this is my favourite character" speil. This is fact. Read this book. Go now. The rest of the reviews will be here when you get back.

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