Thursday, October 25, 2007

Weekly Crisis Comic Book Quick Shot Reviews for 10/24/07

Still trying to think of a decent name for these shorter, more concise, bullet point style reviews. If you have any ideas or think it's fine as Comic Book Quick Shot Reviews, feel free to comment below. For those unfamiliar with these reviews, I started them last week. They sprang out of the fact I just don't have enough time to devote full reviews to every book that comes out. So these Quick Shots just give a brief love it / hate it style review for everything else I pick up each week.

Make sure you check out the updated Weekly Crisis Comic Book Reviews from yesterday. I added a few that got lost when my browser crashed last night and they didn't get uploaded. That said, on with the reviews and make sure to check back tomorrow for the always popular Moments of the Week!

Cable & Deadpool #46 - Ever since Cable died, this book continues to get better. Last month's Captain America and Bucky WWII time travel issue was hilarious and built on the Winter Soldier stuff with a great Bucky portrayal. This month's issue continues the time jumping with an equally entertaining Fantastic Four team up. Shame this book is going to end soon. It's far better without Cable in my opinion. The humour isn't for everyone though, so give it a flip through before picking this up.

Verdict - Check It

Daredevil #101 - This issue was amazing and I'm upset with myself for not giving it a full review. Last issue's milestone extravaganza was a lot of filler and stalled any progression in the story. This issue really cranks everything into high gear, as if Brubaker was reading my mind, giving us lots of story developments and an awesome cliffhanger featuring The Hood! That ending blew me away. I had just assumed The Hood was hands off as Bendis was using him. Seeing him tying into the Mr Fear stuff here was pure genius.

Verdict - Must Read

Superman #669 - Another great read from Busiek in this second part of the Third Kryptonian storyline. To be honest, who she ended up being was fairly surprising. I was not expecting some woman who looks to be 60+ years old and that had lived for centuries, back when Krypton was an empire, before it was destroyed. The entire issue is pretty much her life story and it's pretty interesting. I enjoyed the expanded history of the Kryponian race dating back to their Empire days. Whether this Kryptonian becomes a mainstay or leaves the planet like she says she will in this issue remains to be seen.

Verdict - Check It

Flash #233 - Waid was the definitive Flash writer for many years back in the early 90s. I stress the word 'was'. His current run kicked off with the fairly good All-Flash special. The actual Flash series, since he has taken over, has been less than stellar. This moisture abosrbing alien race is far from compelling and most of these first issues focus more on his kids and their powers than on Flash, himself. Where's the follow up on the Bart's death? Where's the reactions to his 'back from the grave'? Where's the Flash in this Flash title? Hopefully Waid can turn things around now that this initial alien threat has been dealt with, but with the promise of their return at the end of this issue, I'm not sure if I'll be sticking around on this book.

Verdict - Avoid It

She-Hulk #22 - This is a nice start to the new She-Hulk under PAD's care. While some might be upset with the departure of Slott and his more comically natured She-Hulk run, PAD does a good job with the humour here while still managing to steer the book in a new direction. Loved the Absorbing Man's death and super heroes joke and I'm curious to see what the heck is up with Jenn and how she's separated from She-Hulk and walking around with a broken neck at the end of this issue. Lot of questions and some fun action in this new start for She-Hulk.

Verdict - Check It

The Walking Dead #43 - This series just keeps getting better and better. With the return of The Governor riding atop a tank with his army at his back last issue, this series is really kicking into high gear. This issue focused on a flashback of how The Governor survived and showed how he formed the army and found the prison. I always wondered how he became leader of the town and his excellent political twisting of the facts this issue showed just why the people follow and believe in The Governor. Excellent repetition of the last issue's ending here makes the wait for the next issue almost unbearable.

Verdict - Must Read

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