Friday, October 26, 2007

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 10/24/07

Another great week for comics this week with books like Green Lantern Corps and Thunderbolts coming out, to name a few. Make sure you check out those and more in the updated Weekly Crisis Comic Book Reviews and don't forget to check out the Quick Shot Comic Book Reviews either. I've managed to put together a nice collection of moments from these books and more and I hope you all enjoy them. If you think I missed anything or feel a certain moment from a book deserves a mention, leave a comment and I'll see if I can get a scan of it up for everyone else to see. With that said, on with the Comic Book Moments of the Week!


"You underestimate my sneakiness, sir."

Don't know who pissed in Gordan's Cheerio's this morning, but he's really sticking it to Robin's sneaky entrance and exit in this 2 page spread.


"What did the 5 fingers say to the face?"

Doc Samson lays down the law with this pimp slap on Norman Osborn. Shame it's all in his head.


Another 'all in his head' panel that makes me wish Ellis was writing a Samson mini or on-going.

"It is not a diaper."

The opening arcs had Songbird and Radioactive Man appearing like background characters in their own book. Ellis seems to be fixing that with this hilarious exchange between the two characters in this week's issue.


"You got it boss."

If you still don't know who The Hood is, check out my character spotlight on him from earlier this week by clicking here. While this image itself doesn't seem all that great on its own, it really caught me by surprise. Brubaker was building up to this moment all issue and I wasn't expecting The Hood in the slightest since he appeared to be held up in Bendis' New Avengers as of late. Makes sense for this reveal to be him, but still caught me off guard, so it gets a moment here this week.

X-MEN #204


Loved this little cat fight scene between Kitty and Emma. Emma's face in the second panel is perfect in response to Kitty taking every little thing she says as a personal insult.


"Earth is %$#^ed when Caiera gets back"

This was just an awesome set of panels as we realize Caiera isn't healing the planet with her Oldstrong powers, but taking all the power for her personal revenge. Loved the huge splash on the second page.

"World War Caiera"

Caiera manages to do everything World War Hulk has accomplished in like 5 pages and it's actually better than the dragged out WWH event. The Moon cracking was pretty bad ass and I would have liked to have seen the fight with Black Bolt that caused it or a bigger splash with more reactions from heroes. This whole sequence was just pure win though, so I can't really complain.

"It took them 20 years to build this?"

While the statue is awesome and I loved how this 'tragedy' ended with Caiera melding into the stone to be with Hulk forever, I can't believe it took them 20+ years to make that statue. They had all the surviving heroes working on this! They should have finished it in a week unless it's made of pure adamantium and vibrainium or some crazy rare substance. Damn unions and their required coffee breaks.



Kilowogg ends his match up with Arkillo with this aircraft carrier to the face. To add insult to injury, he takes his ring, and the finger it's attached to, as his prize. Wonder if he actually checked to see if anyone was even in that aircraft carrier before he dropped it on Arkillo?

"The Green Lanterns unleash their greatest weapon.."

It's been pretty much the worst kept secret in comics as of late that Sodam Yat would end up being the new Ion, but this issue of Green Lantern Corps managed to build Yat up to a worthy successor to Kyle's former big, green will-powered whale.



It was a nice try Risk, but I don't think I'd 'risk' my other arm trying to get a free punch in on the guy that tore my other arm off the last time I saw him. Loved the "GG" speech bubble from Risk as Superman Prime grabs his arm. Good Game indeed.

"Who's next?"

Loved this scene with Robin and Krypto. A wise man once said, never mess with a super powered dog that can shoot lasers out of its eyes. Words to live by, my friend.


"Four Robins?"

Talk about awkward here as Flash points out the number of Robins Batman has gone through. Love the look on Wonder Woman's face in the last panel. In Batman's defense, 2 Robins are still alive and Jason Todd came back from the dead, so he doesn't really count and Steph didn't die as a Robin. So, he's technically never lost a Robin. Technically.


"If I can't see them, they can't see me"

Bob, Agent of Hydra, shows here why he's the best there is at what he does. This series should just become Bob & Deadpool. Shame they'll cancel it without Cable.


"That's just making God look bad!"

I don't think anyone knows what's going on in the new She-Hulk, what with Jenn and She-Hulk separated and Jenn somehow walking around after Absorbing Man broke her neck. Pretty funny assessment of death in the super hero community in this mid-fight quip.

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derek said... 1

Oh man. Those Flash panels are hilarious. I want to read the issue now just to see where the discussion goes from there.

Kirk Warren said... 2

While those panels are pretty good, the actual issue only deals with the JLA for about 2 pages if I recall. They also just sort of skirt the issue of the kids and let the Robin comment slide. Not really worth picking up the book just for that if you ask me.

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