The Story: ANNIHILATION: CONQUEST's answer to Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos is outgunned, outnumbered and on the run for their lives! On a no-win, no-tech suicide mission, Star-Lord and his rag-tag band of cosmic cult favorites struggle to recover from a huge loss–but they have no time to rest and reflect as their vicious foes unleash hell! What shocking decision will they have to make–and can writer Keith Giffen and new superstar Timothy Green make you love Bug and Rocket Raccoon? Believe it!
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99
Comments: Conquest is the best event going on at Marvel right now and you should be ashamed if you are not picking it up. I expect this book to be one of the best books out next week and I will disappointed if it is anything but spectacular.

The Story: The Gauntlet, the Initiative's top drill instructor, has been beaten and left for dead. And all the evidence points towards his attacker being someone on the base. Who did it? A spy? A recruit? An instructor? This looks like a job for Camp Hammond's MPs. And by the time this is over, more than one important mystery will be revealed. Featuring JUSTICE, CLOUD 9, and... THE SCARLET SPIDERS!
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99
Comments: Avengers: Initiative is probably the best Initiative book and is working its way up to being my favourite Avengers title. Not sure who could be behind the hit on Gauntlet, but the obvious bet, what with that New Warriors tag left on him on the cover, is that Justice is somehow involved, being a former NW himself. Combine the fact Gauntlet routinely bad mouths the former New Warriors and their mess up that sparked Civil War and it seems plausible it could be Justice's fault. I think it is too obvious and suspect some random Gyrich scheme gone wrong.

The Story: A living legend. A super soldier. A horrible tragedy that continues to rock the Marvel Universe. Would Deadpool hold any of these things sacred? CAPTAIN AMERICA is about to find out! But wait, isn't Cap dead, you ask? Of course he is, but then... how can he be teaming up with our favorite Merc With A Mouth and his trusty sidekick, BOB, Agent of Hydra...?
Maybe Bucky can provide a clue...
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99
Comments: I enjoyed the last storyline with Wolverine and Bob, Agent of Hydra, is one of the best and funniest reasons to pick up this book. The cover is pretty awesome as well. Worth checking out if you enjoy funny books, but this is more a guilty pleasure than anything for me.

The Story: Nominated for the 2007 Eisner Awards for Best Writer and Best New Series!
Tracy Lawless continues his relentless hunt for the truth about his brother's murder, as he sinks deeper and deeper into the criminal world his little brother lived and died in. Now, as he learns more about the man his brother Rick had grown up into, and as he becomes close to the woman who loved his brother, he realizes that someone in the city has figured out who he really is, and that could mean big trouble. All this, and the Christmas Eve heist to end them all falls into place!
From the acclaimed and award-winning team of Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. And remember, every issue of CRIMINAL is packed from cover to cover with content, from back-up stories to noir articles by Brubaker and many other big-name writers.
32 PGS./Mature Content/No Ads …$2.99
Comments: I don't usually review this book as I typically just bank the issues until the current storyline is finished. I just can't take the suspense of waiting between issues with this book. I suspect if I actually reviewed this book as it came out, it would easily take Book of the Week. It is that good. Grab the trades as they come out at the very least. If you enjoy Daredevil, Iron Fist or other gritty, noir, street level books, this book is your dream come true. Brubaker is in his element and this is like a realistic take on his earlier Batman related works. Highly recommended. Do not even wait for reviews of this book to pick it up.

The Story: Daniel Rand is the Immortal Weapon of the mystical city of K'un-Lun…the legendary kung fu hero Iron Fist. And after the stunning conclusion of THE LAST IRON FIST STORY, Danny has found himself forced to take part in a reality-spanning kung fu championship that matches the seven -- Really! Seven! -- Immortal Weapons like himself against one another. The prize is glory, but for Danny, the penalty of losing will be death–this contest is rigged, and there's no hope of escaping alive. Who has the best kung fu? Find out the hard way in THE SEVEN CAPITAL CITIES OF HEAVEN part 2! By Ed "I Killed Captain America" Brubaker and Matt "I Know Ed Brubaker" Fraction and David "Who Shot J.R.?" Aja.
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99
Comments: If you read my Comic Book Crisis of Faith article on this series, you will know how highly regarded it is by me. Last month's issue was an incredible follow up to his first arc and really set the tone for the upcoming tournament. This issue should be one of the best to date and I expect this to be Book of the Week with ease.

The Story: THE BOOK OF THE IRON FIST, written on parchment made from the dragon scales of Shou-Lao the Undying, tells the life stories and kung fu secrets of every man and woman to hold the mantle of the Immortal Iron Fist -- except two. One, Danny Rand, the current Iron Fist, is the possessor of this most remarkable book. The other is Orson Randall, the Golden Age Iron Fist, and all his life he remained an enigma, even while trying to outrun the Iron Fist legacy. If Danny hopes to unlock the last mysteries of the Iron Fist, he'll have to track down Orson's long-lost life story and learn his secrets before it's too late. This unique annual both enriches the current Iron Fist storyline THE SEVEN CAPITAL CITIES OF HEAVEN and serves as a perfect jumping-on point for new readers.
48 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
Comments: What is better than one Iron Fist story a month? Why, two of course. Orson was a great character introduced in the first arc of Fraction & Brubaker's relaunch of this series and I am quite pleased we get to see more of him in this annual. Neither writer has yet to disappoint in a single issue of Immortal Iron Fist and the flashback scenes have been some of my favourite parts as they explore the history of the Iron Fist. It will be tough to decide which book is better this week, but I think the main series tournament fights might beat out this book, but this is another must buy issue for me regardless.

Penciled by PHIL BRIONES
The U.S. government is after Namor–public enemy #1! A terrorist attack perpetrated by an Atlantean sleeper cell has killed 800 innocent civilians…but who gave the order? While the Sub-Mariner scours the surface for answers, Tony Stark, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., tries to prevent a seemingly inevitable war between Atlantis and the surface world…but even Iron Man can’t stop the government from unleashing their secret weapon on Namor–the Thunderbolts! With extreme prejudice!
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99
Comments: This series has been far from high art, but the fights are enjoyable from a fanboy perspective. Watching Namor pound Wolverine last issue was quite entertaining and the Venom cliffhanger, while a bit contrived, was pretty shocking. If you can sit back and enjoy the ride, this is a fun series.

The Story: You are a member of the Order. You've been given extraordinary powers and a mandate to save the world. You've got one year. What do you do? "Calamity" James Wa was a baseball player with his whole future bright and perfect in front of him, when a drunk driver took it all away. What does HE do with extraordinary powers and a mandate to save the world? He goes looking for a little payback. Also: They're half zombie! Half hobo! ALL TERROR! The ZOBOS run roughshod on Rodeo Drive! Celebutantes and debutards beware–Botox is like ketchup to these flesh-eating, homeless weirdos, and they find your waxed and tanned skin DELICIOUS! Somebody call THE ORDER!
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99
Comments: While The Order has been fairly good, I have yet to be impressed with the series. It took New Warriors four issues to do this and I am willing to give The Order a similar trial. However, zombies have been a bit overused since Marvel Zombies came out and I would rather they just sit back and let us get to know the characters instead of throwing them into non stop fights and replacing people every issue. Hopefully the book does not disappoint me this week as it might be on the way off my pull list if it does.

The F.F. are forced into an uneasy alliance with the alien known as the Silver Surfer to combat the Psycho-Man, who has six billion fanatical followers…all kidnapped from their home planet—Earth. Despite their power, how can even the Fantastic Four rescue a populace from itself? The answer will shock you. Part 5 (of 5)
32 PGS./Rated A …$2.99
Comments: Carey's UFF has had its ups and downs and this current Silver Surfer arc has been odd to say the least. Hopefully he can deliver the goods on this storyline and end it with a bang. I would much rather he get back to the Thanos and Cosmic Cube storyline though.

Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin, has escaped the maximum security facility in the Triskelion, once home to the Ultimates. Because Norman knows young Peter Parker is Spider-Man, Peter must rush to protect his Aunt May from this madman’s vengeance. But Norman isn’t the only enemy of the web-spinner to have been loosed on New York. Electro, master of electricity, also plans to fry Spidey on sight. This is the Goblin arc no Ultimate reader can afford to miss! Part 3 (of 6)
32 PGS./Rated A …$2.99
Comments: I always enjoy getting two issues of Ultimate Spider-Man in one month and I hope Immonen can keep up with this Bagley-like pace he is working on here. Ultimate Spider-Man is what the mainstream Spidey books should be like and I highly recommend picking it up for some fun, old fashioned Spidey action. Issue 112 or 113 were excellent jumping on points for this current story arc and you will not regret it. Consistently one of the best books on the market.

The Story: As the Xavier Academy reels from Exodus's attack and the Marauders' true goals emerge, the X-Men finally find themselves in a position to take the offensive. But only if Iceman and Cannonball deliberately walk into an ambush from which they may not emerge alive.
Beast’s alliance with Dark Beast is put to the test as scientific inquiry turns into cold-blooded murder!
40 PGS./Rated A …$2.99
Comments: I typically enjoy Carey's X-Men, but last issue really put a damper on my enjoyment of this arc. Seemed like all the momentum was sucked out of the book with the slow pace and rather illogical execution of Exodus' attack really hurt it in my opinion. I expect this issue to deliver the goods though and would be surprised if this was another lackluster issue this month.

Written by Keith Giffen
Art by Pat Olliffe & John Stanisci
Cover by Ethan Van Sciver
The dead walk as the 6-issue miniseries continues! Azraeuz, the pale rider (Death, to the uninitiated) raises Bialya's dead to serve the Four Horsemen's deadly agenda. And when Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman find themselves facing down an entire nation of the living dead while the world watches, you'll never guess who shows up to lend a helping hand.
On sale September 26 • 2 of 6 • FC, 32 pg, $2.99
Comments: 52 was supposed to be a year without the Big 3 and showed how the B-listers could handle things without the big guns for a year. I dislike how they follow up the Four Horsemen storyline with a book requiring said Big 3 to finish off the Four Horsemen, effectively showing that the B-listers were inadequate to do the job. The first issue was really, really slow as well and I hope this issue picks up the pace.

Written by Frank Miller
Art and cover by Jim Lee & Scott Williams
Variant cover by Miller
A study in revenge unravels deep in the Batcave and the young Dick Grayson is about to explode! Batman hands over the triggerman behind the Flying Graysons’ murder, but when the killer fingers the criminal mastermind pulling the strings, the Dark Knight and his orphaned aerialist sidekick don’t like what they hear. They don’t’ like it one bit.
Retailers please note: This issue will feature two covers that may be ordered separately.
On sale September 26 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Comments: I do not know why I like this book. Frank Millar has obviously lost it and is simply making fun of all the typical conventions of the Batman character. I think he has a little side bet with an editor to see how many 'goddamns' he can fit in the book as well. If ever there was a guilty pleasure, this book is it for me. It is so bad in my eyes, it slides off the scale and comes back in the good side.

Written by John Rogers & Keith Giffen
Art by Rafael Albuquerque & David Baldeon
Cover by Cully Hamner
The Beetle’s truce with crimelord La Dama is put to the test when someone puts a Giganta-ic price on her head!
On sale September 26 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Comments: Check out my Comic Book Crisis of Faith review of the Blue Beetle series to catch up on one of DC's best books before you run out and buy this book next week. A no-brainer must buy for me next week and hopefully you guys too.

Story by Paul Dini
Breakdowns by Keith Giffen
Script by Sean McKeever; art by Manuel Garcia
Cover by Talent Caldwell
The Countdown to the end is on! Karate Kid battles Equus! Jimmy Olsen visits Infinity Inc. for answers! Mary Marvel falls under the spell of Eclipso! Kyle Rayner joins the Challengers from Beyond! Piper and Trickster encounter the villainy of Poison Ivy and Deathstroke!
Plus, Black Canary’s bachelorette party! Guest-starring Steel, Starlight, the Flash, Zatanna, the Atom, Buddy Blank and more! Plus, more DC VILLAINS backup origin stories by Scott Beatty!
32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Comments: Oh Countdown. You are so bad, but not in the funny, good way that All-Star Batman & Robin is. This is bad with a capital 'B'. Someone remind me why I keep picking this book up each week. Oh ya. I am a comic book fan that has the 'Gotta Catch 'em All' mentality that prevents me from dropping this book into the gutter where it belongs. At least the series has been improving ever so slightly and the storylines are finally moving. Maybe they will surprise me this week with a great issue.

Written by Adam Beechen and Justin Gray
Art by Eddy Barrows & Julio Ferrera and Fabrizio Fiorentino
Cover by Ivan Reis & Oclair Albert
Meet Champ Hazard, the hero of Rann. But what happened to Adam Strange?
And in the backup story, Forerunner travels to Earth-10, the universe where the Nazis won World War II, to recruit superpowers for her master’s cause.
Comments: Adventure was surprisingly not shitty last month. It was by no means the best book ever, but it was definitely leaps and bounds above Countdown. I am actually looking forward to seeing more of this book and hopefully it does not disappoint me too much. Seeing these other Earth's should be interesting as well and will probably tie into the recent Countdown: Arena announcement.

Written by Dave Gibbons
Art and cover by Pat Gleason & Prentis Rollins
“The Sinestro Corps War” continues as Mogo is attacked by the Sinestro Corps. Can the largest Green Lantern of all defend itself from a squadron of Sinestro Corps members?
On sale September 26 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Comments: Sinestro Corps War. 'Nuff said. Buy it. Do not question this.

Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by Joe Benitez & Victor Llamas
Cover by Ian Churchill
Don’t miss the debut of the new JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA creative team! The “Injustice League Unlimited” story continues from the JLA WEDDING SPECIAL as a hero is severely beaten by the new Injustice League, forcing the JLA to fight back!
On sale September 26 • 2 of 8 • 48 pg, FC, $3.99 US
Comments: I had to go back and get that JLA Wedding Special last week. I cannot believe how good it ended up being. I wrote it off as some terrible wedding tie-in similar to the wedding planner and other cheap Green Arrow/ Black Canary books being churned out for this wedding. With the quality of that issue, McDuffie has my attention and I cannot wait for this issue. Only real complaint is that horrible looking Joker depicted on the cover. This issue has an outside chance at Book of the Week and I think it will definitely be worth checking out at the very least.

Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Alé Garza & Marlo Alquiza
Cover by Alé Garza & Scott Williams
The Titans of Tomorrow are here today! The super-popular future Titans are arrive in our present time , and they’ve already taken out the Justice League. What crucial historical event are they here to stop — or contribute to?
On sale September 26 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Comments: Issue 50 was a great retrospective issue that managed to set up the beginning of this storyline. Make sure you pick that issue up and then be here next week for what should be an excellent start to McKeever's tenure on Teen Titans. I love time travel stories and this should be another candidate for Book of the Week next week.
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