Saturday, September 15, 2007

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 09/12/07

Comic Book Moments of the Week is another new feature I am bringing out this week. It is just a collection of various funny or character defining or just plain 'OH SH--!' moments that make a book that much better. These are all spoilers of this weeks books, obviously, and that is why I have decided to wait a few days before posting them. Think of this as a highlight reel of all the great moments in comics for the past week. And just because a certain book does not have a 'moment of the week' does not preclude it from being an awesome book or even the best book that week.

Feel free to check out this week's Weekly Crisis Comic Book Reviews for reviews of all the books before seeing the moments or hit the jump and dive right into the moments. Also, do not be afraid to post comments on your moment of the week or what you think of my choices.

Cockblock - As seen in this week's Justice Society of America #9, good ol' Jay Garrick will have none of that when it comes to the young guys hitting on his harem of JSA ladies, in this case Stargirl, and steps in with the good old fashioned, tried and true cockblock maneuver. Hats off to you Jay. We all like them young.

I Don't Think It Works That Way -
Here we have Wolverine after his fight with The Hood in this week's New Avengers #34. During the fight, The Hood seems to have blown off his manhood and Logan seems to be taking the pain only-a-man-could-know pretty well. I know his healing factor is pretty good these days, but I do not think it works the way he hopes in this scene.

In or Out. - Not even a question on Hawkeye's part in this funny New Avengers scene. He is telling Echo to either get in or get out. That is confidence at its finest. Whether the deaf Echo could even read his lips to understand him is a question left unsaid.

"I'm Batman" - Best answer ever. McDuffie came out of no where with an awesome JLA Wedding Special, which I had written off as a cheap cash in on the Green Arrow / Black Canary wedding, and featured this memorable moment with Green Lantern calling Batman for help with the bachelor party. Great scene and there is even some follow up later in the issue.

"Of course. Of Course." - Good old Booster Gold. This week's issue #2 featured him trying to stop Sinestro from coming to Earth early and inadvertently causing the Sinestro Corps to be created early and taking over the universe. Booster manages to stop him from meeting up with Guy Gardner, but still manages to plant the seeds for Sinetro's eventual self-titled corps despite his best efforts in this throw back scene to the mustache twirling villains of the Silver Age.

And the pitch... - While I did not completely enjoy Thor #3 this week, the art, the fight scenes in particular, was amazing. Thor did not take too kindly to Iron Man's offer to register...

...HOME RUN! - I think someone should check that hammer. It might be corked in this Iron Man meets Thor's hammer scene from Thor #3.

OH SH--! - Ya. I think if I walked in on the Anti-Monitor doing something naughty in his bedroom I might turn back. The Lost Lanterns, as seen in Green Lantern #23, should have followed this simple rule. "You Will Die". Indeed Mr Monitor, indeed.

Oh Lucy... - Looks like the GL's brought some company back to Earth with them, as seen in this splash page at the end of GL #23. Considering the three Earth Lanterns are pretty much out of juice after fleeing the Sinestro Corps, things are not looking good with the entire army on their doorstep. Good luck with that Hal.

Hardcore Adam, Hardcore - Teth continues his bloody quest to resurrect his wife, Isis, in Black Adam #2 this week with this extreme sports gone wrong bungee jumping scene using a yeti's intestines for the chord. Cannibalism, self-mutilation, murder, torture AND extreme sports. Adam is the definition of hardcore this week.

Adam. Black Adam. - Things can only get worse for Black Adam's enemies now that he is powered again, leeching the magical residue from Isis' bones to power his transformation.

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zjk said... 1

Good picks though I'd probably throw in a MINDWIPE! or 2.

Kirk Warren said... 2

Thanks. I was thinking about putting that Countdown moment with the Rogues in, but I wasn't sure how long was too long a post for this feature. Didnt want to stick a million images up from every book. It seems this was one of the most popular posts I've done based on Analytics, so next week I'll see if I can squeeze a few more memorable scenes onto the page without it being one long scrollfest.

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