Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Flash #231 Review

FLASH #231
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Daniel Acuna

I just want to say I love this cover. When it was revealed that the last Flash was ending at issue 13, I was saddened when I thought this supposed preview cover for issue 14 or 15 was going to be scrapped. Glad to see it carry over to this new issue.

With the All-Flash Special, I was assuming they were going to give us a jumping on point for new and old readers to come back to the series. Colour me surprised when they followed up on the death in the last issue of Flash The Fastest Man Alive. That issue built not only on TFMA, but also the recent revival of Wally in Justice League of America's Lightning Saga. This left me wondering how they would return to the old series and numbering and whether it would actually be a "beginning" like the cover states or a live grenade of past plot lines carried over. I am happy to report that this issue is realtively reader friendly and should make an excellent jumping on point for anyone interested in a return to the Flash and did not pick up the previous series.

This issue establishes the return of Wally and does not bog new readers down with long drawn out explanations on what happened to him or how he got back or anything along those lines. We get a brief introduction to the Flash's children and why they have powers and how they differ from Flash himself. The book reads really well and my only real complaint is the art. Actually, I am not sure if it is the art or the colouring they used. The washed-out, faded water colour look does not suit the high octane speedster aspect of this book and is a major distraction to me.

Otherwise, this book was an excellent return for Wally and family and worth a look for anyone interested in the fastest man alive. I was disappointed at absolutely no mention or alluding to the death of the previous Flash, but it is possible the picture Iris throws across the room was of him, but that would be an odd action to take for someone who was close to them. While I do not want them dwelling on the previous series or events, I would still like some mention of the sacrifice made and the effects he had on Keystone City. Despite this, I am still looking forward to the next issue and more of the scarlet speedster family.

Verdict - Check It

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