Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Post-Crisis Comic Book Previews for 03/27/13

It's Tuesday morning, so let's hit some Post-Crisis Comic Book Previews, shall we?  There's plenty of wonderful comic book titles coming out tomorrow, including the venerable East of West #1, Planetoid #5, Young Avengers #3, and lots more!  So hit the jump to check the whole shebang out!

Major Releases

Written by Grant Morrison
Art by Chris Burnham

• The fallout from last month’s shocking turn of events has Batman on the run!
• Is The Dark Knight a murderer?

Grant: We're the first issue of Batman, Incorporated since Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham unceremoniously killed off Damian Wayne.  While it remains to be seen just how long Damian's untimely passing ends up lasting for, Morrison has gone on record to say that he won't be back during this story.  So expect some fireworks and punishment as Bruce deals with that loss.  This should be damn good.

Written by Jonathan Hickman
Art by Nick Dragotta

The things that divide us are stronger than the things that unite us. A Sci-Fi Western set in a dystopian America where all hope for the future rests in the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse…who just happen to be trying to kill the President of the United States.

Grant: I've wanted to like a Jonathan Hickman book since as long as I can remember, but they always end up leaving me somewhat cold.  The closest I've ever come to really enjoying his work was during the early stages of his FF run, which by whatever happenstance was done with Nick Dragotta, the artist that Hickman is working with for East of West.  I don't know if I should be taking that as a sign of things to come, but it definitely encourages me to give this book a shot.  The fact that the entire internet seems to be salivating in anticipation of this title doesn't hurt either.

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Steve McNiven

There’s a new rule in the galaxy: No one touches Earth! No one!! Why has Earth become the most important planet in the Galaxy? That’s what the Guardians of the Galaxy are going to find out!! Join the brightest stars in the Marvel universe: Star Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, Groot and--wait for it--Iron-Man, as they embark upon one of the most explosive and eye-opening chapters of Marvel NOW! These galactic Avengers are going to discover secrets that will rattle Marvel readers for years to come! Why wait for the movie? It all starts here!

Grant: We've already had the seemingly mandatory zero issue for this series, but Guardians of the Galaxy #1 is presumably where the party is really going to get started.  In case you weren't already jonesing for some more cosmic Marvel action, let me remind you that Neil Gaiman will be coming on to co-write this book as of issue #5, so there is that.

Written by Ken Garing
Art by Ken Garing

Warfare ensues as the tyrannical forces of the Ono Mao attempt to wipe out the planetoid's only hope for civilization!

Grant: And here's the title that I've been waiting for.  Ken Garing's Planetoid was one of my favourite books of last summer, but after issue #3 it hit some delays.  Issue #4 came out towards the end of last year, and now we're finally getting the conclusion to the science fiction miniseries where our intrepid heroes will face off against the forces of the Ono Mao.  It's certainly been a bit of a longer wait than I think anyone was looking for, but every issue of this series has been great and really different from anything else you'll find on comic book stands.  And Planetoid #5 continues the best of this miniseries, in that it is a 32-page, full colour, ad-less comic book for the low price of $2.99.  That is a value that you just can't find anywhere else, and I heartily recommend taking advantage of it.

New Kids on the Block

Written by Mike Mignola, Fabio Moon & Gabriel Ba
Art by Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba

After the horrific events of B.P.R.D.: 1948, we follow one doomed agent’s quest for revenge against a clan of vampires and their Gorgon-eyed queen Hecate. 

Grant: Oh man, talk about an all-star creative team.  Mike Mignola is one hell of a storyteller (pun only half-intended) and Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba are no slouches either.  Indeed, these are three of the best writer / artists working in the industry nowadays, and I buy most anything they do separately, so bringing them together for a BPRD-centred story is a no-brainer.  With Dave Stewart on colours, they might as well be printing money, because Dark Horse will definitely be getting mine.

Written by Mark Waid
Art by Daniel Indro

The Hornet faces his most dangerous enemy ever–an egotistical, arrogant Britt Reid! In his alter-ego as a powerful newspaper publisher, the Hornet has lost control, becoming a social crusader far too sure of himself and of his judgment. But when he finally goes too far, an innocent man pays a terrible price–and the legend of the Green Hornet begins its cataclysmic collapse!

Grant: I have to give props to Dynamite for seeking out some of the industry's top talent to write their licensed pulp characters.  Mark Waid's star is mighty high at the moment, and considering his work over on Daredevil and pretty much anything else he touches, chances are good that his Green Hornet will be pretty dandy.

Written by Dan Abnett, Matt Kindt, Damon Lindelof, Peter Milligan, Toby Litt, Ray Fawkes, Simon Spurrier, Tom King & Gail Simone
Art by Mark Buckingham, Jeff Lemire, M.K. Perker, Victor Santos, Jorge Corona, Rafel Albuquerque, Tom Fowler, I.N.J. Culbard & others

Let’s do the time warp again! It’s time for another fantastic Vertigo anthology filled with spectacular sci-fi stories. Robots, deep space and lots of time travel twists by a bevy of comic greats and the up-and-coming stars of tomorrow. Damon Lindelof and Jeff Lemire bring us a blast from DC’s past, plus another installment of the “Dead Boy Detectives” from Toby Litt, Buckingham and Victor Santos, Matt Kindt presents a stirring story of man vs. machine—and so much more!

Grant: Considering how awful DC's Young Romance book was, I'm a little leery to pick up Time Warp.  However, this book does have the benefit that none of these stories will be acting as undercover pitches for ongoing series, so I imagine there will be a bit more creativity and fun at play.  I also love a heck of a lot of the names listed up there, so I'm taking a risk, but I feel pretty good about it.

You May Have Missed

Written by Jim Zub
Art by Edwin Huang

SAVAGE SKULLKICKERS: a modern reinterpretation that gets back to the roots of these timeless characters. It’s a bold new direction, a continuing story and a newly added adjective! Our twentieth issue is brand a new #1! Welcome to comic math.

P.S. Retailers: Rack this comic beside other new “Savage” comics you may have hanging around the shop. We won’t mind.

Grant: Month in and month out, Jim Zub and Edwin Huang bring the funny in the pages of Skullkickers.  As you can see, there's so much in the book proper that it has spilled out into the solicitations.  This entire arc will be made up of brand new number #1s that continue the story that they've been telling all along, and I cannot wait to sink my teeth into it.  This book is always a good time, and things look to be getting even better.

Written by Kieron Gillen
Art by Jamie McKelvie

• A Fight scene, probably.
• And another one, but this time in a club.
• Plentiful feels. (aka “Meaningful emotional character beats” for people who aren’t on tumblr)
• The fakest ID in history.

Grant: I'm pleased to see that Skullkickers isn't the only book that's willing to have some fun at the expense of our monthly solicitations.  It's even better when the book joining in is the totally excellent Young Avengers.  Tongue is planted firmly in cheek in these above descriptions, but they also manage to paint a pretty complete picture of what will be going down this issue without giving too much away.  Props to Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie for making great comic books that are also accompanied by great solicitations.

The Balance

Written by Mike Carey
Art by Peter Gross

“Orpheus in the Underworld” part 1! Still on his quest to bring Lizzie back from the dead, Tom Taylor has made it as far as Hades—but he’s left his memories behind in the waters of Lethe. Now he’s face-to-face with the king of the underworld, who’s got his own sinister agenda and no good reason to offer Tom an Orpheus deal...

Grant: My monthly dose of comic book literary references arrives this week, and not a moment too soon.  Mike Carey and Peter Gross have one of the best ongoing series on their hands with The Unwritten, which has managed to build on the English Literature in a natural and dynamic manner that feels just right.  It's always a pleasure to see what they'll bring up next, but it's also never confusing or alienating.  Theses guys know how to use their allusion.

Written by Justin Jordan
Art by Tradd Moore

Luther versus…..Jack the Ripper?!

Grant: The only speed that Justin Jordan and Tradd Moore seem to know is pedal to the metal, as The Legend of Luther Strode has been balls to the wall action from page one. This series has the perfect balance of story and violence, hitting you with everything it has and then hitting you some more.  The energy coming off of this book is palpable, and I'm interested to see where it will all end up.

Written by Joshua Williamson, Jeff Mariotte & Kurtis Wiebe
Art by Riley Rossmo

Inspired by the Mexican Day of the Dead, artist extraordinaire, RILEY ROSSMO (DEBRIS, GREEN WAKE, COWBOY NINJA VIKING, REBEL BLOOD) joins forces with nine different writers over three issues to tell tall tales from beyond the grave!

This issue’s featured writers are JEFF MARIOTTE (FADE TO BLACK), KURTIS WIEBE (PETER PANZERFAUST) and JOSHUA WILLIAMSON (XENOHOLICS).In this issue: Cartel soldiers visit the pits of Hell, a visitor to Mexico stumbles onto a black mass, and a man heart broken at the loss of his wife is reunited with her beyond the grave.

Grant: Dia De Los Muertos is a rare bird in today's comic book landscape: an artist-centric title.  This book is truly the Riley Rossmo show, as he brings in different writers to help him tell Day of the Dead-inspired stories.  It's almost like a soft anthology, with every story offering something different from the one before it.  Definitely worth a look.

Written by Jimmie Robinson
Art by Jimmie Robinson

Tyler barely escapes the knife club only to become the target of both the stick club and every teacher in the school of Five Weapons. This time the faculty plans to beat Tyler at his own game and embarrass him in front of the whole school.

Grant: The first issue of Five Weapons was a pleasant surprise, as Jimmie Robinson brought us into a wacky world of assassins and the prep schools their children attend.  Despite the deadly subject matter, this book is family friendly and rather humourous to boot.  Robinson has given us some fantastic characters and interesting mysteries going forward in what is a surprisingly clever comic that is well worth your time and money.  Give it a look.

Pick of the Week

It shouldn't surprise you that I'm going with Planetoid #5 this week.  This is a book that I honestly think everyone should be checking out, as Ken Garing is telling a rad science fiction tale that is unlike anything else you'll find on stands.  Each issue has been brilliant, but they've also all been brilliant in different ways.  Garing is not content to tell the same story in the same way, mixing things up from issue to issue to move the plot forward in the best and most efficient way possible.  It's been a wait, but I feel like it'll have been worth it.

That's what has my eye; what has yours?

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Eric van Schaik said...

For me this week Batman Inc., Luther Strode, Fatale an Rachel Rising.
My pic of the week: Nexus Omnibus 2 (I started reading Nexus when they moved to Dark Horse, and loved the art).
I will buy the Planetoid TPB when it arrives.

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