Sunday, December 15, 2013

Cover of the Week - Three and FBP - Federal Bureau of Physics

Settle in with some blankets and a warm mug of cocoa, we've got your Covers of the Week right here!  This time around, we've a triumvirate of hunted runaways and some crazy colour collisions (although it could be called more of a bureau nowadays).  All this and our honourable mentions lie on the other side of the cut, so click on through to check it all out!

Ken's Cover of the Week - Three #3 by Ryan Kelly

Ken: A movie poster done right. I didn't count them all but it looks like there really is three hundred spears in the background, which is what sets this apart in my eyes. Then you move down to the blood across the shields and the negative color of the Helots on the run, simple and effective.

Grant's Cover of the Week - FBP - Federal Bureau of Physics #6 by Nathan Fox

Grant: Nathan Fox is one fire with his covers for FBP.  The images proper always look amazing, but what really makes his work stand out is his amazing use of colour.  Everything is bright and neon while maintaining something of a sombre tone.  It's a tightrope that I don't understand how he walks, but I'm mighty glad that he keeps managing the trick, because the results are something to behold.

Runner-Ups:  The Emerald City of Oz #5, Abe Sapien #8, Manifest Destiny #2

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