Written by Brian Clevinger
Art by Scott Wegner
Flying airplanes! Robots in the sky! Monstrous things in the ocean deep!
Grant: Clevinger's solicitations have recently left very little to work with in terms of predicting what's going to happen in the issue (if you couldn't figure out there'd be more planes and Atomic Robo getting up in the sky, then you just haven't been paying attention), but the high quality that he and Scott Wegner bring to each and every issue of Atomic Robo has always been more than enough to warrant me picking up the book, and Flying She-Devils of the Pacific has been no exception. The one new aspect is this allusion to monstrous ocean things, which could add an interesting wrinkle to the story. If I'm remembering my Twitter reading correctly, this issue should also see some actual tragedy coming to the She-Devils, so look out for that.

Written by Brian Clevinger
Art by Various
This issue concludes the stories of The Sparrow's top secret mission against the Weird Armies of the Third Reich and Bruce Lee's training of Atomic Robo.
The untold tales of Atomic Robo have been told at last! But for how long? There's no telling!
Grant: Real Science Adventures has been an interesting experiment from the Atomic Robo team, with Clevinger and a battery of artists busting out a plethora of short Atomic Robo stories over these past five issues. With the sixth issue, we'll be finishing up the two ongoing stories that have been rolling since issue #1, with hopefully a few other tales to fill out the remainder of the book. I'm unclear as to whether or not this series will continue after the trade collecting the first six issues, but I would be happy to keep buying more if they keep producing them.

Written by J.H. Williams III & W. Haden Blackman
Art by J.H. Williams III
• See how Kate Kane shed her life of excess and disgrace to become the costumed vigilante known as Batwoman!
• Has she truly put her demons to rest?
Grant: While I didn't get to talk about it, my fears from last week as to Batman #0 retreading old ground were not really founded, which was a nice surprise. That being said, I am curious to see how J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman approach this clear origin issue for Batwoman. While Greg Rucka and Williams touched on a lot of aspects of Kate Kane, I feel as if there's still some space to fill when it comes to her transformation from rich debutante to Caped Crusader, so let's bring this on already, shall we? Also, I'd just like to comment that this is perhaps my favourite "burst through" cover from Month Zero thus far. Batwoman's boot is what sells it. The bat-symbol and the 'W' below is both hilarious and the perfect calling card.

Written by Mike Mignola & John Arcudi
Art by Tonci Zonjic
Hellboy’s favorite gun-blazing vigilante takes justice to the skies this time by getting locked in combat aboard a zeppelin!
Grant: Uh, this solicitation is so simple, but it's so perfect. The book already had me at Lobster Johnson, but the promise of fights on a zeppelin should really put this comic over the top, as far as I'm concerned. Lobster Johnson has always felt like a bit of a love letter to pulp fiction, and I can't think of anything pulpier than airships. I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that this one should be very, very good.

Written by Kurtis J. Wiebe
Art by Tyler Jenkins
"PARIS," Part One
Paris cowers in the shadow of the Third Reich and one of the Lost Boys has become their prisoner. There is no running. There is no hiding. There is only the mission: save Felix!
Grant: Kurtis J. Wiebe continues to seemingly turn everything he touches to gold. As the solicit tells you, it seems that Peter Panzerfaust has been upgraded to an ongoing, and based on Wiebe's tweets and blogging, it sounds like he has some big plans for his continuing adventures of Peter Pan and company. I was intrigued when I first heard of this book, but I had no idea that the mixture of Peter Pan and World War 2 would end up working so well. Wiebe not only came up with a clever idea, he really, truly cares about it and puts his all into each and every issue. If you haven't been following this series, I imagine issue #6 would be a pretty good jump on point, so if children's lit and world wars are your cup of tea, why not give it a shot.

Written by Tim Seely
Art by Mike Norton
Ms. Vang is a little old lady who wants her piece of the pie. And the creature in her basement is how she plans to get it. Meanwhile, Dana and her new partner are on a case, Em has more secrets, and a walking corpse goes to her daughter's funeral.
Grant: Tim Seely and Mike Norton's new series has taken me quite by surprise. I recently checked out the first issue on a whim, and the book has really grabbed me. The concept - the dead just aren't staying dead anymore - is a simple one, but Seely has managed to add some interesting spins to really make the book shine. Called a "Rural Noir", that is an astoundingly accurate description. The rural aspect of the series is one of the most important, and that setting changes all the characters' reactions and lets the basic concept play out without interruption from the outside world. I don't really know where all this is going, but I'm interested to find out.

Written by Roger Langridge
Art by Roger Langridge
FINAL ISSUE of the Eisner Award-nominated series! Will our heroes escape the dangers of Snark Island? With her father the Red King in tow, will Scarlett be able to save the kingdom from the clutches of the dastardly royal advisors? And what will become of the Walrus and the Carpenter? Find out here!
Grant: A reminder that that solicitation should read "Eisner Award-Winning series". I've been raving about Snarked! since issue #0 appeared all those many months ago, and with issue #12 wrapping things up, if you haven't already taken my advice and raced out to buy this series, you have one more issue to do so! Adimttedly, if you started from issue #12, you'd probably miss out on a lot, considering there have been twelve issues before this one, but you should be reading this book. It won an Eisner for goodness sake! Roger Langridge is an excellent storyteller, and unsurprisingly, Snarked! has been an excellent story. I can't wait to see how it ends.

Written by Mike Carey
Art by Peter Gross
“What Fell Between.” Let’s take a step back here and find out exactly how Tom and Richie – not to mention the world – got into the mess they’re in right now. The tumultuous events of the missing year, complete with ghosts, vampires and a surprise visit from Madame Rausch, are finally revealed...
Grant: Speaking of excellent stories, The Unwritten continues to be one of the best written books around. And with Scalped over and done with, I think I can say without too much worry that The Unwritten is the best ongoing series from Vertigo right now. While that does partly speak to the dearth of Vertigo books, I would prefer to focus on just how good The Unwritten is. Mike Carey and Peter Gross have been telling terrific stories in this series for years, and with this issue taking a closer look at how the world has fallen to pieces, I'm real excited to see what's happening to Tom Taylor and company.

Written by Various
Art by Various
Womanthology: Space, the follow up to the hit Kickstarter project, Womanthology: Heroic, starts off with the first of five out-of-this-world issues: Moon. Each issue contains three 6-page stories, plus pinups, how-tos, and more, by women of all ages and experience. Check out a haunted space station, a snarky robot, and so much more in this debut issue.
Grant: I'm not entirely certain how I feel about Womanthology: Space. On the one hand, I feel like IDW is doing it's darndest to get some easy money by banking on the Womanthology brand, but on the other hand, it means we get more comics by talented female creators, which is always a good thing. Like any anthology, Womanthology: Heroic had good stories and less good stories, and I expect much the same to shake out of the new Space book. I do like the uniting theme they're going with, so I'll be ready to sit back and enjoy the ride come Wednesday.

Written by Brian Azzarello
Art by Cliff Chiang
• A facet of the past is revealed – and a foe is introduced!
• How did Wonder Woman become a star pupil of Ares?
Grant: Part of me always forgets that Batwoman and Wonder Woman release the same week, and that same part is always excited when I remember this fact. I can't think of any two female characters that are more important to DC, nor can I think of any two that are being better treated at the moment. I've been going about it for a year at this point, but it's hard to pinpoint a time where Diana has gotten as much love and care as she has from Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang since they came onto the title. It's still a significant departure for the character and one that few comics outside Wonder Woman have been able to grasp, but it's been so good in the actual title that I could care less if no one else understands how Diana should be written.
I couldn't even begin to tell you what I'm most excited for on this list. Week three of the month clearly continues to be my favourite, delivering all kinds of quality comics. What are you looking forward to here? Hit the comments to share!
Before the new 52 I would have never picked up a wonder woman issue but now , man! Azzarello and Chiang are doing such a great job at creating one of the most amazing and interesting comics in the DC 52
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