Monday, August 20, 2012

Moment of the Day: When Mutants Lose Their Powers

Uncanny X-Men #379, by Alan Davis and Tom Raney

Back before House of M, the High Evolutionary took away all mutations on earth, leading to bad things for some, good things for others. Blob lost his powers again in House of M, and if the x-gene is restored in the coming months we might see a reverse of that third panel.

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Anonymous said...

Read any X-Force lately? The Blob was on Daken's team that killed Fantomex a couple months ago. Not sure how his body got back to a blobby state, but it was pretty disgusting, especially when he talked about using his anal fistulas. (

Anonymous said...

The Blob in Uncanny X-Force is actually The Blob from the Age of Apocalypse universe. So there is the depowered 616-universe Blob running around somewhere.

Médard said...

The x-gene was already restored at the end of Avengers: Childrens Crusade. Well, at least mutants could get to Scarlet Witch if they wanted their powers back, so not everyone mutant has gotten their powers back, yet.

googum said...

I really liked that High Evolutionary three-parter; but man, it's weird when Angel's wing and Nightcrawler's tail just fall off or disappear. And yet Storm always acts like losing her powers is the most brutal trauma ever...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the correction.

Wow... it feels like I need a guide to the multiverse to understand Rick Remender's stories. I kinda like his stuff, but he seems overly reliant on dimension-hopping storylines. Solicitations for Captain America #1 also point to an alternate timeline. I'm not sure I'm looking forward to more of the same shtick.

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