Sunday, August 5, 2012

Cover of the Week - Spawn and Hawkeye

Without further ado, here are your winners for our coveted Cover of the Week prize!  On the other side of the gap, some scionic mimicry and an Amethyst Archer anticipate your arrival, so don't keep them waiting for too long!

Ken's Cover of the Week - Spawn #222 by Todd McFarlane

Ken: It's a cover that wins purely on nostalgia, copying the classic Amazing Spider-Man #316 cover of Venom standing victorious of Spider-Man. It's pretty much an exact copy/homage, and the same font is even used for the title (the W looks odd but it isn't the M only upside down). I don't know anything about Spawn in its current form but the cover makes me want to check the book out. 

Grant's Cover of the Week - Hawkeye #1 by David Aja and Matt Hollingsworth

Grant: David Aja and Matt Hollingsworth should be applauded for their work on this cover.  The minimalist aesthetic they use here is gorgeous, and while I'm not sure an arrow would fly that straight out of that angle, I like it nonetheless.  I'm also a really big fan of that eye-catching logo they've come up with for the Hawkeye book.  It's nothing fancy, but it does a nice job of using the arrow motif of the character in a subtle way.

Runner-Ups:  G.I. Combat #4, Mind the Gap #3 variant, Sweet Tooth #36

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Steve said...

Aja's covers for Hawkeye have been awesome. The dude has a great design sense.

matthew. said...

"Venom standing victorious of Spider-Man" is hopefully a typo. Hopefully you meant to say "over" instead of "of". Because otherwise, that sentence just doesn't make sense!

Ryan said...

The Hawkeye cover is simply the best. I really miss Iron Fist.

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