Sunday, July 15, 2012

Comic-Con News Round Up - Day 3

Jumping jahosaphats!  After a somewhat lackluster Friday, San Diego Comic-Con really came out swinging on Saturday!  Not only were there announcements from pretty much everyone and their dog, but a lot of them were quite exciting and notable.  But don't take my word for it, hit the jump to get a look at some of the cream of the crop of announcements for Saturday!

Quentin Tarantino's Django Coming to Comics!

In perhaps one of the least expected things of this year's Con, Quentin Tarantion interrupted the Before Watchmen panel (which seemed pretty frivolous, all things considered) to announce that a comic book adaptation of his upcoming film, Django Unchained, would be published by DC this November.

Details are a little sketchy at this juncture, as there was no creative team announced for the book, but it was said to be five issues length, all of which will release on the same date physically and digitally.  From the sounds of it, while the comic will follow the plot of the film, it could include things that won't make it to the final cut.  Again, there isn't a whole lot known about this at the moment, but it sounds pretty darned cool.  I know I'll be looking forward to more information on this in the coming weeks.

Batman: Earth One Is Only the Beginning

Geoff Johns revealed during the All Access OGN panel that he and Gary Frank were working on volume two of their Batman graphic novel.  There wasn't much in the way of details, but as Bleeding Cool reports, the book will "show Bruce becoming a detective featuring the Riddler".  Ignoring how that doesn't actually make sense grammatically, there are worse things to focus a story on.

Man of Steel Poster

DC also saw fit to reveal a new Man of Steel poster to the world.  It looks like this:

There didn't seem to be much more to it than that, but I thought you might want to know.

Marvel Has No Time for Comics When There's So Many Movies To Talk About

So Marvel didn't really bother talking all that much about their actual comics yesterday, but that's probably fair, because they were too busy telling everyone about all of the movies they're planning on releasing.  And believe you me, there's a lot of them.

The next Thor movie was officially titled as Thor: The Dark World and will be directed by Alan Taylor (who you may know from his work on the Game of Thrones show).  It is scheduled for a November 8, 2013 release.

The Captain America sequel also got its moment in the sun, receiving the title of Captain America: The Winter Soldier and a release date of April 4, 2014.  The Russo brothers are set to direct.

Edgar Wright was confirmed for Ant-Man, which while already kind of expected, is still exciting to have it be official in my estimation.  Nothing in the way of release date, so this one should be a ways off.

Finally, and perhaps most ridiculously, Marvel confirmed that Guardians of the Galaxy is happening as a movie and that it will be happening on August 1, 2014.  Featuring Drax, Groot, Starlord, Gamora, and Rocket Racoon, I'm still a bit flummoxed that they're doing this, but I also appreciate that they're looking to use some of their lesser-known products.  Both Comics Alliance and The Beat guess that this movie will likely have at least a cameo appearance, which makes a lot of sense to me.  It will be interesting to see where this goes and who, ultimately, gets attached to the project.

Interestingly, this all came up during Marvel's Iron Man 3 panel, which also confirmed Ben Kingsley as the Mandarin for the next film and showed off some clips as well.  If you're dying for more details on these things, Wired has a pretty good article summarizing a lot of the above as well as the Iron Man 3 footage that was shown.

Oh, And They've Also Got Video Games

Marvel also hosted a panel on their upcoming video game efforts.  There was a summary of what they've already done and some time dedicated to talking of the upcoming games, such as Marvel vs. Capcom downloadable game for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, their previously revealed Hit Monkey game, as well   as Marvel Heroes, their planned MMORPG.

It was about that time that Deadpool showed up to insult everyone and explain that he has his own video game on the way.  The preview video doesn't really give much away, although it looks to be something in the vein of Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry (although that's just a guess on my part).

Image Wins SDCC

While DC and Marvel had some neat stuff going on, for my money, Image had the most exciting announcement, as they revealed that they have something like a bajillion new comics coming out that all look amazing.

They announced:
  • Non-Humans by Whilce Portacio and Glen Brunswick
  • Nowhere Men by Image Publisher Eric Stephenson
  • Satellite Sam by Matt Fraction and Howard Chaykin that is described as "a murder mystery set in the world of children's television".
  • Pretty Deadly by Kelly Sue Deconnick and Emma Rios that looks to be a spaghetti western tale starring a scarred female assassin who will probably do some pretty badass stuff.
  • Multiple Warheads by Brandon Graham
  • Saviour by James Robinson and J. Bone, which will be "about an alien invasion of earth by shapeshifters, and a stoner's attempts to stop them".
  • Sex by Joe Casey and Piotr Kowalski
  • Lazarus by Greg Rucka and Michael Lark, a hard science fiction story that Rucka described as "The Godfather meets Children of Men".
  • Reign by Chris Roberson and Paul Mayberry
  • Oliver by Darick Robertson and Gary Whitta
  • Point of Impact by Jay Faerber
  • Great Pacific by Joe Harris
That's a bit of a wall of text, but that's seriously all of the books that Image announced yesterday.  And that's seriously insane.  Especially when you look at some of those creative teams.  I'm super pumped to have Kelly Sue DeConnick and Emma Rios back on a project together, but I will admit to being the most excited to have Greg Rucka and Michael Lark teaming up for Lazarus.  Even ignoring how cool Rucka's pitch sounds - and it sounds really cool - I'm thrilled to have these two extremely talented people working together again.  I'm not quite sure when, but when these books drop, my wallet will be getting a lot lighter.

I want it.

Invincible Teasing

At some point during the day, Robert Kirkman teased that issue #100 of Invincible will feature "The Death Of...", although who that character may be was left purposefully vague.  Perhaps some exciting news for Invincible fans.  Or perhaps distressing, depending on how you look at it.

Archie's Making Lots of New Friends

Dan Parent of Archie Comics reiterated the recent news that Archie will be hanging out with the cast of Glee, but also that Archie and the gang will be meeting up with Kiss once again for another zany adventure.  Called Archie vs. Kiss, it's unclear if it will be quite as confrontational as, say, Avengers vs. X-Men, but for those who are Archie or Kiss fans, it could be a good time.

Love and Rockets Coming to an Internet Near You!

Fantagraphics announced that it will be partnering with Comixology to bring the Hernandez brother's seminal Love & Rockets to the realm of digital comics.  This is being kicked off with the first four volumes of Love & Rockets: New Stories being available on Comixology as of immediately, and the upcoming #5 being releasing online at the same time as it will be in print.  From there, Fantagraphics will start to release other titles from their extensive catalogue over time.  While I must sheepishly admit to not having read much of anything of this long running series, this sounds like good news for everyone involved.

Whew!  That took far longer than I would have expected considering the first two days of the show!  Did I miss anything while compiling this enormous list?  There was a lot of exciting things going on yesterday, and I hope that you managed to make it all the way through these highlights.  What are you most excited for of these many, many revelations?

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Mewzard said...

Well, while I didn't keep up with a lot of the Con info, I did notice a few big things that got me excited:

For IDW, they announced that Kevin Eastman (Co-creator of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) would be plotting and drawing a 48 page Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Annual. In addition to that, a 4 issue miniseries called "Secret History of the Foot Clan".

Outside of Turtles news, Archie formerly announced/detailed a crossover between Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man coming in 2013 (starting with Mega Man 24, and going through Mega Man, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Sonic Universe; 12 issues over 4 months).

Just a few big things my inner nerd got excited over that I didn't notice in the roundups.

Mewzard said...

*Sorry, meant "In addition to that, a 4 issue miniseries called "Secret History of the Foot Clan" was announced." Didn't mean to imply Eastman was doing that. For that title, the art and story is by Mateus Santolouco, with Erik Burnham co-scripting.

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