Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sullivan’s Sluggers – Pre-Order To Support An Amazing Book

Sullivan’s Sluggers is a new 200 page graphic novel from Mark Andrew Smith (Gladstone’s School For World Conquerors) and James Stokoe (Orc Stain). It’s a warped baseball horror story that’s sure to make you laugh and sure to make you cringe. Rather than just let it drop onto the shelves naturally, Smith is building it up on Kickstarter to allow the fans to decide if they want it, and to personally support two great creators without the middle man eating up all the profits. This is going to be the next mammoth campaign (EDITOR'S NOTE: It reached its goal in 4 hours, and is still climbing high) so hit the jump to see why you will be guaranteed to want to hop on board.

Sullivan’s Sluggers
Written by Mark Andrew Smith
Art by James Stokoe
There are plenty of reasons to pledge your dollars to this campaign. Here are just a few.
  • Mark Andrew Smith is a great writer. With Gladstone’s alone under his belt, Smith has proven himself a creator who makes fun comics as comics should be.
  • James Stokoe does Orc Stain. I’m doubting much more actually needs to be said on this one.
  • The HC of this 200 page tome is only $30. I can’t see anyone crying foul on this pricing, it’s actually pretty fantastic. I see books with a more slender size and unknown creators (thus upping the gamble of the investment) do decent money so I’m assuming this one will be mammoth.
  • If you are a little light on cash this week then there’s a PDF version of the book for only $10. What a bargain! Oh, and you get that PDF with the $30 HC anyway. I love it when campaigns combine like that. I know I’ll want the HC on my shelf but I also dig having one on my iPad to show others or just enjoy in transit.
  • There are also shirts, which should be rad.
This book looks to be a hell of a lot of fun. It’s a genre mash up of two genres we never knew we wanted together, but now cannot live without. This HC is ONLY available through Kickstarter and thus only for a limited time.
Here is a full run down of the story from the Kickstarter page:
Long past their former glory, the minor league Sluggers get an invitation to play a baseball game in a cursed small town. After the 7th inning stretch, the sun goes down, and the dysfunctional teammates find themselves fighting for their lives against a town of flesh-eating monsters!
Now, it's up to coach Casey Sullivan to help his team escape from being the next dish in the town's terrifying feeding frenzy!
Eisner & Harvey Award-winning graphic novel author Mark Andrew Smith joins forces with Eisner nominated illustrator James Stokoe for a gripping roller coaster of a graphic novel, packed with shocks, gore, and screamingly outrageous humor, when America's Favorite Past Time becomes one team's ultimate nightmare!
Sullivan’s Sluggers is going to be the book everyone buys, and for a reason. Will you lend your money in for a great book? Go hit up the campaign now and choose your purchase. As you can see, it's already smashed its goal but the more we give then the more stuff we'll get from both these creators. I have no problem helping support them make comics easier because I want their comics so much.

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Anonymous said...

Orc Stain is the BOMB! Stokoe is a creative force of nature. I'm all over this.

Steve said...

I haven't been super thrilled with Orc Stain, but there's no denying that Stokoe's art is masterful. It's packed with personality and his attention to detail is astonishing. I haven't read anything by Smith, but the good buzz I've heard about Gladstone's coupled with Stokoe's art makes this a no-brainer. Plus, I'm always happy to support a project like this. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

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