Friday, February 10, 2012

Moment of the Day - Arrest That Woman

Amazing Spider-Man #380, by David Michelinie and Mark Bagley

Great, Spidey, you saved the day, but take those kids to child services, don't just leave them with a lady who was willing to drop them off a building seconds earlier.

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Anonymous said...

This is more of a badly written scene than a bad scene. There's a good moment to be had here, a decent scene of Spidey managing to save the day not with heroics but simply by virtue of being Spider-Man. Michelinie messes it up badly.

Anonymous said...

Scene is really out of context, since the lady (and most of New York) in question is under a wave of paranoia and psicosis triggered by Carnage's proximity to the villain Shriek... I remember "Maximum Carnage", a truly fun event back in the day.

Jeremy said...

David Michelinie's ASM run reminds me of Bendis' Avegers. The dialog is atrocious, and his storytelling is awful, but people kept buying it so he got to be on the book for close to a decade, with some fantastic artists.

Simon DelMonte said...

Didn't have to see the writer credit to know who did the script. Wow.

Anonymous said...

And just like real life, she walks with no charge.

Boothy said...

Those kids have really small heads.

Ken Boehm said...

Anonymous #2: in context or not, this scene isn't the same as the others we see in that issue, where the heroes stop looters from breaking into stores or stopping muggings on the street. What happens when the kids start crying again? She'll be back on the roof!

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