Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cover of the Week - X-Men Legacy, Wolverine and the X-Men & Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz

It's that time again, everyone! The Cover of the Week awards are being dolled out to this week's best looking comic wrappings, and as always, there are some mighty nice ones to choose from. So get your eyes ready, hit that jump, and prepare yourself for the visual feast that awaits!

Ryan's Cover of the Week - X-Men Legacy #262 by Mark Brooks

Ryan: There's nothing overtly splashy about this cover. It's a simple pin up, or is it? This isn't actually like most pin ups you see. For instance, it's just a girl - nice to see them get some spotlight. Secondly, it's Rogue and she's not unzipped to the kneecaps. This is a respectful and pretty powerful image. It's completely solid and it definitely stands out against the pack this week.

Ken's Cover of the Week - Wolverine and the X-Men #6 by Nick Bradshaw

Ken: This is a nice cover that establishes the idea of earthlings going to a galactic casino rather well. On top of those aliens being mighty unpleased in the background, You've got Quentin's "I want you" Sentinel shirt, while holding on to Logan's costume for dear life.

Grant's Cover of the Week - Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz #5 by Skottie Young

Grant: Skottie Young's art is one of my favourite things in comics.  His style is so full of energy and whimsy that I can't help but get excited when I see it.  I'm in the habit of picking up these Wizard of OZ adaptations in trade, which is a shame, because it means that I have to wait so long between helpings of Young's work, but at least there are these gorgeous covers to tide me over in the interim.

Runner-Ups:  Flash #6, Dark Horse Presents #9, American Vampire #24

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BetoGonza said...

That X-men cover is bad ass!

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