Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Post-Crisis Comic Book Previews for 01/18/12

Whoa, whoa, whoa!  I thought last week was when all the awesome books were coming out?  How is it that it's happening all over again?!  Batman #5Daredevil #8Wonder Woman #5, the list goes on!  I'd recommend checking out today's Post-Crisis Previews to see them all!  It seems unlikely that you'll regret it.

Written by Dan Slott
Art by Humberto Ramos

• A glimpse of the future leaves Spider-Man with 12 hours to figure out how to stop it from happening.

Grant: Dan Slott's first issue of Amazing Spider-Man of 2012 looks to be a good one.  I'm always a pretty big fan of time travel stories, and with Slott at the helm, I have faith that this will be a lot of fun.  I'm also glad to see that it looks like Humberto Ramos will be sticking around for a bit.  I wasn't a huge fan of his style at first, but I've really come to like it, and it is as much a part of Amazing Spider-Man for me as Dan Slott's writing.  Keep up the good work, gents!

Written by Scott Snyder
Art by Greg Capullo & Jonathan Glapion

Deep beneath Gotham City lies the Court of Owls’ deadliest trap – and Batman has fallen right into it! Can he escape, or will he perish in a maze of nightmare? Enter the labyrinth, Batman – if you dare!

Grant: I will freely admit to loving Scott Snyder.  Frankly, it sometimes seems like I'm doing that on a weekly basis.  Said adoration certainly applies to his work on Batman, which has been quite grand since the reboot.  Perhaps the most impressive part isn't how good it is, but that it manages to maintaing such quality while telling a Batman story that is completely different from the work Snyder did on Detective Comics last year.  My only qualm at this juncture is that I don't know if I'm entirely convinced at introducing a secret organization that has existed since before Bruce Wayne's lifetime that he has somehow never discovered until this very moment.  Sure, it makes for a good yarn, but it stretches one's credulity a little too far for my taste.

Written by Mark Waid
Art by Paolo Rivera

• Spider-Man and Daredevil team up – Part two!
• Picking up where ASM #677 left off, the next great love triangle of the Marvel Universe continues!

Grant: Um, so despite my enthusiasm for part one of this story, I haven't actually had time to read Amazing Spider-Man #677, so I'm just assuming that it was so good that it warranted the purchase of the conclusion.  Considering that Mark Waid, whose Daredevil run I've been thoroughly enjoying, is penning both portions, and Paolo Rivera is picking up the baton from Emma Rios, I feel pretty secure in that assumption.  I also feel pretty secure that, despite the repeated claims, Daredevil - Spider-Man - Black Cat is not going to be the next great love triangle of the Marvel Universe.

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Jim Lee & Scott Williams

Now, with the teenaged powerhouse Cyborg at their side, this group of individual heroes must somehow put their differences aside to face the terror of Darkseid!

Grant: Okay, I'll freely admit that I'm not quite sure why I keep buying this title.  It's far from awful, but it is moving at something that could readily be described as a snail's pace.  Four comics in, and all we've really gotten is [fourth world aliens] attacking stuff.  The entire team finally met each other last issue, although they didn't have much time to chat.  I'd also say that I'm not a big fan of the characterization of the various characters, but it feels like we haven't really had enough time with any of the characters to really make that judgement.  But if the action is slow and the characterization is lacking, what the heck is happening in this book?  At this point, it looks like I'll ride out of the first arc, but don't ask me to explain my reasoning.

Written by Nick Spencer
Art by Wes Craig & Walter Simonson

The team is rocked by the death of one of their own. They won’t have much time to mourn, though, as a face from the past thought long gone returns! Plus, NoMan is forced to answer for the sins of his past…

Grant: Oh, T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents, it sometimes feels like you're the only book by Nick Spencer that I like anymore.  That's obviously a bit of hyperbole, although it does feel like his rising star has been dulled a bit of late.  I'm sure that he'll be dropping some book in the near future that'll make this statement seem real foolish.  Either way, the fact remains that I really enjoy this book, and since it's coming out this week, I'll definitely be picking it up.  I'm still not 100% on Wes Craig's art, but at the rate I'm warming to it, I might be close by the time I flip to the last page of the issue.

Written by Rick Remender
Art by Lan Medina

• Pushed to his limits, Venom goes head to head with Jack O’Lantern!
• The Arch-foes fight through Vegas brings them face-to-Face – with Toxin?!
• Meanwhile, the Red Hulk closes in on public enemy number one – Venom!

Grant: Oh man, are we seriously getting a throw down between Venom and Jack O'Lantern?  Lord, I hope so.  I've really liked Jack since he showed up towards the start of this series, and I've just been waiting for these two to get another chance to have a proper brawl.  Showing my lack of knowledge, but didn't know who Toxin was before I Googled the name.  Along with that Carnage mini, it seems like Marvel is getting quite gungho on bringing their symbiote characters back to the fore.  Maybe that'll be cool?  If it was anyone but Rick Remender writing this issue, I wouldn't have much hope.  As it is, we'll see how this plays out.

Written by Brian Azzarello
Art by Tony Akins

Wonder Woman has returned home to London…but leaving Paradise Island doesn’t mean leaving the gods behind, as two of the most powerful deities of the pantheon have come to town – and neither of them is leaving without being crowned King of the gods! Featuring guest art by Tony Akins (JACK OF FABLES)!

Grant: This series continues to impress.  Seriously, I'm still finding it a little hard to believe that we suddenly have good Wonder Woman stories again.  It warms the cockles of my heart.  I'm a little disconcerted to see Cliff Chiang's name missing from this solicitation, but as long as Tony Akins can maintain the same tone that Brian Azzarello has been using since the beginning, I can deal with a fill-in artist for one issue, which is probably for the best, considering that I don't have much in the way of a choice.

So what do you think?  Are these very exciting books going to make a very exciting week?  I certainly think so!  Did you regret checking out these Previews?  I certainly hope not!  Share your thoughts down below!

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brandon said...

Light week: Uncanny X-Force, Chew, Planet of the Apes and Batman

FYI - Justice League #5 has slipped to February

Grant McLaughlin said...

True that. Forgot that was the case when I whipped up the list. Perhaps the extra time will give me even further pause...

Jon said...

Im excited for pretty much the same comics, give or take one. Having said that, my interest in Wonder Woman is starting to diminish, as after every issue I keep thinking "Did I just read a Sandman issue"?

CombatSpoon86 said...

Got a great wk. Batman, Daredevil,Tbolts, X-force, Venom, and Wonder Woman

Nathan Aaron said...

HOLD UP. Justice League is missing it's deadline? Hmm... interesting. Everyone knew it was only a matter of time.

Wonder Woman has two issues of fill- in art, to my knowledge, FYI. Everyone is loving this title, and it just isn't hitting home for me. I think it might be one of my drops (post the first arc), as well as Justice League.

brandon said...

Justice League #5 is on Diamond's prelim list for 2/1 but that list is not final.

David said...

I reviewed a bunch of these books here: http://www.adventuresinpoortaste.com/2012/01/18/comix-weekly-1182012/

Ryan K Lindsay said...

Batman #5 (and it is AMAZING)
Birds of Prey #5, SWIERCZYNSKI
Daredevil #8 - and I'm only picking up part one of this storyline this week too, so yay for the one-two punch
Legion of Monsters #4 - I think this is end of the mini, right?
UXF #20 - really intrigued to see where this book goes next
Venom #12 - still not won over with this, Remender makes me hold on...
Prophet #21 - to check the art
Dead Man's Run #1 - Pak lures me in
Planet of the Apes #10 - because it's tight
Wasteland #33 - great jumping on point and I already sampled the issue and for $1 you should too!

Damn, big week.

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