Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cover of the Week - Supernatural and Graveyard of Empires

With the New Year upon us, we at the Weekly Crisis figured it would be a good time to bring back another classic site feature, namely our Cover of the Week postings. If you've been missing these guys like a bad habit, then this is definitely for you. If not, we hope you enjoy it anyways. Hit the jump to see the first winners of 2012.

Grant's Cover of the Week - Supernatural #4 by 
Dustin Nguyen

Grant: I was just asking myself what Dustin Nguyen has been up to when I came across this cover in DC's January solicitations.  I don't know a thing about the Supernatural television series (which I suppose is why I didn't realize Nguyen has been doing all the covers for this book), but I do know that I'm always happy to see Nguyen's art.  And I'm definitely happy to see this one.  A+.

Ryan L.'s Cover of the Week - Graveyard of Empire #3 by Paul Azaceta

Ryan L.: Such a simple cover and yet it'll pop off the stands. I like the almost propaganda feel to this, like it's some Sino-Japanese War art. Not to mention, this series categorically can't be given enough praise. It's awesome and if you haven't checked it out thus far then you definitely should. A war zombie book with smarts and heart. Golden.

Runner-Ups:  X-Men #23, Fatale #1, Punisher #7

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Steve said...

It's great to see this feature return, and those are both great covers.

Ryan K Lindsay said...

Here's hoping we can keep it coming. Realised we'd been a bit slack, and there are always good covers to enjoy so here we go.

Anonymous said...

Missed this feature. Glad to see it back.

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