Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cover of the Week - Batwoman and Carnage U.S.A.

Hot on the heels of this week's reviews, we're coming at you with our picks for the purtiest Covers of the Week that graced stands during the last demi-fortnight.  What will you find behind the jump?  A batty good time that could wreck some havoc on the good ol' US of A!

Grant and Ryan's Cover of the Week - Batwoman #5 by J.H. Williams III

Grant: We've already established that J.H. Williams III is one hell of a comic book artist, but it's well worth remembering that his covers are just as good.  This is a perfect example of that, with Williams laying down some beautiful imagery that skillfully combines so many of the elements of the current storyline.

Ryan: In a sea of DCnU covers that just make my eyes glaze over as it tryptophan had been injected into them, this stands out and above and beyond the rest. This cover is pretty damn gorgeous upon first glance and only gets better the longer you look at it. That's how you do a good cover.

Ken's Cover of the Week - Carnage U.S.A. #2 by Clayton Crain

Ken: A nice play on the old Uncle Same poster, as the cover isn't really over the top in showing Carnage act like Carnage. I would have expected more blood or something. Another nice touch is that credits list Wells, Crain, and you the reader, which is a way to have fun with the standard corner information.

Runner-Ups:  Scarlet Spider #1, Scalped #55, Lobster Johnson: The Burning Hand #1

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Scott said...

The Batwoman #5 cover is incredible!! I just studied it for a while. It's true, there are so many cool details to see in the picture. You need to take a long look at it!!

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