Sunday, January 22, 2012

Cover of the Week - Amazing Spider-Man, Chew & Wonder Woman

Reviews are running a little late this week.  On the plus side, we have a healthy helping of the Covers of the Week to tide you over in the interim.  So hit the jump to take a gander at what we felt were the best looking books this past week!

Ryan's Covers of the Week - Amazing Spider-Man #678 by Mike Del Mundo

Ryan: Hmm, saw this cover in previews and really dug it. Got this strange rainsoaked and depressed vibe. Well laid out and certainly draws you into wanting to know the story. Tight, in a very modern way.

But...then I saw the alternative cover and it also blew me away - in a very old school way.

Which one is actually the best...I don't know, you decide...

Ken's Cover of the Week - Chew #23 by Rob Guillory

Ken: Great use of putting the name of the story arc together with the book's name, along with making you remember the Big League Chew bubblegum (grape flavor is the best). You add to it the cover's layout resembling an old school baseball card, and the nicknames for John Layman and Rob Guillory, it's a clever cover that stands out on the rack.

Grant's Cover of the Week - Wonder Woman #5 by Cliff Chiang

Grant: Definitely missed having Chiang on interiors for this week's issue, but he was kind enough to grace us with this gorgeous cover.  That monster that Diana is in the process of stabbing is crazy cool in my estimation, but I particularly like Diana's expression.  She doesn't look eager to use that trident; in fact, I would say that she looks more resigned than anything.  To me, that small detail speaks volumes about her character, and I appreciate its inclusion.

Runner-Ups:  Uncanny X-Force #20, Daredevil #8, and Thunderbolts #169

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Anonymous said...

Great picks this week guys!

Anonymous said...

I liked Daredevil's cover because it looks just as good upside down as it does right side up. Almost like Joe Quesada's omnidirectional cover from Ash all those years ago!

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