Thursday, November 24, 2011

Support “Beginnings: A Comics Anthology”

Comics is such a diverse scene and its fans have consistently proven themselves to be amazing. To this end, I present a new comic venture that is crowd sourcing its funding to see print. Beginnings: A Comics Anthology is a book full of Australian talent looking to publish in 2012 and I will admit that I number amongst the creative team.

If you are looking for a very cool indie comic to support, or you are interested in my writing in the slightest, then check out Beginnings: A Comics Anthology. You won’t believe the high talent perks we’ve got lined up for those who get in quick. If you're a comic fan, or aspiring comic creator, then you need to see what we've got to offer.

What Is Beginnings?

This anthology of comic shorts was the brainchild of the Canberra Comic Meet Up. We get together once a month at the Wig & Pen (local pub) to chat books, art, draw, drink, and just generally feel the vibe. We decided, what with all the talent around the table, we had to do something with it all and so the concept of an anthology was born.

Over the months, we discussed it further, put a business model into place, asked for Expressions of Interest (and received many), and found ourselves with an anthology to handle. The work is looking really good, it’s a diverse range of genres and styles, and it’s also family friendly though not aimed at kids. The book will be about 100 pages, coloured art, nice paper, and a bound paperback book.

How To Help & What You Get

We are crowd sourcing our funding through the IndieGoGo website. When you commit your money to the project there are certain perks you can claim.

You can support us at Beginnings: A Comics Anthology

Here’s what we have, so far:

$5 – The Badges - this gets you 2 badges. We have these sweet locally drawn badges to buy which you can put on your shirt, shoes, bags, whatevers. Great art, great promotion.

$10 – All The Badges - gets you 4 of the badges. Sweet. Or you can choose to have your Twitter avatar drawn by one of our artists instead.

$20 – The Book, Pre-Order - this is the most important one, it’s the pre-order for the book. Hand numbered, mailed to you, how good is $20 for 100 pages of high quality content on very good paper? Get into it.

$35 – Artist's Edition - this is a pre-order of the book with an artist sketch on the inside. For the same amount, you can also choose a pre-order on the book and a print of some art from the book.

$50 – Sponsor Page – we’ll put a logo and link to your company/product on the anthology sponsor page.

$75 – Justin Greenwood Sketch – the artist for Oni’s Wasteland and Resurrection will do a commission sketch for a character of your choice. EDIT: This one sold in the first few hours.

$100 – Art Critique by Steven Sanders – the artist for Marvel’s S.W.O.R.D. and Generation Hope, not to mention Five Fists of Science, will look over your art portfolio and critique it. A great opportunity for budding artists.

$100 – Script Analysis by Kurtis J Wiebe – the writer for Image’s Green Wake and The Intrepids will look over 10 pages of your comic script and give it a critique. What better way to improve your writing.

$150 – Script Analysis by Justin Jordan – the writer for Image’s The Strange Talent of Luther Strode will look over a full 22 page comic script for you and critique it. Another wonderful opportunity for someone looking to break into comics and needing a little professional guidance.

These perks are just the start. We are only allowed to list a few at a time and so as one sells we’ll sub in the next one. And boy do we have plenty of good perks to sub in. You’ll really like the opportunities made available to you.

Our Aim

We are looking for $2000. That’s all.

Even better, we're not even one day into the campaign and we have $640, so we're over 25% funded which is amazing.

We want to print our book, fill pre-orders, get to a few local cons, and get our stories out of there. There won’t be any profit made, or page rates fulfilled, every cent will go back into this project.

If you can spare some money, that’s awesome. We really hope people love the book, and for those lucky few that take advantage of those exceptional perks we salute you. Make every moment of them.

If you can spread our story, and our link, we are most appreciative. The more people get into this the better. I’d love to see our book reach every continent on the globe.


Beginnings: A Comics Anthology is a project I’m certainly committed to and I hope some of you give it a chance. If you have any interest in my writing then you must check it out but if you just want to support a good local product then get your hands dirty. Link us up, drop some cash, and enjoy a nice book in the end with some very awesome pages in there.

What other ways do you think we could help Beginnings? Let us know in the comments.

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