Do yourself a favor and find out why there's so much love for this series. Don't want to start 'in the middle?' Shut up, you can start with any volume. Hell, you can start with this issue, watch: last issue Robo tried to rescue some astronauts. This issue it all goes horribly wrong - Bam! Now you're caught up!
Grant: The above solicitation says pretty much everything I'd want to. Let's move on, shall we?
Bruce Wayne is back in the cowl, hunting a new and deadly killer in Gotham City – a killer with a vendetta against Bruce Wayne! But who is this mysterious killer in an owl skull mask? And is he the key to unlocking one of Gotham’s oldest and most terrifying secrets? Be there for their first brutal encounter!
Grant: The first issue was probably the best comic from the entire New 52 relaunch last month. Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo told a solid issue of Batman that promises a lot of excitement in the issues to come. I certainly cannot wait to see what they do next.
Jaime Reyes was trying to save his best friend when an alien weapon attached itself to his spine. Now, if he wants to live to see tomorrow, Jaime must defeat a team of Super-Villains who want the weapon for more nefarious purposes.
Grant: A month removed from Blue Beetle's opening issue, and I'm not sure if I'm nearly as interested as I was when I first read it. Sure, it was a pretty decent retelling of Jaime Reyes' origins as the Blue Beetle, but the fact remains that I have seen this before in hands far more capable than those of Tony Bedard. It also doesn't help that there are so many other DC books that I'm way more into. I'll give this one or two more issues, but as it stands and as much as it hurts me to say it, it doesn't look like I'll be with this title for the long run.
Carnage! Destruction! Revenge! Tokyo burns at the hands of the unstoppable villain, Takahashi. But don't count out Detective Sato, who has a scheme so crazy it just might work... if he can get past a gaggle of giant monsters, that is! Things don't wrap up any bigger than in this unforgettable conclusion!
Grant: Kind of like Blue Beetle, I've cooled a lot on this title as the mini-series has progressed. This book started off with a pretty big bang, but it has been slowly losing momentum in each successive issue. However, as I'm really only recognizing this problem with one issue to go, I will bite the bullet and pick this up in the hopes that the title can reclaim that je ne sais quoi that first grabbed me back in issue #1.
The comic-book adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs' tale continues! See John Carter meet the beautiful but deadly Princess Dejah Thoris! Watch him make a dangerous enemy! And discover the fate of those who dare to cross the Martians, when Carter takes the life of a Thark warrior! The world of Barsoom continues to unfold in this brand new interpretation of a great classic.
Grant: Also a little hesitant on this book. As much as I love Roger Langridge, I'm not really feeling Edgar Rice Burroughs' original work, which kind of puts a damper on the whole affair. While just a few weeks back I would be more than willing to give something like this a chance without question, I'm finding that such faith in books has been burning me more often than not. This could come down to an in-store decision.
What happens when the World’s Greatest Detective takes on the world’s most powerful alien? You’ll find out when Batman and Superman throw down. Batman will need all his intellect, cunning and physical prowess to take on The Man of Steel.
Grant: Okay, this is getting kind of depressing. When I read Justice League #1, I figured that I'd be on board for issue #2 without question, but that was seven weeks ago. In that time I've not only read 51 other comics from DC, I've read some of the follow-up issues in the (surprisingly few) cases where I actually liked the books. At this juncture, I'm not quite so eager to drop 4 bucks on this title. We'll see.
From New Yorker cartoonist Roz Chast's "There Was a Crooked Man" to Bad Kitty author Nick Bruel's "Three Little Kittens" to First Second's own Gene Yang's "Pata-Cake," this collection will put a grin on your face and keep it there. Each rhyme is one to three pages long, and simply paneled and lettered to ensure that the experience is completely accessible for the youngest of readers.
Grant: A further example of my penchant for anthology books. I don't really know anything about this guy except for the fact that it contains comics, nursery rhymes, and some creators I'm familiar with, but that should be enough to get me on board. While I don't expect every single story to be a homerun, I imagine that, on the whole, this collection will be worth my while.
Hera, Queen of the Gods, does not take her vengeance lightly – and if Wonder Woman is so foolish as to stand in the way of her whim, then Wonder Woman is her enemy. But it’s Hera’s daughter Diana should truly fear – the goddess of discord is coming to Paradise Island, and murder always follows in her wake!
Grant: Now here's a title I can't wait for! I had high hopes that Azzarello and Chiang could put together a Wonder Woman book that was actually good, and I think that Wonder Woman #1 showed that they were up to the task. While they've already announced that Diana's origin has changed once again, I think that it's all for the good. Wonder Woman is a great character, and with this new creative team, it looks like we'll finally be getting some stories that are worthy of her.
So apart from a few surefire titles, this week is a big ol' question mark on my end. Will those questionable titles in the middle of this post end up being good? We'll know in one day's time! What about you fine folks at home? Are you able to muster up a bit more excitement than myself? Or are you also finding it harder than expected to pump yourself up for what's to come? Hit up the comments to give your thoughts on the matter!
I re-read the Godzilla mini's previous issues and it seems to flow better in one sitting. I'm in for the ending.
Also picking up Batman, Robo, Gi Joe (the Hama series), Boys and Wolverine.
Checking out Key of Z, Xenoloics Green Lantern Corps and Catwoman.
Solid week.
I've got the last issue of Uncanny X-men b4 the renumbering. Got Batman, Wonder Womman, Journey Into Mystery.
Ugh and the last issue of Fear Itself. Thank god it's over
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