Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Moment of the Day - Running From The Sun

Superman/Batman #55, by Michael Green, Mike Johnson, and Rags Morales

What does Batman do when he has Superman's powers? He hunts in the night, worldwide. Sure, this leads to him punching a hole in Bane and nearly beating Nightwing to death, but omelets and eggs, etc.

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Peter F DiSilvio said...

This is one of the moments that will make me miss Superman/Batman. That was a great story

googum said...

But...if Bruce stays on the night side, wouldn't he be getting weaker and weaker from lack of sunlight? Not right away, of course, but it would probably annoy the heck out of him to have to be seen in the daytime.

Ken Boehm said...

Googum: This is actually a point brought up in the story itself. And Batman does the simplest thing to fix it.

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