There's something for everyone in this week's Post-Crisis Previews! While we have ourselves an incredibly DC-heavy week, due to that pesky relaunch, you'll also find some thoughts on a number of Marvel comics (including Punisher and some Spider-Island tie-ins), some Image books, and even one from IDW Publishing! There's lots to read after the jump, so get clicking!
ACTION COMICS #1Written by Grant Morrison
Art by Rags Morales & Rick Bryant
The one and only Grant Morrison (ALL-STAR SUPERMAN) returns to Superman, joined by sensational artist Rags Morales (IDENTITY CRISIS), to bring you tales of The Man of Steel unlike any you’ve ever read! This extra-sized debut issue is the cornerstone of the entire DC Universe!
Grant: To be honest, I wasn't blown away when I heard that Grant Morrison was coming to Action Comics. It seemed to me that he had said everything he needed to about the Man of Steel when he did All-Star Superman. However, thinking on it a little more, and hearing Morrison's excitement for the series in a few interviews, I've definitely come around to the idea. I imagine Superman will be returning to his former prominence with Morrsion penning him on a monthly basis.
Written by Jeff Lemire
Art by Travel Foreman & Dan Green
Buddy Baker has gone from “super” man to family man – but is he strong enough to hold his family together when Maxine, his young daughter, starts to manifest her own dangerous powers? Find out in this dramatic new series from writer Jeff Lemire (SWEET TOOTH) and artist Travel Foreman (The Immortal Iron Fist).
Grant: I love Jeff Lemire. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Essex County was phenomenal. Sweet Tooth is fantastic. Frankenstein and the Creatures of the Unknown wasn't quite on that same level, but I won't hold that against him. I've never been particularly fond of Animal Man, but with Lemire at the helm, I'm more than willing to give this one a look.
Written by Brian Clevinger
Art by Scott Wegner
There are two kinds of people. Those who love Atomic Robo and those who haven’t read it yet. What’s that? You don’t want to start on the sixth volume? Well, GOOD NEWS! Every volume is stand alone. BOOM. You can start with this one and know what’s going on from page one. KA-BOOM. Then go back and read the other volumes in any order. THWACKA-BOOM. Oh, a plot? Okay, fine. Astronauts are stranded in a deteriorating orbit, and it’s up to Atomic Robo to save them in a race against the laws of physics!
Grant: This solicit says it all. Atomic Robo the best comic being published right now by any company out there. Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegner have really hit on something special, because every single issue of this series is an absolute gem. And it's true that every volume is stand alone, so if, or some crazy reason, you haven't been reading this book, you should pick up this week's issue, the first one of the sixty volume. You won't be disappointed.
Written by Gail Simone
Art by Adrian Syaf & Vicente Cifuentes
Yes, it’s really happening!
Barbara Gordon is back as Batgirl – and she’s going to have to face the city’s most horrifying new villains as well as the dark secrets from her past. You won’t want to miss this stunning debut issue from fan-favorite BIRDS OF PREY writer Gail Simone!
Grant: I'm a firm supporter of Bryan Q. Miller's excellent run on Batgirl starring Stephanie Brown. Unfortunately, that book (like a number of other cherished DC titles) is gone. I will miss it like an absent friend, but we do get this version of Batgirl as a pretty decent consolation prize. I must admit to being a big fan of Gail Simone, and it's clear that she cares deeply about Barbara Gordon. I don't really know if it was necessary to take Babs out of her wheelchair, but I'll give the title a chance.
Written by Judd Winick
Art by Ben Oliver
Africa, a land of beauty – and of great horror. A land of creation and conflict. It is in desperate need of a defender, and from the ranks of Batman Incorporated comes a soldier to carry on the legacy of The Dark Knight in the most tumultuous region on Earth. Meet Batwing, the Batman of Africa!
Grant: As I said in the roundtable for 52 Pick Up, I think this could be one of the breakout hits of the new 52. Judd Winick absolutely killed it over the past year with Justice League: Generation Lost, and if he can bring some of that energy to Batwing, this book could surprise a lot of people. At the same time, it has the potential to fall really flat. I'm eager to see how it turns out.
Written by Tony S. Daniel
Art by Tony S. Daniel & Ryan Winn
DC’s flagship title is relaunched for the first time ever, with new Batman adventures from acclaimed writer/ artist Tony S. Daniel!
A killer called The Gotham Ripper is on the loose on Batman’s home turf – leading The Dark Knight on a deadly game of cat and mouse.
Grant: I really don't get why Tony Daniel keeps getting writing gigs. He just isn't that good in my opinion. I thought it was a shame when he was writing the main Batman title, but moving him to Detective Comics isn't much of a promotion. The biggest shame is that he is a good artist, but his drawings often suffer when he is on writing duties. I am admittedly going into this with low expectations, so maybe he can surprise me? I won't count on it.
Written by John Layman
Art by Alberto Ponticelli
With the help of Mothra, Detective Sato thought he had the Takahashi crime syndicate on the ropes... but Takahashi isn't going down without a fight! Sato is once again helpless as the Elias are kidnapped and Mothra is no longer in his control. Never one to give up, Sato decides to just think bigger. But what's bigger than Mothra? The chaos nears its conclusion!
Grant: I've been having a ball with John Layman's romp through the Godzilla universe. Having a dedicated cop get control of Mothra to wreck havoc on the criminal element of Tokyo was already cool enough, but now the mobsters are retaliating and it looks like Godzilla is coming to get in on the fun. This title is walking the line between the serious and the absurd, and I'm enjoying every minute of it.
Written by J.T. KrulArt by Dan Jurgens & Norm Rapmund
Green Arrow is on the hunt. Driven by inner demons, Ollie Queen travels the world and brings outlaws to justice…by breaking every law.
Now, armed with cutting-edge weaponry and illegally gained intel (courtesy of his team at QCore), Green Arrow is shooting first and asking questions later.
Grant: I feel the same way about J.T. Krul that I do about Tony Daniel. I've just never really enjoyed of his that I've read. It seemed like he was turning a corner with the Deadman and the Flying Graysons Flashpoint tie-in, but after the first issue, that series was just as questionable as most everything else he's done. I wasn't sold on the first few issues of his first try with Green Arrow; maybe he can do better the second time around.
Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Rob Liefeld
Hank Hall is not happy. He’s not happy to have Dawn Granger as a new partner in his war on crime. He’s not happy that she’s dating the ghostly Super Hero, Deadman. He’s not happy to learn that someone is trying to plunge the United States into a new civil war! Now it’s up to Hawk and Dove to root out the forces behind this conflict and stop them before they turn the U.S. into a wasteland!
Grant: I don't know how I feel about this book. On the one hand, I really enjoyed Sterling Gates' run on Supergril and am happy to see him back on another title for DC. I also thought that the Dove / Deadman love interest was one of the few worthwhile parts of Brightest Day. But on the other hand, I, like many, am not a big fan of Rob Liefeld's art. It just doesn't do anything for me. I often tell people that I read comics for the words and less so for the pictures, but there's a limit. We'll see if the Gates factor can outweigh Liefeld's presence.
Written by Dan Jurgens
Art by Aaron Lopresti & Matt Ryan
With the growing presence of super beings around the world, the United Nations resolves to create a new group called Justice League International.Batman, Booster Gold, Green Lantern Guy Gardner, August General in Iron, Fire, Ice, Vixen and Rocket Red are charged with promoting unity and trust – but can they reach that goal without killing each other first?
Grant: I feel in love all over again with the characters of Justice League International during Winick's run on Generation Lost. While the line-up has been moved closer to the original JLI run, I'm still interested to see how this group operates - especially when Batman is also on the regular Justice League? Part of me wishes it was Winick writing this one instead of Jurgens, but I'm willing to take a chance to see how it goes.
Written by Ivan Brandon
On the ground and on the front lines, a young, headstrong soldier known as Joe Rock assumes command of Easy Company – a team of ex-military men turned contractors. Will they survive the battle-scarred landscape carved by the DCU’s Super-Villains? Find out in this explosive new series from Ivan Brandon (Viking, DOC SAVAGE) and Tom Derenick (JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA)!
Grant: I'm on the fence about this concept. The tradionalist in me prefers Sgt. Rock and Easy Company to be place squarely in the midst of World War Two, but I also recognize that that conceit doesn't really work outside of stand alone graphic novels like Brian Azzarello and Joe Kubert's Sgt. Rock: Between Hell & a Hard Place. I do, however, think it will be interesting to read a war book that takes the presence of superheroes into account. We'll see how it plays out.
Written by Nick Spencer
With a slew of unexpected deaths rocking the very foundations of the academy, the faculty are on high alert – and suspicions arise among the Glories as they learn there may be a killer in their midst. The stage is set for the action-packed third arc right here!
Grant: Nick Spencer and Joe Eisma have been creating one of the most interesting comics over these past dozen issues. The duo have been continually dropping hints about what this series and its eponymous academy are all about, but even now, it's still mostly a mystery. And even though I still don't completely understand what's going on, I'm loving every minute of it. The character work, tension building, and art happening in this comic is among the best in the industry right now. I'm always happy to have more Morning Glories in my life, and I imagine this issue will be no exception.
Written by G. Willow Wilson
Art by David Lòpez
"Celestial Revolutions"
Giselle learns the hard way that the palace can be just as dangerous as the streets in this exciting second installment of the relaunched Crossgen classic. Facing upheaval in the heavens as Verne's moons continue to drift apart, and unrest in the city as revolution brews, Giselle must find her place among Master Alexander's new apprentices--and stay ahead of the lovely Felice's vicious plots. Meanwhile, Genevieve finds herself the unwitting new protege of a charismatic revolutionary...and her destiny takes an unexpected turn.
Grant: The first issue of this 4-issue limited series was wonderful. It quickly established our two plucky heroines, the magical, steampunky world they live in, and their hopes and dreams. Those hopes got a little bit mixed up at the end of the first act, and I'm excited to see where things go from there. If you're at all a fan of quality storytelling, imaginative narratives, and comics written for all ages, you owe it to yourselves to give this one a gander.
Written by Dan Didio & Keith Giffen
Art by Keith Giffen & Scott Koblish
The all-seeing Brother Eye satellite has unleashed a new beast upon the DC Universe in this smashing new series! Kevin Kho has become an unwilling participant in a war between Checkmate and Brother Eye as he is transformed into the One Machine Army Corp known only as O.M.A.C.!
Grant: I know that Geoff Johns and Jim Lee are working together on Justice League, but I still think it's kind of weird that Dan Dido, one of the other head honchos at DC, gets a title of his own to work on. Especially because I don't know how much demand there is for this book in particular. Or for that matter, for Dan Didio to be writing. That being said, I skimmed through the preview for O.M.A.C., and it looked kind of interesting. So maybe my scepticism is wholly unnecessary. I kind of doubt it, but you never know.
Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Marco Checchetto
Award winning novelist GREG RUCKA continues his violent and visionary return to Marvel. Even 10,000 feet above New York, no one escapes the Punisher. As Frank trails the criminal underbelly of the city, he encounters the deadly, mob created villain: THE VULTURE for a brutal battle against death and gravity. Meanwhile as NYPD detectives get closer to understanding Frank Castle’s new relationship, one of New York’s finest is struggling keep his own Punisher association untraceable.
Grant: I wasn't exactly thrilled that the Vulture was brought in at the end of last issue - I was digging the more grounded, street-level Punisher Rucka and Checchetto had been dishing out. Regardless, the first two issues were far too strong for me to be turned off by that one choice. These two clearly know where they are taking their story, and if it keeps being so good, I want to be along for every moment.
Written by Christopher Yost
Art by Mike McKone
All of Manhattan has been transformed into an island of Spider-Men... and it's up to the Avengers to contain the chaos. But when a spider-powered Ultimatum attacks the United Nations, the Avengers are spread too thin... and must turn to the one man who can save them all: FROG-MAN. No, for real. We were just as surprised as you. PLUS! Squirrel Girl takes on the most unlikely foe of all!
Grant: Two words with a hyphen in the middle. Frog. Hyphen. Man. I won't even begin to claim I know what will be going down in this issue, but if Yost and McKone can channel some of the fun and craziness from Amazing Spider-Man, this one-shot should be amazing, man... spider. (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)
Written by Greg Rucka, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Joe Caramanga, & Skottie Young
Art by Max Fiumara
Start Webbing the News! It’s a swinging tribute to New York City as the Big Apple is overwhelmed by the threat of Spider-Island! The citizens of the Big Apple nay have gained Spider-Powers, but that doesn’t mean they have any of the responsibility! See the summer’s biggest Spidey-Event through the eyes of folks just like you as they deal with the new found hero inside them all. Plus award-winning writer Greg Rucka presents a very violent look at how the Punisher deals with a world where every criminal is now a super hero. (Here’s a hint: he doesn’t deal with it pleasantly.)
Grant: I'm a sucker for anthology books. Something about the chance of reading a bunch of different, shorter stories that all revolve around a single loose theme really appeals to me. Especially when those stories are being written by some of the top talent around right now. I also think it's super interesting that although there are multiple writers, they're keeping the same artist throughout all the stories. I have no idea what we'll find in this book, but I know it should be pretty good.
Written by Shane Houghton
Art by Chris Houghton
Reed and his trusty steed Sterling must fight their way through the wild, wild... East? The out-of-place cowboy searches New York City for the monster-creating Idol and his missing friends while being pursued by the President’s best monster-fighting government agent!
Grant: As my review for the last issue of this book said, I've really fallen for Reed Gunther. This book has a lot of heart, is really fun, and doesn't take itself too seriously. As you can see in that solicit, it also has a healthy share of puns, which can be pretty rockin'. This storyline, following the travels of a monster-creating idol, has been pretty great, and I imagine the Houghton brothers are going to have some fun with Reed and Sterling being in New York City.
Written by Scott McDaniel & John Rozum
Art by Scott McDaniel & Jonathan Glapion
The brilliant, slightly awkward high school student Virgil Hawkins transforms into the cocky electromagnetic hero Static! A mysterious tragedy forces the Hawkins family to relocate from Dakota to New York City! Virgil embarks upon new adventures in a new high school and a new internship at S.T.A.R. Labs! As Static, he dons a new uniform and establishes a new secret headquarters! But is he ready to take on the new villains who lurk in New York City’s underworld?
Grant: It has been far too long since DC has had any really good teen heroes running around its universe. While we're also getting Blue Beetle back (which I cannot wait for), I'm also really interested to see what the creative team can manage with Static Shock. I've admittedly never read anything involving the character, but I've heard nothing but good things. Looking forward to this one.
Written by Paul Cornell
They are Stormwatch, a dangerous super human police force whose existence is kept secret from the world Directly following the ominous events of SUPERMAN #1, Adam One leads half the Stormwatch team to recover the [INFORMATION REDACTED] from deep in the Himalayas. Meanwhile, Jack Hawksmoor and the rest of the Stormwatch crew look to recruit two of the deadliest super humans on the planet: Midnighter and Apollo! And if they say no? Perhaps the Martian Manhunter can change their minds...
Grant: I'll admit that it is not the best planning that this issue apparently continues the events of Superman #1, which if course has not come out yet, but that's okay, because in their first arc, the members of Stormwatch are GOING TO FIGHT THE MOON! If that doesn't sound like one of the best things ever, I don't know what to say to you, because it sounds super cool. They could do whatever they want in this first issue, as long as that moon fighting comes in the next few ones, I'll be happy.
SWAMP THING #1Written by Scott Snyder
Art by Yanick Paquette
One of the world’s most iconic characters has returned to the heart of the DC Universe, and every step he takes will shake the foundations of the Earth!
Alec Holland has his life back…but the Green has plans for it. A monstrous evil is rising in the desert, and it’ll take a monster of another kind to defend life as we know it!
Grant: I already buy all of Scott Snyder's books, so what's one more? Honestly though, he's more than proven his worth on American Vampire and Detective Comics. If DC liked his pitch for Swamp Thing, then I'm pretty sure I will, too. Besides, after the disaster that was Brightest Day, anyone else writing the character should be preferable.
Written by Jeff Lemire
Art by Jeff Lemire
Vertigo’s weird and wonderful antlered-epic reaches issue #25 as new revelations about Walter Fish and Project Evergreen push Jepperd over the edge. When his violent actions finally ostracize him from the rest of the group, he’s forced to leave The Dam. But Jepperd won’t go quietly – and he won’t go without Gus.
Grant: See my thoughts for Animal Man above. Seriously though, Sweet Tooth is one of the best Vertigo books out there right now. As much as I like Lemire's writing, it's leaps and bounds better when coupled with his art. I love this book to pieces and will buy it as long as Lemire keeps producing it. Additionally, we are coming to the end of an incredibly tense arc that has blown many of the previous ones out of the water. So there is that.
Phew! So that was kind of a lot of books to look through. I hope you were able to make it through the whole thing in one piece. We'll be taking a look at this round of DC books later in the week, but are there any that you are particularly excited for? Have you been won over by Spider-Island? Events aside, what books are you looking forward to? Let us know in the comments below!
I too always buy Scott Snyder books. What's one more indeed. He's the exception. Plus I own everything he has written and plotted so it's a must for my collection. Action, Animal Man, Punisher, Tbolts, Swamp Thing for me. On the fence on Batgirl, I'm really not interested in picking up this title in singles but my gut feeling says give first issue a shot.
I can't believe I'm getting three DC books this week. I wasn't planning on getting any, and then I decided to get Animal Man, which was always the one book I would get if I had to choose one, and then I found out Swamp Thing will be crossing over with it, so I'll get that too, and as for Stormwatch? It seems pretty cool.
Having Jurgens writing JLI bodes well for Booster Gold. He was doing a good job on the last version of Boosters title, setting up a lot of the Flashpoint stuff and rehabilitating the character's standing.
Dc has me beat down. I can't fight off Animal Man, Action, Batgirl and Stormwatch. I seem to be getting Swamp Thing on Snyder's rep alone.
Action Comics #1 - because i just have to know. I am a massive fan of Morrison's All Star Superman and while I think this will be different in many ways I hope the quality remains. I want more done in one style issues here.
Animal Man #1 - I like Lemire and am just up to Morrison's 4th issue on the book. Looks like it could be kooky funa dn I dig the horror vibe here.
Atomic Robo - it's supposed to be same day digital so i want to see the price there. Issues have previously been cheaper on ComiXology...
SWAMP THING #1 - Yes, just one big YES!
Casanova: Avaritia #1 - I actually got an advance copy and review it on CBR. Go on over and check it out on the front page. It's...still good...
I feel like I'm forgetting something...
Oh, Grant, those I Love New York tales are free on ComiXology, and they're all pretty awesome. Definitely worth buying I would say. They have a very tight anthology feel to them.
I also can't believe you're getting all these DCnU books. Can't wait to hear thoughts about hawk & Dove because many seem genuinely keen for it...which I think is cool.
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