Monday, August 8, 2011

The Process - Writer of Green Wake and The Intrepids Launches Podcast

Kurtis Wiebe, the writer of Green Wake and The Intrepids from Image Comics, has launched his own comic writing podcast, The Process. The bi-weekly show is dedicated to bringing the audience an inside look into his writing process. He is joined in his discussions by up-and-coming comic scribe, Jeremy Holt, and yours truly, Ryan K Lindsay. There have already been two episodes of The Process go live and the third should be available within the next week. It is hosted by the Image Addiction podcast – listen to them too, they’re awesome. Hit the jump to look at the schedule of the program.

If you haven’t caught up with The Process yet, here’s how you can:

Download The Process from the Image Addiction iTunes page, or subscribe through iTunes or your podcast catcher – if you subscribe you’ll see the new episodes before other people.

Stream The Process from the Image Addiction website:

Logo by Danial Carroll
Process Junkies

Kurtis Wiebe decided he wanted to put his process out there. Comic writing is an ethereal discipline, different for each writer, so Kurtis thought he’d share how he goes about the challenge. He thought a podcast would be a fun idea so he called upon two people he’s discussed writing with a lot over the past year and they put together a show. It’s just 3 guys, writers, shooting the breeze about what they’re doing right now and how they’re doing it. This is the format of the show:

Wow Factor

This section of the chat has each man bring to the table a stellar example of comic writing. It can be any comic we’ve read over the past month or so and doesn’t necessarily have to be something recently published, though we have tried to keep it relevant.

It’s nice to celebrate the successes out there because there is a lot of great writing to learn from if you keep your eyes open. So far we’ve mentioned Daredevil, The Last Mortal, and Blacksad, to name a few. If you want to write comics but aren’t reading them then you’re doing it wrong. We will hopefully point you in the right direction from time to time to get onto a good book.

Progress Report

Being writers, we all have various projects at different stages of completion. It’s nice to debrief about what we’ve spent the last fortnight doing and how we’re doing it. Kurtis is wrapping two arcs for Image, getting a new title set up for Image, and also making notes for his debut novel. Life is busy for him. I know I love hearing about the current projects of my favourite writers so it’s worth checking in just for his reports alone.

For Jeremy and I, we’re busy prepping pitches and liaising with nascent talent so hopefully we can show you what it’s like trying to get your ducks in a row before you’ve hit the big time of a fancy publisher. We want to be the example that shows you we can all do it.

Grill ‘Em!

Every good pod is interactive and this one is no different. Hit up the Facebook page for The Process, give it a Like, and ask a question about comic writing. You can also tag us in on Twitter (@kurtisjwiebe, @jeremy_holt, @ryanklindsay) and we’ll address the Q on the airwaves. We don’t pretend to have the answers but we’re happy to talk about whatever you want.

The Process

This is kind of the main event – we discuss one aspect of our writing process that works, or doesn’t. Every writer has their own ritual or modus operandi and we want to break these things down. We recently discussed music for writing and managed to workshop some really good band names and discuss how it affects our mood and words. We want to sound all fancy like we know the theory of what we’re saying but in truth we’re just discussing what works for us.

When you break down your act of writing, you’ll see there are lots of little elements that go into it. That’s what will be discussed and hopefully it’ll urge you to try new things and just get creative.

The Roundtable

Our battle is writing and our weapons are words but the field of valour is comics. We love comics and here we discuss one aspect of comics and just see the conversation flow from there. We’re not looking to solve the industry, just explain our knowledge of it and why we enjoy it.

So far, horror comics yielded a great conversation and so did the idea of letting the art carry the story. Who knows what we’ll focus on next…

Wrap It

It’s early days and already we’re all working to one up each other in the stakes of wrapping up the pod in the most inspiring and erudite manner. The gauntlet gets throw down and slapped across faces constantly and it’s a blast structuring the closing statements to mean something and be fun at the same time.

We hope with the show end that you’ll be left with little option but to open your writing document and get working on things.


That’s the show. If you dig comic writing and the process behind it then this will be up your alley. If you don’t come for me (and if you dig my writing here then you should definitely dig the pod), then you should come for Jeremy Holt as he’s very close to breaking in big time. Then there’s Kurtis Wiebe. He’s already the next big thing and if you want to break in, or just hear some tales out of school, then you have to get into The Process. It’ll steer you right every time.

Download The Process from the Image Addiction iTunes page, or subscribe through iTunes or your podcast catcher – if you subscribe you’ll see the new episodes before other people.

Stream The Process from the Image Addiction website:

Have you listened to The Process? What did you think? How can we improve it and what did you like?

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Anonymous said...

Huh I don't understand green wake , for every good review there are five reviews panning it

Ryan K Lindsay said...

@Anon - Yeah it can seem a bit hit or miss on some people. I absolutely love it. So do most reviewers I respect. I stick with it because it works for me.

Hope you still give the pod a run.

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